EuropeAid/121013/C/SV/HR: Service Contract No. 107603
Local partnerships for employment - Phase 2
A Collection of Examples of:
1. HRD Projects
2. Project Cycle Management
3. Local Partnerships
4. Monitoring and Evaluation Reports
April 2007
TUPart 1: human resources development projects - examplesUT 6
TUActive Labour Market PolicyUT 7
TU1. Developing and promoting active labour market policiesUT 7
TU2. LABOUR MARKET OUTLOOK – Regional NewspaperUT 8
TU3. Do not wait – be activeUT 10
TU4. Elckie and Nidzickie PartnershipsUT 12
TU5. Employment PactsUT 15
TU6. Business creation as a motor for economic developmentUT 17
TU7. Combining old and new approaches to employmentUT 18
TU8. National traineeships for new and emerging occupationsUT 20
TU9. Various project examples implemented by local employment offices in Poland, using ESFUT 22
TU10. “Opening Pathways” for those at risk of exclusionUT 24
TU11. “Developing (Kehittyvä)”UT 25
TU14. “Learning and work programme for unemployed in Den Helder”UT 28
TU15. “The Job”UT 29
TU16. “Jobs for Wolverhampton”UT 30
TUAdaptabilityUT 31
TU17. “Flexible work arrangements to complement private life”UT 31
TU18. “Using and developing skills among care workers”UT 32
TU19. “The four way model ‘4T’”UT 33
TU20. “Multiservice”UT 34
TU21. “In-company training for the meat sector”UT 35
TU22. Master in Ricerca IndustrialeUT 36
TU23. “Daily Routine Project”UT 37
TU24. “3D stereographic producers”UT 38
TU25. “Job Rotation in Halland”UT 39
TULife Long LearningUT 40
TU26. “Filling the training gaps in remote areas”UT 40
TU27. “Global ICT Competencies”UT 41
TU28. “Training plan for businesses in the ‘social economy”UT 42
TU29. „AV-alanTu Va-koulutus”UT 43
TU30. “NedCar - Road to the Future”UT 44
TUSocial InclusionUT 45
TU31. Fighting exclusion in small towns and communitiesUT 45
TU„Promoting equal opportunities for all in accessing the labour market, with particular emphasis on those exposed to social exclusion”UT 45
TU32. Professional integration of people with disabilitiesUT 46
TU33. “Promoting social responsibility among local businesses”UT 47
TU34. “Opening up the job market to people with learning difficulties”UT 48
TU35. “Nursing studies for new Danes”UT 49
TU36. BQM - Consulting & coordination centre for the vocational qualification of young immigrantsUT 50
TU37. “Service & information for multipliers in schools and training centres”UT 51
TU38. “Supported employment for people with disabilities”UT 52
TU39. “ACCEDER: Fight discrimination against the gypsy community”UT 53
TU40. “Operation Work”UT 54
TU41. “Reseau RPM”UT 55
TU42. “Employment service rehabilitation and training”UT 56
TUEqual opportunitiesUT 57
TU43. Quality childcare in the communityUT 57
TU44. “Sign language for staff from self governmental offices”UT 58
TU45. „Your chance” initiative for women’s socio-economic integration”UT 59
TU46. „Job coaching“UT 61
TU47. “Women's participation in the labour market”UT 62
TU48. “NAXI - Centre for professional integration and training of women“UT 63
TU49. “Balance”UT 64
TU50. “Edinburgh women’s training course”UT 65
TUPart 2: project cycle management examplesUT 66
TUIntroduction to Part 2 – Project Cycle ManagementUT 67
TUPart 3: local partnership examplesUT 81
TUEmployment PartnershipUT 82
TU51. “Identification, Dissemination and Exchange of good practice in Local Employment development and promoting better governance SPRINT”UT 82
TU52. “From local initiative to national policy”UT 84
TU53. “Development of Regional Education Action Plans for Region 7 – Centre”UT 86
TU54. “Improving the process of business licensing in Iasi county”UT 88
TU55. “Employment Pact for Vorarlberg”UT 90
TU56. “Styrian Employment Pact (STEBEP) and Regional Pacts”UT 91
TU57. “Territorial Employment Pact for Vienna”UT 93
TU58. “Territorial Employment Pact {Work for Salzburg}”UT 95
TU59. AREAS – Regional Labour Market, Future Economic Development and Regional Social CapacityUT 96
TU60. “Central Uusimaa Partnership”UT 97
TU61. “Seinajoki Regions Development Partnership Association”UT 98
TU62. Employment Basin Committee Comminges (CBE-C)UT 99
TU63. “Local Employment Committee Roubaix – Tourcoing”UT 100
TU64. “Initiative for Employment!”UT 101
TU65. “Pact for Economy and Employment in Berlin-Lichtenberg (PEEL)”UT 102
TU66. “Territorial Employment Pact of Imathia”UT 103
TU67. “Employment Pact of Szombathely”UT 104
TU68. “Employment Pact of Zalaszengrot”UT 105
TU69. “Employment Pact of Kunmadaras and Regional Entrepreneurship Zone”UT 106
TU70. „Siemianowicki Emplyment Pact”UT 107
TUSocial Issues PartnershipUT 108
TU71. “RESOC/SERR-Brugge (Regional Soci-Economic Concentration Committee/Socio-Economic Council for the Region)”UT 108
TU72. “RESOC LEUVEN – (Regional Soci-Economic Concentration Committee)”UT 109
TU73. “Ballyhoura Development Limited”UT 110
TU74. “Dundalk Employment Partnership”UT 111
