Monitoring point reference number / Task – collecting invertebrate kick samples
Group coordinator – Colin Chapman / Date of assessment:
Name of sampler: / Sampling assistant’s name:

Note that you and your assistant will need to complete this assessment sheet on your first site visit. If you become aware of other risks during subsequent visits you should update it.

Hazards / Details of hazards / Risk level
(H,M,L) / Control measures – to reduce risks to an acceptable level
(1) Access and Parking
(a)Vehicular Access - safe access, routes to avoid, poor visibility etc
(b)Parking e.g. busy road, narrow lay-by, poor vision on leaving site
(c) Pedestrian access e.g. slippery bank, barb wire/electric fence to cross etc.
(2) Specific site hazards
(a) Physical e.g. deep water, soft sediments, broken glass/sharp metal near/in river etc.
(b) Chemical e.g. known pollution hazards, discharge points upstream
(c) Biological e.g. rats/Weil`s disease, sheep ticks/Lyme’s disease, sewage overflow etc.
(3) Hostile aspects
(a) History of threatening behaviour on site e.g. owner/other
(b) Animals that may pose a risk e.g. loose dogs, cattle, pigs, rams, horses etc.
(c)Plants which may pose a threat e.g. Giant Hogweed, Blackthorn hedge to cross etc.
(4) Other (a)Telecommunications e.g. mobile phone reception blackspot
(b) Any other concerns e.g. regulated river, sudden change in depth/velocity etc.
IMPORTANT :Note also that if a review is required at any time because you are not happy that it is safe to monitor this site you should contact the group coordinator and refrain from visiting the site until matters are resolved to your satisfaction. Make sure that you are familiar with your training’s health & safety guidance and the health & safety reminder sheet provided by your coordinator.
HAZARD LOG – for recording other hazards subsequently noted at this site.
Date / Your name(s) / Hazard identified / Control measures taken / Urgent review required? (yes/no)