
8th March, 2004 S2003/9094/SK

Minutes of the meeting of the Committee of Senior Representatives (CSR) of the Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being in Stockholm, Sweden, on 9-10 December, 2003

The CSR held its first meeting on 9-10 December 2003 in Stockholm, Sweden. Mr. Carl Älfvåg, Director of the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, chaired the meeting. The Agenda and the list of Participants are appended (apps. 1-2).

1. Opening of the meeting

The meeting was opened by the Swedish Minister of Public Health and Social Services, Mr. Morgan Johansson. Welcoming the participants he expressed the hope that the work would continue in the same supportive spirit as at the ministerial meeting in Oslo on the launch of the Partnership. He explained that his expectations were that progress should be made already in the first year of the Partnership. He underlined the need for common efforts among Partners in order to achieve results.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

The Agenda was adopted.

3. Expectations on the Partnership. Exchange of views.

A short exchange of views was held as regards expectations on the Partnership. The Danish Representative underlined the importance of maintaining the balance between the social and health sectors. He also emphasized the importance of building the co-operation on existing national and international co-operation.

On enquiry Norway informed that a report of the interventions during the ministerial conference on 27 October 2003 in Oslo would be launched shortly.

4. Co-ordination – main task for the Partnership

4 a) Exchange of views on co-ordination work

A number of contributions were given concerning the co-ordination work and what tools could be used:

  • The way in which co-ordination is organised is a key issue of success of Partnership – more important than new ways of funding. Important tools would be the permanent presence in relevant areas of all actors such as the WHO, EU Commission etc.
  • Co-ordination should be active, reference was made to section 3 of the Declaration
  • A discussion should be held about how to improve co-operation between already existing bodies, and how achievements could be supported
  • A key issue is to concentrate on health systems and social systems, not the whole number of projects
  • There are many levels for co-ordination: internal co-ordination within the Partnership, between institutions at international level. Important how national och regional co-ordination fit together
  • Local offices of international organisations (WHO, NCM etc.) should be more active
  • Improve networking, link different networks to each other
  • Twinning
  • Information networks should be used actively to enhance Partnership both internationally and nationally
  • Secure compatibility between different organisations
  • Co-ordination in a horizontal way between international organisations and countries
  • Co-ordination should be made with a minimum of bureaucracy
  • Mailing lists contribute to active co-ordination
  • The Partnership should not aim too far. Partners could define what needs should be dealt with.
  • The need for innovation was emphasized.
  • The importance of a secretariat was underlined in order to achieve better co-ordination.
  • The link to other relevant organisations should be studied, such as the Council of Europe Pompidou Group regarding abuse of illicit narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Thanking the participants for their contributions the Chair said that he would like to reflect on the proposals. In the meantime Partners were asked to consider how their ideas could be implemented in practise.

4 b) Information – data base

A discussion was held on the need for information concerning the Partnership and giving an overview of the co-operation activities going on in the Region. According to the Chair, such information to all interested actors would be one vital factor for the co-ordination efforts and also for finding funding for activities. The information from a database that covers all activities going on in the region would give better basis for decisions on the direction of the work of the Partnership.

A background was the offer by the Norwegian Barents Secretariat in Kirkenes, Norway, of its database for service to the Partnership. A merger/close co-operation between the Barents database, the database of the Task Force on Communicable Disease Control in the Baltic Sea Region and a possible new database of the Partnership is foreseen in the new Barents Programme on Health and Related Social Issues.

In the discussion there was some support of the idea of using a database as a tool for co-ordination. The advantage of such a tool was underlined by a number of delegations and the possibility of using existing databases should be further explored. The representatives of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council (BEAC) and the Norwegian Barents Secretariat circulated information on the database and its contents ( the Health Programme). Many delegations underlined the need for more information concerning the costs and the financing of a database, as well as the need for agreeing on methodology and solving technical problems before a decision was taken. The link to the general question of a possible secretariat was mentioned. At the same time it was underlined that a possible database was not necessarily linked to a secretariat. Some delegations questioned the idea and warned that a database could be a heavy tool.

The Chair concluded that many Partners asked for more information. The Chair intended to continue to study all the different aspects of this matter on the basis of the discussion and possibly present proposals at the next meeting.

4c) Logotype

The proposal by the Chair to maintain the logo from the International Temporary Working Group was approved by the CSR.

5. Procedural matters pertaining to the functioning of the Partnership and its mechanisms (Declaration, section 5.2)

5a) Establishment of a procedure through which countries or organisations other than eligible Northern Dimension partners can become Partners or Participants (Declaration, section 2, end of first para.)

