To move a project into a letting
- Change the Letting Date to XX XX, XXXX. Bidders submitting bids shall obtain files for the new letting date.
To move a project from a letting
- S.P. XXXX-XX is moved from the DATE Letting to the DATE Letting. Bidders shall retain copies of the Plan and Proposal. The Department will issue an addendum at a later date.
To update Federal Wage Rates:
- Delete and replace General Decision MNnumber in the Proposal with the attached MNnumber dated XX XX, XXXX.
To Update State Wage Rates:
- Delete and replace the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Prevailing Wages for State Funded Construction Projects for Construction Type: Highway and Heavy, Region: xx, Effective: xxxxxxxxx, Revised:xxxxxxwith the attached Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Prevailing Wages for State Funded Construction Projects for Construction Type: Highway and Heavy, Region: xx, Effective: xxxxxxxxx, Revised:xxxxxx.
***Pay Item changes: Line Numbers cannot be changed from one pay item to another. To change pay items you need to delete a line and add a line. ***
If you need to delete a pay items:
- Delete the following lines from the Bid Schedule and Electronic Bidding File:
Line No. / Item Number / Item Description
If you need to delete a single pay item:
- Delete the following line from the Bid Schedule and Electronic Bidding File:
Line No. / Item Number / Item Description
To change the quantities shown in the Bid Schedule:
- Revise the following quantities in the Bid Schedule and Electronic Bidding File:
Line No. / Item Number / Item Description / Units / Existing Quantity / New/Revised Quantity
To add pay items to the Bidding Package:
- Add the following linesto the Bid Schedule. MnDOT will reject Proposals which omit unit prices and/orextensions.
Line No. / Item Number / Item Description / Units / Quantity
To add a single pay item to the Bidding Package:
- Add the following line to the Bid Schedule. MnDOT will reject Proposals which omit a unit price and/or extension. The extension is included in the Grand Total of the Proposal.
Line No. / Item Number / Item Description / Units / Quantity
To delete and substitute a Section:
- Delete and replace Section S-__ of the Special Provisions is deleted and replaced with:
To change a paragraph in the Special Provisions:
- Delete and replace paragraph _____ of Section S-___ of the Special Provisions with:
To change a sentence in the Special Provisions:
- Delete and replace sentence ___ of paragraph ___ of Section S- ___ of the Special Provisions with:
To add to a section within a Section of the Special Provisions:
- Add the following to Section S- ___ of the Special Provisions:
To add to a section in the Division S of the Special Provisions:
- Add the following to Division S of the Special Provisions:
To modify a note on a Plan Sheet:
- Delete and replacenote ____ on Sheet No. ___ of the Plan with:
To delete and replace Plan Sheets:
- Delete Plan Sheet No.’s xx, yy, and zz of XX and replace with Plan Sheet No’s xxR, yyR, and zzR.
Sample Addenda Language
Rev. 20170801