PUPIL BULLETIN Friday 8thSeptember2017
Behaviour on Duff Place and Cooper Street Unfortunately, we have received reports of a small number of younger pupils behaving immaturely and dropping litter in these areas at lunchtime. Please ensure that this situation improves. We will be liaising with community wardens and the police on this matter. (DB)
Library at Lunchtime – Tomorrow
The library will be closed at lunchtime tomorrow. Open as usual on Monday.
Hands Up Scotland Survey 2017 – How did you travel to school? This will take place on Tuesday 12 September. Information will be in register folders that morning and should be completed and returned via the register folder. It is really important that all register classes complete this survey on the morning of the 12 September. (KJG)
Sponsored Walk Monies - all monies should be handed into your Registration teacher as soon as possible. Thank You (KS)
Hockey Club is back!!!! Miss Scholes and Mrs Robertson would like to welcome back our current hockey clubbers and any new members along to the astro pitch NEXT TUESDAY (12TH September) 3.30pm-4.30pm. Any level of playing ability welcome even if you have never played before! It is advised that you wear shin pads and a mouth guard if at all possible. Get changed in PE changing rooms and meet us out on the pitch. You are welcome to borrow a hockey stick from the outdoor store. Any Q.s come and see Miss Scholes in B24 or Mrs Robertson in Y02. We are looking forward to seeing you all next week! (SS)
S1_S2 Rugby - Training is Wednesday after school. Change in PE. 3.30 to 4.45. Bring a water bottle. First home match is Wednesday Sept 20th in Elgin. Any questions please see Mr Mair (G35) or Mr Kelly (G13).
S5 Assembly – all pupils to go to the assembly hall where they will be registered
For S6 Paired Readers – it all starts on Monday!!! - The new paired reading programme will begin next week, during library periods. If you are no longer able to commit to this, please let Mrs Toonen know.
Some periods have more seniors than required for the younger pupils and other periods have younger pupils, with very few S6s. If you are able to be flexible with your reading periods, then again, please let Mrs Toonen know. We are looking forward to a great partnership with you and support from you for the younger pupils this year. Thank you for signing up to this valuable and nourishing scheme. Mrs Phillips and Mrs Toonen.
S4 Pupil Council An S4 pupil council meeting will take place on Friday 8th September during period 2, in B42. Elected class representatives should report to period 2 classes and register and then make their way to B42. A reminder to class representatives to please use this week to speak with register classes to check if they wish to have any areas raised at the meeting. Thank you.
Career Ready 2017-2019: Could the following S5 students please see Mr Baker and Mrs Chapman at lunchtime on Friday 8th September at 1.15pm…..Josh Ogle, Kailem Stewrat, Katie Kerr, Euan Fairgrieve, Sophie Francis, Keir Glass. It’s really important that you attend this very very important meeting! Any problems please see Mr Baker or Mrs Chapman. Thanks (MB/FC).
6th Form Pupil Support Meeting There will be a meeting at 1.20in B01 Friday 8thfor all 6th Form pupils who have signed up for Pupil Support. Classes and lunch-time support will be assigned, and guidelines given out.
S6 Jumpers Could the following pupils make arrangements to collect their order please ASAP,
Moray Taylor Sam Anderson Kieran SammonsBrandy Hall
Caitlyn Stanley.
S6 Fundraising committee - Our upcoming meeting has been changed from next Thursday to next Monday (11th). Could all committee members please attend B55 (drama) on Monday 11th at 1.15pm. Please bring with you any ideas for fundraising events this year.
S6 Bake Sale - Could any pupils who left behind their Tupperware/tins from the sponsored walk bake sale, please come and collect these from drama.
TRIP TO FRANCE MARCH 2018 – Focus on Paris and WW1 sites. Only a few spaces left now, open to all Pupils S2 – S6. See Mr Lestienne B12 for form. Deadline for deposit is 15th September.
Employment Board - Please remember to check the jobs/employment notice board outside Guidance. There are new jobs advertised every week and many places are recruiting now for seasonal workers and part time jobs. LB