Town of Walkersville

Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2015

Attendees: Ray Soderberg, Clara Winch, Ben Douds, Dawn Hipsley, Patrick Heidenberg & Commissioner Gary Baker

7:35 the meeting was called to order by Ben Douds

Approval of minutes from meetings dated 03/19/2015 approved as corrected; change “please” to “place” under Farmers Market signs. Motion was moved by Ban and 2nd by Ray. Motion carried 5-0

Farmer’s Market

·  Contact information for site manager to be sure lot will be available to us on Fridays without cars obstructing the middle of the lot. Dawn to contact.

·  Average space size was questioned for the contract. Space size is 2 parking spaces or 16 x 15.

·  Nick from the food store; is he OK to have a booth? Consensus says it’s OK if we need the booth space filled.

·  Ask Allison to attend the next meeting and/or send a spreadsheet with vendors that have signed up so far.

·  Clara will contact Signs by Tomorrow to get final pricing on the signs we need. Two 12 foot tall signs and various lawn signs.

Town Slogans

·  Can we put on agenda for next meeting?

·  List of previously submitted slogans (see attached)

Annual Report

·  Gary presented the annual report to the Burgess & Commissioners. All went well.

Planning & Zoning

·  Brief from Ray and Dawn. Will need to review their minutes for the final outcome of future meetings.

·  Gary suggested P & Z may want to concentrate on commercial since the residential areas have HOAs in addition to town code already in place.

Commercial recycling

·  Dawn questioned why there is no commercial recycling in Town. Was informed that there is a bin every other Wednesday (same days at the B&C meet) behind Town Hall.

·  Dawn will put this information on the Facebook page as well.

Drug Talk

·  Commissioner Schildt asked the EDC to pay for the drug talk on May 19th. The Commission did not see how this was a fit for the EDC and with such short notice declined to use funds for this activity.

Town Security

·  Ray brought up town security, as he has had repeat vandalism with no efficient response or follow up from the town. He is suggesting that we draft a plan to present to the commissioners on possible alternatives or additions to the Resident Trooper Program.

·  What is the baseline for the Resident Trooper Program? What are we contracted to get for our annual fees?

Meeting adjourned: 8:55 pm

Respectfully submitted: Dawn Quicksell Hipsley, Secretary

Subject: Walkersville's Entrance Sign slogans

Agenda item: We need to select several that we can post on Facebook for folks to vote on. We will then select the top (2) and have the Burgess and Commissioners vote on the winner.

From Commissioner Winch:

The Heartland of Frederick County

From Facebook:

God's country

Frederick County's best kept secret

How ya like us now

Small town charm, fertile land to farm…

No place like home

A nice place to call home

HOME, where the heart grows fonder

The Heart of Frederick County

Where the heritage lives on

Best little town in Maryland

Stay a're gonna want to grow Old here!

From FNP:

Walkersville - Not Quite As Bad As Thurmont

Walkersville -- Worth Bypassing the Bypass

Better Than the Rest of Frederick County