Minutes of the Markham Clinton Parish Council meeting held at East Markham Village Hall,

Lincoln Road, East Markham on the 14 March 2016 at 7.15pm



437/15 Present: Cllr Hayton (Chairman), Cllr Swindin, Cllr Serati, Cllr Hollingsworth and Cllr Knowles.

Others Present:Mrs Lisa Hill (Parish Clerk) and PC Bill Bailey.

438/1515 minutes open discussion for members of the public

PC Bill Bailey reported on crimes in the villages. There had been a recent increase in the number of thefts from cars and the theft of stone ornaments from gardens.

439/15To Receive and approve apologies for absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Stacey and these were accepted.

440/15To Receive Declarations of Interest on any agenda item to be discussed

No declarations of interest were received.

441/15Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings held on the 11 January 2016.

It was proposed to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2016 as a true and accurate record and this was resolved by the Council; the Chairman duly signed the minutes.

442/15To Receive updates from the Minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2016

428/15 - The Clerk reported that the tree number had been forwarded to Kenny Easton, Forestry Officer, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) but that as yet no works had been carried out.

405/15 - The Clerk reported that the information required by the electrician to provide a quote for installation of the defibrillator had been forwarded but a quote had still not yet been received. Action - Councillor Knowles

419/15 –The Clerk reported that additional salt bins had been requested from NCC.

420/15 – The Clerk reported that the suggestion that a temporary digital speed sign should be installed in Milton on the straight after The Avenue to slow traffic travelling from Walesby towards the A1 had been forwarded to Ian Parker, NCC.

443/15To consider planning applications, correspondence and note any decisions

Planning application 16/00146/RSB to erect two storey side extension received no objections.

Decision Notices Received from Bassetlaw District Council (BDC)

There were no planning decisions to report.

444/15Finance – to approve payments and receive financial update

To approve payments

The following invoices were presented to the Council for approval:-

•Mrs Lisa A Hill expenses January/February/March 2016 - £14.12 (000950)

•NALC subscription 2016 - £60.89 (000951)

•Mrs Lisa A Hill wages February 2016 - £89.83 (000952)

•Mrs Lisa A Hill wages March 2016 – 90.03 (000953)

•HMRC, PAYE 2016 - £24.40 (000954)

It was Resolved: that all invoices should be paid. Action – Clerk.

To receive financial update

The Clerk reported that a financial report was not available as no bank statements had been received.

445/15 To discuss Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations

After discussion it was Resolved: to approach the cricket club to discuss a joint venture in June 2016.

446/15To receive reports on Highways and Services

An update on Parsons Lane sight issues. Action – Clerk.

447/15To receive update of Community Safety/Speed Watch

Councillor Knowles reported that the Community Speedwatchequipment had been deployed in Gamston recently. The volunteers had found the equipment cumbersome, especially to transport to site. It was suggested that a screen could be purchased for the Council’s own speed gun.

Councillors expressed concerns regarding the stretch of road between Markham Moor and Tuxford.

448/15To receive items of information and future agenda items

The Clerk reported that the Best Kept Village Competition was now open for applications.

  • Queen’s Birthday
  • Defibrillator

449/15Time and date of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on the Monday 9 May 2016 in East Markham Village Hall, Lincoln Road, East Markham at the later time of 7.30pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8pm.