From the A3095, take the B3348 (Bracknell Road) and come, after about one mile, to a small parking area, on the left, in front of a gate at Bramshill Forest; if you come to a roundabout, then you've gone too far.

A charred woodland a week after the Berkshire fires of Spring 2011.

Forest walk

This walk passes through the area which, in April 2011, was shown on the National News under the heading of "The Berkshire Fires", although it's now beginning to recover and much of the burnt woodland has been cleared ready for re-planting. It's ideal for dog walkers because it's well away from roads and there are few horses and, in fact, except at weekends, there are not many people.

1. Walk up the main path and, at the wide junction, turn left. At a wide crossing track, turn right along a main path. Where the path goes uphill, bear left on the grassy path which, unfortunately, tends to be wet and muddy except in very dry weather. This path soon bears right uphill with a woodland on the left and a cleared area on the right, which was previously an area of charred woodland. At the top, cross over the main path and turn right on the next path which leads down to the Roman Road, where you turn right.

2. Double back on the next main track on the right, then turn left and, in about 10m, take the path on the left which leads through an area of newly planted trees. Head into the old woodland and continue ahead on the steeply descending path. Cross over a main track and, later, ignore the turning on the right. Soon, come to a minor Y-junction where you bear right (left goes to a car park); in a few metres you arrive at a T-junction where you turn right.

3. This woodland path leads to a main track where you turn left and, at the T-junction, you turn right on the main path back to the 3-way finger post. Now re-trace your steps back to the car.



Approaching from the A3095, turn off along the B3348 (Bracknell Road) and, in about 1.5ml, come to a roundabout (before Crowthorne High Street), and turn hard left along an unmade road to a car park known as FP1.

The Devil's Highway or Roman Road.

A prison walk

This walk includes a view of Broadmoor Prison but please be aware that photography is not allowed and there are cameras everywhere.

1. Leave the car park at the top end and walk ahead along the Roman Road, also known as the Devil's Highway. After about 15 minutes, half-a-mile on, there's a junction of paths and a Rambler's Route sign going right; now follow this level- track.

2. At the far end of the track, go through the pedestrian barrier and turn right along Eastern Lane. After a steep rise in the road, you get a good view, over to the left, of Broadmoor Institution for the Criminally Insane where the inmates include some infamous psychopaths, although nowadays it's an NHS Hospital and the inmates are called patients.

3. As the road descends, cross over at the car park and go through the pedestrian barrier by the electricity sub-station, in the direction of the Main Entrance. Go up the steps past the entrance to Broadmoor, after some more steps, cross the same road again and join the earthen FP directly opposite; go over a tarmac path to continue along the public FP which quickly drops down to the Roman Road where you turn left back to the car park.

The Devil's Highway or Roman Road

The arrival of the Romans in 43AD quickly saw the spread of Roman infrastructure and the building of long straight roads of which the Devils Highway is but one example. Part of this road goes through the LookOut and it is included in the Rambler' Route (a 19ml trek through the borough of Bracknell Forest).