TU75. “Finglas Cabra Partnership”UT 112
TU76. Montijo Social NetworkUT 113
TU77. “Social Inclusion Partnership Lucenec”UT 114
TU78. “Social Inclusion Partnership of the Sub-region Middle Spis (Poprad and Levoca Districts)”UT 115
TU79. „Rural Renewal“UT 116
TUEconomic Development PartnershipUT 117
TU80. “Local Action Group Velika Kladusa”UT 117
TU81. “Partnership Varmland”UT 118
TU82. “Hartlepool Partnership”UT 119
TU83. “Tower Hamlets Partnership”UT 120
TUNon EU PartnershipUT 121
TU84. “Marlborough Regional Partnership”UT 121
TU85. “Fairfax County (Virginia) Economic Development Authority (FCEDA)”UT 122
TU86. Reseau de developpement economique et d’employabilite du Canada (RDEE Canada) – Example of Regional Partnership in ManitobaUT 123
TU87. “Greater Halifax Partnership”UT 124
TU88. “Bas-Richelieu Community Future Corporation”UT 125
TU89. “The Human Services Delivery Network – A Community Partnership Initiative”UT 126
TUPart 4: Monitoring and evaluation examplesUT 127
TUMonitoringUT 129
TU90. Quarterly monitoring report on Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2004 – 2006 in PolandUT 129
TUEvaluationUT 136
TU91. Ex ante Evaluation of the Operational Programme of Trans – Border co-operation, Poland (Lubuskie Voivodeship) – Germany (Brandenburg) 2007 2013UT 136
TU92. Evaluation of one of Polish Regional Operational ProgrammesUT 141
TU93. Evaluation of regional capacity for decentralized management system in 2007 – 2013 Regional Operational Programmes implementationUT 145
This document and associated CD contains a collection of examples of projects from various countries in the field of Human Resources Development (HRD).
The overall collection has been divided into four parts as follows:
Part 1: Human Resources Development Projects
These are projects focusing on HRD according to European Social Fund policy fields (active labour market measures; adaptability; lifelong learning; social inclusion; equal opportunities). It is intended that these examples will provide possible ideas for projects that might be implemented in Croatia utilizing EU pre-accession funds, as well as national funds devoted to human resource development.
Part 2: Project Cycle Management
These are examples of HRD projects which were presented during the training on Project Cycle Management which was provided during the CARDS 2004 Local Partnerships for Employment - Phase 2. These examples show how the EC Project Cycle Management Guidelines (March 2004) have been used in practice.
Part 3: Local Partnerships
These are mainly examples of various types of local partnership projects from different EU member states. The local partnership projects have been divided according to the primary focus of the partnerships: employment; social issues; economic development. There are also examples of the partnership approach from non-EU member states.
Part 4: Monitoring and Evaluation
This part contains extracts from monitoring and evaluation reports in order to demonstrate how such reports are prepared and to give an indication of best practice in assessing the effectiveness of HRD projects or other activities. These examples may also assist in understanding the difference between the monitoring and the evaluation of projects.
More information about many of the examples contained in this document can be found on the web pages which are identified after the description of the project.
Part 1
Human Resources Development Projects
- examples -
Active Labour Market Policy
1. Developing and promoting active labour market policies
Local traditions and flavours revive a rural economy (2004)
Objective 1, target group: unemployed women
Like other rural areas, the Lima valley in northwest Portugal has suffered from a decline in the economic importance of agriculture. However, a cooperative in the region is beginning to reverse this trend by capitalising on the growing consumer demand for traditional recipes and methods of production.
The region of northwest Portugal is characterised by small-scale farms that combine the production of cereals, fruit and vegetables with cattle breeding. However, faced with increasing competition from large-scale mechanised agriculture, many farmers have abandoned farming over the last few decades.
A niche market for local produce
But recent food scares, such as the well-publicised “mad cow” disease, have led many consumers to question the origin and quality of the food they buy. Farmers, who continue to use traditional methods of production, in harmony with the local environment, are in a unique position to exploit this growing market demand.
VALDELIMA, a multifunctional agricultural cooperative, saw an opportunity to use high-quality produce from the region and to add value through the production of traditional marmalades and jams, as well as liqueurs and spirits.
