
Last name–first name – position/rank
Main research fields (indicate 2 to 5 topics or a list of keywords)
How many doctoral students (at INED and elsewhere) will you be mentoring in the 2018-2019 academic year(including students who have not yet obtained funding)?
On 1 October 2018, will you advise doctoral students with a signed INED-iPOPs work contract? If so, how many?

The doctoral student

Last name– first name
Thesis project title
How do you know the applicant?
Have you read his/her Master’s thesis(or a draft of it)? If so, what is your assessmentof it?
Do you think the applicant will be able to complete the research project he/she has proposed in the stated time? (Here please assess the fit between student’s profile and their project;their possible need of additional training to complete the project; data or fieldwork envisaged)
Is the applicant already planning a career and how do you think you can help him/her develop (or define) his/her professional projectduring the thesiswork?

Your opinion of the thesis project

How would you assess the thesis project in scientific terms (originality, significance, feasibility, etc.)?
How well does the project fit into the overall research programme at INED? (Specifically, would it fit into one or more INEDkey projects?INED mentor only)
How does this thesis project tie in with your own research projects?
In your opinion, how much time is needed to carry out this thesis project? What aspects of it might require an extension of the completion scheduleproposed by the applicant? Should difficulties arise, what do you think possible solutions would be (extending deadline, redefining certain aspects of the projects, other)?

Your opinion on thesis funding (main thesis supervisor only)

How will the applicant be funded throughoutthe thesis work period? If you foresee the need for an extension of the 3-year doctoral contract, please specify what additional funding might be needed.
Will the research work itself require specific funding (e.g., for field work, missions by thedoctoral student or mentor, etc.)? If so, please indicate funding sources.

Advising the doctoral student

Will yoube themain thesis supervisor or co- supervisor? (Delete as appropriate)
Name of main thesis supervisor or co- supervisor? (Delete as appropriate)
In what doctoral school (title and number) and in what university will the doctoral student be enrolled? What is the name of the hosting laboratorygiven on the thesis registration form?
Do you know the doctoral student’s other mentor(s), if any? Have you already worked or co-supervised theses together?
What, specifically, will be your role in monitoring the student's progress? How often do you plan to meet with the student during his/her thesis work?