Intertribal Wordpath Society presents:
October 22, 2004, 4:30-10:30 p.m.
Our Celebration of Oklahoma Indian Language and Culture is presented each October (2nd Friday before Halloween) in Norman, OK. It is a two-fold event--an evening of educational entertainment, and a marketplace for Oklahoma Indian cultural, artistic, and linguistic items and information. Performances (songs, stories, poetry, etc.) are done in Indian languages, then explained in English. The purpose is to promote the appreciation, teaching, and learning of Oklahoma Indian languages, and show their connection to Indian cultures. We are as yet undecided as to any presentations from 4:30 to 6:00, but plan to have food and vendors during that period. In past years attendance has been about 300. The event is advertised through newspapers, the Wordpath television show, radio, flyers, and word of mouth.
Intertribal Wordpath Society is a nonprofit group dedicated to preserving and promoting Oklahoma Indian languages. Much of the entertainment and information we make available to the public is offered for free, so we depend critically on our vendors at the annual Celebration to make the whole thing possible. The vendors are very important to the whole character of the event; so we value your participation greatly. Please join us.
Event information and vendor policies
Place:Cleveland County Fairgrounds
615 E. Robinson, Norman, OK (front building, indoors, concrete floor)
Setup:3:00-4:30 pm
Breakdown:10:00-11:00 pm
Booths:1 table, approx. 8’x 2 1/2’, 2 chairs. Inspection available in advance.
Electrical outlets (120v & 210 v) are many (if you like, bring extension cord in case).
Please bring your own identifying sign, poster, or banner.
Attire:We encourage you to wear tribal dress.
Fees:Food vendor$100 + utilities fees
Regular retail (non-food)$25.00
Language organizations$10.00
Other nonprofit organizations$20.00
Information and donations only$15.00
Program presenters’ booths(no charge)
Double booths (2 tables) (inquire as to availability)add $10.00
Please pay in advance--checks payable to "Intertribal Wordpath Society."
Discounts:We will forgive up to $10 of your booth fee if you have giveaways for the public (small souvenir items of language and/or cultural significance-for example, balloons, fans, or pencils with Indian language on them, book-marks, bracelets, etc.). Call for details; these must be approved in advance.
Deadlines:Fees due by October 15 (preferred, but please call if deadline is a problem).
Note: Vendors are responsible for their own business and health permits.
For more information, contact:Alice Anderton at 405-447-6103, .
Intertribal Wordpath Society, 1506 Barkley St., Norman, OK 73071