The CSR decided that other countries and organisations associated with the Northern Dimension should be encouraged to become Partners or Participants and to notify their interest to the Chair for decision by the CSR through silent procedure.

5b) Information items

The Chair informed the CSR that all eligible Partners and Participants as identified by the Declaration who are not yet Partners and Participants have a right to be represented as observers at the meetings.

Furthermore, the Chair informed that an election of the Co-chair should be held at the PAC in 2004 (Declaration, Section 5.1).

6. Financial matters relating to the functioning of the Partnership and its mechanisms (Declaration, section 5.2)

6a) Financing of meetings and documents

The CSR agreed to practise a rotation of meetings, on a voluntary basis, whereby the host assumes the main responsibility for costs in relation to the meeting venue, social functions and interpretation to and from English and Russian. No special rotation order should be established, and it should be possible for many countries/organisations to go together and jointly host meetings. The participants normally carry their own travel and accommodation costs.

6b) Financing of translation of documents

A discussion was held on the costs of translation of meeting documents from English to Russian. It was also pointed out that translations from Russian to English would be needed under certain circumstances. No final decision was taken at this meeting. The Chair expressed his intention to study the matter in the context of a Secretariat.

7. Possible Partnership secretarial function

The following was formally agreed by the CSR:

“The Committee of Senior Representatives (CSR) held a thorough discussion on the possible establishment of a secretariat in accordance with the Declaration, section 5.2.

There was consensus regarding

1. the need to establish a secretariat,

2. that it should be modest in size,

3. that it should be co-located with an already existing secretariat of a regional organization active in the Northern Dimension Area.

Furthermore the meeting mandated the Chair, in co-operation with those countries who have indicated their readiness to finance a secretariat during 2004, to undertake necessary efforts to secure financing and functioning for that year.

Expenses for the operation of a secretariat after 2004 will, according to an agreement among Partners prior to its continuation, be financed jointly by Partners in accordance with a procedure to be established by the CSR.

The Chair, in due time prior to the next meeting of the CSR, will introduce a detailed proposal of the role, tasks, budget and geographic location of a secretariat.

The Chair invites Partners to consider to commit themselves for annual contributions allocated to the long term financing of a secretariat.”

Furthermore, during the debate concerning a Secretariat the Chair of the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) of the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS), Mr. Naber, Estonia, offered co-location of the Partnership Secretariat with the CBSS Secretariat. This offer was welcomed by many delegations, referring i.a. to the fact that the CBSS membership also covered the Northern Dimension Area. The Representative of the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) referred to an offer previously made to use the NCM facilities east of the Baltic Sea, as a contribution of the NCM towards the financing of a Secretariat. However, the NCM would not insist if the CBSS alternative was preferred by the CSR. The Chair concluded that he understood from the Representative of the NCM that a co-location with the CBSS seemed to be the only proposal on the table.

The Representatives of many international organisations explained that their organisations would not be able to participate in the financing. Contributions had to be made through expertise and staff time.

8. Expert Groups (Declaration, section 5.3)

The CSR decided to invite the Group of Senior Health Officials or another appropriate forum representingthe CBSS Task Force on Communicable Disease Control in the Baltic Sea Region to function as an expert group under the Partnership, in accordance with the last paragraph of the Declaration, section 5.3).

9. Financing of Partnership activities (Declaration, section 6)

The CSR decided

i) to establish an open-ended ad hoc working group for the consideration of the possible establishment of a voluntary Partnership fund, and

ii) that Sweden should chair the ad hoc working group.

The ad hoc working group is to report to the CSR.

It was agreed that all Partners should receive invitations to meetings and minutes from meetings.

The Chair invited Partners who wished to take part in the work to appoint their representatives as soon as possible. The Russian delegation immediately appointed Mr. Alexander Shabrov.

10. Draft Work plan November 2003 – autumn 2004

The draft work plan was discussed and supported generally, with necessary changes following the results of the meeting. The Chair underlined that the Work Plan would be a living document, continuously revised in accordance with developments. In this way it could also be used as a basis for the CSR report to the PAC.

11. Preliminary dates for meetings during 2004

The CSR agreed to hold three meetings during 2004, with the option of an extra meeting, if necessary, in connection with the PAC .

The CSR meetings would be in February/March, May/June and at the end of September. The invitations of the Spanish Representative to have the next meeting in Madrid, and of the Nordic Council of Ministers to have the second meeting in Copenhagen in May/June were welcomed.

The CSR also welcomed the invitation to hold the PAC in Lithuania. A proposal for a date of the meeting of the PAC would be agreed on by the Chair and the Lithuanian Representative.

12. Any other business

The CSR decided that the reports from its meetings should take the form of minutes.

The meeting was closed.


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