Laboratory Safety Training Requirements:
The following should be used anytime you have any training needs including training needs for volunteers and visitors.
Minors need to fill out the correct forms respect restrictions and follow directions given at the following site: in order to gain access to university laboratories.
Visiting faculty and students must fill out the "Volunteers and Visitors Lab Use Agreement" form and fax it to the number on the form (612-626-7271) prior to commencing any laboratory or research related work at the University.
Additionally, students who intend to get involved in research must be trained on all research-specific procedures conducted at the lab, including the use of research equipment to analyze cells, chemicals and on any wet lab procedures they may use. Training records must be kept for each trained individual.
Anyone working with human cells, blood, blood products, and/or body fluids must take the Blood borne Pathogen Training:
All Laboratory/chemical users should also take the following to fulfill the general laboratory Safety and Waste Management Training see below. Those planning to use radioactive materials should follow procedures found at
1. Introduction to Research Safety (
2. Chemical Safety (
3. Chemical Waste Management (
4. Emergency preparedness (
Gests and volunteers should use the following guest name and password where required in order to access the above training modules:
name: guest068
pass: EHS53c39
Depending on the lab procedure, the following additional on-line video-based training may be used
1. Glassware Washing and Autoclaving (
2. Centrifugation safety (
3. Sharps Safety (
4. Laboratory Ergonomics: Pipetting Safety ( )
Use the following Training Record form to record the training. You may modify the form as you wish to fit your needs.
For in person Lab Safety training contact Mahjoub Labyad at 726-7273
Mahjoub Labyad, MIS
Public Health Specialist
Environmental Health and Safety Office