Langston University

Application for Promotion and Tenure Form

Submitted by

School of: ______




The Langston University Tenure and Promotion Committee

Date: ______

Re: ______

Name of Candidate: ______

Department: ______

Current Rank: ______

Rank Applied For: ______

Applying of Tenure Yes______No______(check one)

Note: The information requested on this form represents the type and nature of evidence required for tenure and/or promotion, but in no way prevents the candidate from submitting additional information that is pertinent to the process. Additional space may be used as needed to complete this form. The applicant is strongly advised to consult the Faculty Handbook to become familiar with examples of tenable pieces of evidence for tenure and/or promotion.

(1) Has Candidate been reviewed for this promotion before? Yes ____ No ______

(2) List names of departmental level committee members recommending candidate be approved or denied tenure and/or promotion:



(3) List Chairperson’s vote on candidate: ____For; ____Opposed; ____Abstaining

(4) Chairperson’s Recommendation (Chairperson Sign appropriate line)

Recommend ______Date ______

Do Not Recommend ______Date ______

(5) Summary Information Concerning Candidate

Name: ______Date: ______

Department: ______Date ______

Graduate Faculty Membership ______

Full ______

None ______

Tenured ______No; ______Yes Date of Award ______

I. Academic Credentials



Continuing Education:

Title / Sponsoring Organization / Date

II. Honors/Awards

Organization / Awards/Honors/Scholarships / Date

III. Length of Service

A.  Academic Appointments at Langston University:

Department / Academic Rank / Date

B.  Academic Appointments at Other Institutions:

Institution Academic Rank Date





C.  Other Employment Related to Candidates Professional Activity:

Employer / Location / Position / Date

IV. Teaching:

A.  Teaching Responsibilities Category:

A list of courses taught (with enrollments) each semester since the last promotion. Use additional space if necessary).

No. / Course Number & Title / Enrollment / Total Enrollment / Credit Hours / Total Credit Hours / Level of course / Teaching

B.  Special Courses Taught (Honors, Seminars, Intersession, Special Problems Directed:

No. / Course Number & Title / Enrollment / Total Enrollment / Credit Hours / Total Credit Hours / Level of course / Teaching

C.  Extent of Involvement in Innovative Curricular Development, Experimentation in Teaching Methods, and Other Meaningful Efforts to Improve Instructional Programs:





D.  Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (Please attach official Langston University summaries of Student Evaluation of Faculty Teaching Effectiveness, and peer evaluation of teaching for the last three (3) years)




E.  Thesis Directed (Include Title, Author, and Date for Each):




F.  Service on Graduate Examining Committee/ McCabe Honors Thesis Committee (list titles and students):





G.  Supervision of Clinical activities, Recitals, or Ensembles (list titles and students)




V. Research and Other Creative Activities

A.  Memberships in Professional, Honorary, and Learned Societies:

Organization Dates Offices Held Dates




B.  Research Activities (List titles of projects and status)




C.  Proposals Submitted to Outside Agencies for Funding

Agency / Project / Date / Amount / Action (Approved/Rejected)

D.  Research Grants Awarded by Langston University: (List project date, amount awarded):

Project / Date / Amount Awarded / Accepted/Rejected

E.  Publications (Please cite only those produced within the last six (6) years. Attach copies.

i) Refereed Articles:





ii) Non-Referee Articles:






iii) Articles submitted but not yet published (cite completely including date):






iv) Manuscripts in Preparation (List title, expected completion date):






v) Books Published (cite completely):




vi) Chapters in Books (cite completely):





vii) Government and Technical Reports




viii) Presentations at Professional Meetings




ix) Presentations at Public Meetings and in/on Mass Media




x). Attendance at meetings of Associations, Learned Societies, etc.





xi). Creative Activities Other than Publications and Presentations:




VI. Service

A.  Departmental Service (Include supporting statement from Chairperson)





B.  University Service (Indicate role (e.g., chair) and include statements from Committee chairpersons)





C.  Administrative assignments by semester (e.g., coordinator of introductory level courses, laboratories, etc.)





D.  Student Service (e.g., Sponsorship of student club, mentoring etc.)





E.  Involvement in consulting activities (List agency, dates, level of remuneration, etc.):









VII: Miscellaneous Activities

Please list activities and accomplishments deemed meritorious but not covered in other sections (e.g., consulting).