“Consumers are increasingly looking for assurance in the origin and quality of the ingredients, as well as products that are made according to traditional recipes. The name S@bores e Tr@dicoes was selected for our range of projects as it means literally flavours and traditions but also carries the “@” characters to reflect the merging of tradition with innovation.”
Job creation needs qualified staff
As with any new economic activity, people need training to support new businesses. European Social Fund support was secured for a training action involving 12 women over a period of 14 months. The course focused on traditional recipes, health and safety, conservation and transformation techniques, basic accounting, and promotion and selling strategies. Many jams made during the course were taken to local handicraft and traditional product fairs where they received an encouraging response from the public.
Of the 11 women that completed the course, two now work in VALDELIMA and others were encouraged to start up their own new businesses. “Before this training course, there were no products, brands or workers, and this has all been stimulated through the training.”
VALDELIMA now has two shops and an on-line sales outlet together with other local producers.
2. LABOUR MARKET OUTLOOK – Regional Newspaper
Target group (final recipients): Association Our Europe is a direct final recipient of the assistance within the project; it will be equipped and its staffs’ skills will be upgraded, which will initiate newspaper’s activities on labour market. Regional Newspaper staff will be consisted of 3 people that will be employed by the Association Our Europe. 1 unemployed person will be employed as agent distributing newspaper and obtaining adverts.
Association Our Europe is an NGO that among others aims on combating unemployment.
4 Local Labour Offices will benefit from lower number of general and basic questions coming from unemployed. More specific questions will appear as the result of the information from Regional Newspaper. This will increase efficiency of Local Labour Office actions. Additionally, Local Labour Offices will be able to provide more information on local labour markets to a greater number of unemployed without additional costs.
Regional Chamber of Commerce will collaborate directly with local labour market institutions (e.g. NGOs, training institutions etc.) and will be able to publish in Regional Newspaper information demanded by its recipients. The visibility of Regional Chamber of Commerce will increase and it will encourage other local organizations/institutions to collaborate together. The prestige of the institution will increase and it will attract other entities to collaborate with each other. Career Office will be able to promote its activities, mission as well as attract partners to implement common projects.
Regional Newspaper will be disseminated for free. It will be provided to all customers of Local Labour Offices: unemployed, employers searching for employees, disabled, employed at risk of lay offs, future post graduates, persons searching for seasonal employment.
Project objective: An objective is to develop and modernize tools and labour market institutions through issuing free of charge newspaper in traditional and electronic form. The newspaper will provide information on regional labour market within 23 months for 120 thousands recipients.
Description of activities: Issuing unpaid monthly Regional Newspaper in traditional and electronic form including information on regional labour market in local administrative structures.
3 members of project team will elaborate frames for monthly Regional Newspaper, collect all available materials (local labour offices: current information, job offers, interviews, street and internet interviews, manuals for unemployed, international job offers, information on training and requalification courses, career exchange), will supervise printing and distributing newspaper.
Project results: Main project recipient is labour market institution – Association Our Europe. The project will encourage activities of the Association through equipment and Regional Newspaper for 120 thousand recipients will support its position on regional market. It will allow the Association for becoming more self-dependent and implement other socially beneficial projects. 4 Local Labour Offices and Career Office will strengthen their position on the local market, will speed up the dissemination of information about local labour markets and will become more transparent which will increase trust in their activities.
Regional Newspaper will have an impact on its recipients within 23 months. This may result in decrease of unemployment specially regarding the fluctuation, increase of employability indicator – and as the follow up - increase in personal tax incomes, decline in social benefits expenditures, increase in job offers, shorten the period of replying to job offers; higher by 15% income of firms that will publish their adverts in the newspaper; better impact of NGOs on labour market; speeding up the information about labour market; increase knowledge about labour market; better effectiveness of active labour market programmes; increase the adequacy of training according to labour market needs; development of local social dialogue and linking local partners on labour market, disseminating knowledge on counseling and services providing by labour market institutions, increase mobility.
Source: TUwww.efszarzadzanie.plUT (version in Polish)
3. Do not wait – be active
Project implemented by Local Labour Office and Leżajsk Development Association, 2004
Unemployment rate in Leżajsk district was 20% during project implementation. The number of registered unemployed was around 6.000 people. Generally local unemployment relates to young people: around 3.500 persons (60% of all registered unemployed) with less than 34 years old. There was a significant percentage of unemployed with low skills: unemployed with vocational education constituted 41% of all registered unemployed (more than 2.300 people). Female unemployment rate was 49% and 74% registered unemployed came from rural areas.Leżajsk Development Association was established in 1993. The objective of the Association is to implement and undertake actions towards local communities’ development, especially linked with economic activity. Leżajsk Development Association provides following services:
- SME information
- Training
- Guarantee fund and micro loans fund
- Consulting services
- IT services (websites elaborating etc.)
- Job counseling
- Office services
Overall objective: