Supplier_Import / Thursday, October 18, 2018

Slide 4 - Oracle Procurement Cloud Release 9

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Hello, my name is Ashok Srinivasaraghavan. Welcome to the Oracle Fusion Supplier Model Release 9 Training covering our new feature on Supplier Import enhancements.


Slide 5 - Agenda

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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them, and what business value they bring.

Then we’ll walk you through a demonstration where you’ll also have the opportunity to go through the flow for yourself in Try It Out mode.

Next we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


Slide 6 - Enhancements Overview

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Enhancements to Supplier Import include:

Support for additional supplier profile entities

Updating supplier profile data to enable mass updates

Import reporting improvements

The following slides discuss these enhancements in a bit more detail.


Slide 7 - New Supplier Import Processes Added

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The following new supplier profile import processes have been added:

Contact Addresses

Business Classifications

Products and Services Categories

Note that the Contact Addresses import is included in the existing Supplier Contacts import process. Buying organizations can define a supplier contact and include the addresses the contact is associated with and import them together. In order for a contact address to be successfully imported, both the supplier contact and the supplier address should already exist in the system.

The existing supplier site import process that also imported addresses has now been separated into two processes; supplier addresses import and supplier sites import.


Slide 8 - New Supplier Import Processes Added

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The import offering in Release 9 provides for the following supplier entities:


Supplier Addresses

Supplier Contacts (includes Supplier Contact Addresses)

Supplier Business Classifications

Supplier Products and Services Categories

Supplier Sites

Supplier Site Assignments

With the inclusion of additional entities discussed above, the offering is now comprehensive. This helps in improving operational efficiency by allowing all supplier information to be easily brought in and managed in the Oracle Fusion. In addition, costs associated with maintaining legacy systems is greatly reduced. The import feature offers a consistent approach for converting legacy data using the standard templates and a streamlined import processes.


Slide 9 - Import Supplier Profile Updates

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Release 9 supports updates to existing suppliers through import. You can now make mass updates to your supplier profile using this feature. Any changes to one or many suppliers can be easily handled through our import process rather than having to update these details manually through the application.

In this release, the system supports update on the following entities:


Supplier Addresses

Supplier Contacts

Supplier Business Classifications

Supplier Products and Services Categories

Delete is supported on the following entities:

Business Classifications

Contact Addresses

Supplier Products and Services Categories

The import template now supports an action Update that should be used to perform both changes and deletes to the supplier profile data.


Slide 10 - Import Supplier Profile Updates

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The ability to update supplier profile entities now allows you to make automatic bulk updates in Fusion reducing a lot of redundant tasks in maintaining dual systems for your supplier data. The automation of the update process reduces the time and effort spent in manual updates in the application.


Slide 11 - Import Report Enhancements

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The import reports have been enhanced to include a Import Summary table that lists the records that succeeded and failed import. A hyperlink is provided which can be used to navigate to the details to view individual records. This is particularly useful when reviewing failed records.

The Import Details table now has a new column added to display import action. This indicates if the import was for creating a new record or updating (deleting) an existing record.


Slide 12 - Import Report Enhancements

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The report enhancements provide the users a bird’s eye view of what happened on their import process. Users can glance the summary table to quickly review the count of records that succeeded and failed. The detailed report lists the import error that caused the import to fail for each record to help the user resolve the issue.


Slide 45 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today.

A more comprehensive import offering includes import support for additional entities – Business Classifications, Products and Services Categories and Contact Addresses

A separate process introduced for importing addresses which was combined with site import in previous releases

The existing contact import process enhanced to include a new import offering to also import contact addresses. Users can import both contacts and contact addresses using a single template with two worksheets for ease of use

It allows buying organizations to now mass update existing supplier profile details with the introduction of the update feature.

Report enhancements to include a summary table for an overview of the import results as well as displaying the import action in the details table.


Slide 46 - Slide 46

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So that concludes the audio portion of this presentation, thank you for listening. There is no audio in the implementation advice section.

You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.


Slide 47 - Feature Impact Guidelines

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All of the import enhancements discussed for this release are automatically available to customers adopting this release. The job roles for which these features will be made available are Supplier Manager and Supplier Administrator. No additional setup steps are necessary to use these features out of the box. In order to use the import processes, the users will need to download the import templates provided and complete the templates with supplier profile data for their organizations.


Slide 48 - Setup Summary

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Pre-defined supplier import templates have been provided that includes guidance on how to use the templates and explanations on each of the import columns that the template contains. Users can review these guidance notes as well as explanations provided for columns to gain a good understanding on each of the supplier profile entities and their attributes. Sample data has also been loaded in these templates. Users can review the sample data and use it as a basis to structure their own import data. Note that the Supplier Contacts template includes two worksheets – one for contacts and the other for contact addresses.


Slide 49 - Implementation Decision Points

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This slide discusses implementation considerations when using the featured enhancements. These decision points serve as an important reminder to users on how the import processes are designed to work and what key aspects need to be borne in mind when using these features to import supplier profile data for their own organization. The next few slides discuss specific implementation decision points that will help you assess how to use the import features to best serve your own business needs.


Slide 50 - Implementation Decision Points

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Slide 51 - Implementation Decision Points

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Slide 52 - Job Roles & Associated Duty Roles

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The Supplier Import and Merge Duty enables the tasks Import Suppliers and Merge Suppliers available in the Suppliers Work Area. This duty role is available by default to both the Supplier Manager and Supplier Administrator job roles. If a buying organization requires access to these tasks to be more restrictive, the duty roles can be removed from job roles as required. For instance if the import process in an organization is restricted to specific senior procurement users, consider removing the duty roles from the Supplier Administrator job role and only providing it to the Supplier Manager. Remember removing the duty role removes both merge and import related tasks for said users. If only import needs to be restricted, consider creating a new duty role with only the privilege Import Suppliers.


Slide 53 - Business Process Model Information

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As discussed here, the features discussed in this training session are accessible through the task Import Suppliers. This task is available from the Suppliers Workarea.


Slide 54 - Related Reports & BI Analytic Information

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Use BI Analytic framework to review and validate that the data you imported is accurate. Users can create reports using the analytic dimensions specified to review and validate supplier profile data that was either created or updated using the supplier import processes.


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