1. Information on your person
1.1 Age:……years
1.2 Sex: female male
1.3 Education
no high school graduation
junior high school
high school diploma
college degree
1.4 Marital status single married divorced widowed domestic partnership
number of children below the age of 15 ….
1.5 Religion Christian Muslim other none
2. Lifestyle
2.1 Do you keep a healthy diet? Regularly Once and again Not at all
2.2 Do you smoke? yes no
2.3 Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis? yes no
2.4 How many hours of sport do you do every week?
0–1 hours 2–4 hours more than 4 hours
2.5 Do you use psychological support? yes no
2.6 Do you attend a self-help group? yes no
3. To your opinion, what is the reason of your cancer disease? (several answers possible)
genetic disposition Toxins in the environment psychological stress smoking/alcohol
unhealthy nutrition
others (please specify): ……………………………………………………………………..
Please score which methods/substances you use and how satisfied you are using them / I am interested in this method / I currently take/use / I have taken/used before my cancer was diagnosed / Satisfaction(Please score accordingly)
- Vitamins (including vitamin C infusions)
- Selenium and other trace elements
- Supplements (including combinations from vitamins, trace elements and plant extracts)
- Mistletoe
- Enzymes
- Acupuncture
- Anthroposophical medicine
- Herbs
- Homeopathy
- Medical mushrooms
- Meditation
- Prayer
- Relaxation techniques
- Yoga / Tai Chi / Qi Gong
- Bioresonance therapy
- Hyperthermia
- Anthroposophical medicine
- Others: please list:
yes no I don’t know / yes no / yes no / Not at all [4] [3] [2] [1] very much
yes no I don’t know / yes no / yes no / Not at all [4] [3] [2] [1] very much
yes no I don’t know / yes no / yes no / Not at all [4] [3] [2] [1] very much
yes no I don’t know / yes no / yes no / Not at all [4] [3] [2] [1] very much
4. If you marked “yes” at least once in the list, please continue here. If you marked no all over the list please turn to question 4.5.
4.1. Since that complementary therapy, I feel: better worse the same as before
4.2. Did you inform your physician on using complementary therapies? yes no
4.3. Why are you interested in complementary therapy?
(several answers possible)
to strengthen the immune system to increase my strength and well-being
to detoxify as a cure against cancer
in order to be able to do something for myself
others (please specify): ………………………………………
4.4. From where do you get information on complementary therapies? (several answers possible)
physician pharmacist non-medical practitioner family/friends
internet journals/books tv/radio others: …………………………………
4.5 Please only answer in case you do not use complementary therapies: if you donot use complementary therapies, would you be interested in them? yes no
5. How do you rate the following phrases regarding the above mentioned therapies?
I prefer complementary therapy as I am afraid of the side effects of conventional methods
I fully agree I don’t agree I don’t know
I only trust in those treatments which have a scientific reasoning
I fully agree I don’t agree I don’t know
It is impressive to see that my physician or non-medical practitioner has success with treatments I do not understand.
I fully agree I don’t agree I don’t know
I have experienced the effectiveness of these therapies myself
I fully agree I don’t agree I don’t know
If I have undiagnosed health problems I prefer being treated by naturopaths as well as conventional physicians
I fully agree I don’t agree I don’t know
I prefer naturopaths or non-medical practitioners as
... I am disappointed by conventional medicine.
I fully agree I don’t agree I don’t know
… they get closer to my underlying problem as a conventional physician
I fully agree I don’t agree I don’t know
... they make time for me
I fully agree I don’t agree I don’t know