
Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form

All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code

Project Governance

Project Name

/ EPICS Phase I
Provider Management
Date / 8/24/11
Lead Agency / CYFD
Other Agencies / None

Executive Sponsor

/ Yolanda Berumen-Deines
Agency Head / Yolanda Berumen-Deines
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Damien Aragon
Project Manager / Vicki Gallegos
Project Abstract (Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
CYFD will replace the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) homes and centers system and Background Check (BCS) system with a web based solution, Enterprise Provider Information and Constituent Services (EPICS). Replacement of these systems is part of an effort to consolidate multiple systems to state-of-the-art web based technology that utilizes Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and an agile software development methodology.
Currently, the Early Childhood Services (ECS) Division has several “silo” databases that do not allow for automated sharing of data (which would help prevent errors and fraud), integration, streamlined and efficient payment processes, alignment and coordination between programs, efficiency in managing services to clients or for assuring the health and safety of children served.
Start Date / 10/1/2011 / Planned End Date / 06/30/2013
Amount Requested this Certification / $987,230.00
Amount Previously Certified / $84,770.00
Remaining Appropriation not Certified / $0.00
Total Appropriated Amount / $1,072,000.00

Certification History (Include any previous project or phase certifications)

/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)
8/2010 / $84,770.00 / Federal United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Administrative Expense (SAE)

TITLE 7--Agriculture

CHAPTER II – Food and Service Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture
PART 226—Child and Adult Care Food Program
Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)
Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source and Appropriation language
FY12 – FY13 / $450,000 / Federal United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Administrative Expense (SAE)

TITLE 7--Agriculture

CHAPTER II – Food and Service Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture
PART 226—Child and Adult Care Food Program
FY12 / $172,500 / General Fund: 06700 FY12 General Operating Fund
Laws 2011, Chapter 179, Section 4, Subsection (5), Paragraph (b)
FY12 – FY13 / $449,500 / Federal Child Care Development Funds (CCDF)
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (42 USC 9858),
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration For Children and Families
45 CFR Parts 98 and 99
Child Care and Development Fund; Final Rule
Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measures

Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure

/ Budget (Estimated) /

Due Date


Project Phase

·  Certified detailed requirements documentation defining business requirements. / 06/30/2011 / Initiation
·  EPICS RFP issued, evaluated and awarded
·  EPICS Contracts negotiated and awarded / 06/30/2011 / Initiation
·  Analysis of Current Web Infrastructure and Security Model
·  Assessment of Requirements
·  SOA Assessment and Development of SOA Roadmap
·  Development of Data Model
·  Development of Agile Methodology Process
·  Iterations identified and planned
·  Documentation / $84,770.00 / 09/30/2011 / Planning
·  Build database schema and web services
·  Develop software for each planned iteration
·  Documentation / $899,170[1] / 02/28/2013 / Implementation
·  Test software for each planned iteration
·  Test scripts and test case scenarios will be executed by team members for each planned iteration
o  Unit Testing – Software Developer
o  Quality Assurance – Business Analyst
o  User Acceptance – Program Staff and External CYFD Providers
·  Documentation / 02/28/2013 / Implementation
·  Data from existing systems converted for each software iteration
·  Documentation / 02/28/2013 / Implementation
·  Initial training for CYFD staff will occur during each software iteration
·  Documentation / 02/28/2013 / Implementation
IV&V Reporting
·  Initial and Interim IV&V reports submitted in standard DoIT IV&V template(s) / 02/28/2013 / Implementation
·  External CYFD Provider Training
·  Documentation / $50,448.00 / 05/31/2013 / Implementation
·  Software deployed to production environment
·  Documentation / $37,612.00 / 07/01/2013 / Implementation
IV&V Reporting
·  Final IV&V report submitted in standard DoIT IV&V template
Comments: CYFD is requesting permission to use $899.5 in federal funding and $172.5 in general funds.
The allocated budget was increased in FY12 by $172.5 in general funds. This funding will allow CYFD to build the infrastructure, the database schema and the web services for CACFP/BCS in a manner that can be cost-effectively extended and integrated to EPICS. It is necessary to invest time in the initial phase of the project to determine what the basic requirements are for security, performance, scalability, standards, naming conventions, programming interfaces, tools, session management, UI front/back end scripting, an EPICS service repository and an EPICS service-based federation of databases, and many other concerns. This increase in the project budget will fund the EPICS foundational enterprise analysis which will include a global object meta model of EPICS.

FY11 & Prior

/ FY12 / FY13 / FY14 / FY15&After
Staff - Internal
Consulting Services / $622,500 / $449,500
Total / $622,500 / $449,500

IT System Analysis (On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary description of the technical architecture)

·  Describe or estimate this project’s impact on the State Datacenter infrastructure.
·  Hardware:
§  Project will utilize existing CYFD infrastructure.
§  CYFD successfully completed the DoIT Technical Architecture Review (TARC) in October, 2010.
·  Network:
§  Appendix 1.
·  Software / Applications:
§  Project will use existing CYFD software development environment.
·  Hosting Considerations:
§  EPICS will be hosted at CYFD’s data center where the existing web applications are hosted.
§  Disaster Recovery will be hosted at DoIT’s Data Center.

Interoperability (Describe If/how this project interfaces with existing systems/Applications)

EPICS will interface with both internal and external agencies. Internal interfaces will include Share and external interfaces will include the federal government. Planning for these interfaces will occur early in the implementation phase and will include planning meetings with internal and external agencies.

Independent Verification & Validation (Include summary of the latest IV V report)

IV&V Contract will be in place for the initiation of the implementation phase. The initial IV&V report will be due 30 days after the implementation phase begins.

Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy

Risk 1: Completion of deliverables within time period


·  All project activities will be carefully managed by Project Manager and ITS Applications Development Management Team
·  Clearly define project scope and priority requirements; change control monitored by Project Manager and ITS Applications Development Management Team
·  All issues will be addressed immediately to minimize impact to project schedule

Risk 2: Funding for the project may not receive timely


·  CYFD will work closely with their federal partners to ensure project funds are made available to ITS in a timely manner.
·  Any reduction or delay of funding will impact timelines and deliverables but CYFD plans to continue with the project.

Risk 3: Resources redirected or agency priorities changed


·  Executive management and project management will need to have a clear understanding of the project deliverables and commit to the project and the resources required.
·  Any change to resources or project priority will directly impact deliverables and timelines. Both of these would need to be renegotiated if either changed.
Transition to Operations: (Describe agency plan to migrate project solution to production. include agency plans to fund and maintain this project after deployment. )
Maintenance of this system will be part of the overall maintenance planning for EPICS. State resources will be used to maintain the system. Because CYFD will follow an agile development methodology, staff will be included in all iterations of the project. This will mitigate the transition to operations.
If future funding is available, professional services may be used to provide additional functionality that would not be possible with current levels of state staffing.

Appendix 1

This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision

Revision: 9/1/10 Page 1

[1] Agile Methodology will include Build, Test, Conversion, Train for each software iteration