After reading each chapter, answer the questions completely. Your study guide will be an important tool to use when preparing for the test.
Author: Copyright date:
Chapter 1 – pages 5-12
1. Lincoln moved from
2. Fill in the boxes:
Reasons Lincoln LIKED hisNEW neighborhood / Reasons Lincoln LIKED his
OLD neighborhood
Reasons Lincoln DID NOT LIKE his NEW neighborhood / Reasons Lincoln DID NOT LIKE his
OLD neighborhood
3. How does Lincoln feel about…?
Chapter 2 – pages 13-18
5. Draw a typical outfit for Lincoln. 6. Lincoln and the man in the geography
book have TWO similarities:
7. Lincoln didn’t tell Monica about the Franklin school he knew because
8. What are some indicators that Monica and Lincoln’s first meeting went well?
Chapter 3 – pages 19-28
9. Draw what Lincoln hurt during practice?
How did Coach Yesutis respond?
10. List four adjectives that describe basketball practice.
12. Describe Lincoln’s relationship 13. Describe Lincoln’s relationship
with his dad. with his mom.
14. What proof from the novel shows us how Lincoln and his mother feel about each other?
a. / b.c. / d.
15. Franklin is like Columbus is like
because… because…
NBA Team NBA Team
Chapter 4 – pages 29-35
16. Draw Roy as Lincoln sees him. 17. What do you think the initials C.O. might be?
18. From his
interaction with Mr.
Green, how do
you think
Lincoln treats
his teachers?
19. Who does Lincoln remind you of in your life?
Someone you know? Why?
20. On page 34, it says Lincoln’s “heart thumped like a basketball bouncing down the stairs.” What kinds of emotions does that simile represent?
Chapter 5 – pages 36-42
21. What does Lincoln
see out the bus window
once he gets to his old
22. Describe Mrs. Contreras.
23. Draw Tony’s bedroom. 24. What did Tony want Lincoln to see?
Chapter 6 – pages 43-50
25. Why is Lincoln so offended when Tony says he has been living with white folks too long?
26. Multiple Effects
Single Cause
27. In the store, Tony wants to ______.
Lincoln wants to ______.
28. List what was in Vicky’s locker.
Chapter 7 – pages 51-58
29. What might be the cause of Mother’s change of attitude?
30. What is the best plan of action when you encounter an adult in a “bad mood?”
31. Draw the Kaehlers’ meal. 32. There are many instances where
Lincoln wants to share thoughts / feelings with people, but he does not. WHY?
Chapter 8 – pages 59-67
33. Sequence the events of Monica and Lincoln’s meeting.
34. What does Lincoln learn What does Lincoln learn about
about Roy? Coach Yesutis?
Chapter 9 – pages 68-74
36. Summarize the phone call between Lincoln and Monica.
37. What is IRONIC about the intruder in their new house?
Chapter 10 – pages 75-82
38. Evaluate Lincoln’s reaction to the thief. (Judge his actions.)
39. Lots of things are going wrong for Lincoln. List them.
Now – if we consider those things FORESHADOWING…
what do you think will happen next in Lincoln’s life?
Make a prediction.
40. Pick a conflict in the novel – explain the conflict in detail.
41. Lincoln didn’t call the police because ______
42. What do you think
about what Lincoln
said to Coach Yesutis?
Chapter 11 – pages 83-90
43. Why do you think Lincoln 44. Why does Lincoln say “YOU are going
is avoiding Monica? to lose” instead of “WE are going to lose?”
45. Lincoln thinks Franklin will win because…
Chapter 12 – pages 91-100
46. Lincoln and his mother have a conversation about Coach Yesutis.
Give the main idea of what Lincoln thinks. Give the main idea of what his mom thinks.
47. Lincoln says he regrets saying
Columbus would lose. Write
something you have said that
you regretted saying.
48. What realization did Lincoln 49. How did Lincoln feel about going in to come to on the bench? play?
50. What did Roy do? How will this affect Lincoln and Roy’s relationship?
Chapter 13 – pages 101-103
51. In question 39, you were asked to make a prediction. Were you right?
52. Describe the change in Lincoln and Roy’s relationship from the beginning of the novel to the end.
53. Describe the change in Lincoln and Tony’s relationship from the beginning of the novel to the end.
54. Describe the change in Lincoln and Monica’s relationship from the beginning of the novel to the end.
55. What would be a possible THEME for this novel?
56. I would recommend Taking Sides to ______because
57. Rate this book on a star scale from 1 (worst) to 5 (best.)
Color in the correct amount of stars.
58. If I met Gary Soto, I would ask him this question:
59. I am most like the character ______because
60. I think we read this book in class because