Team Handball Unit Map - Middle School

Essential Questions for this Activity
How does team handball incorporate the components of physical fitness? (1.1)
·  Why is cardiovascular endurance important when playing team handball?
·  When is muscular strength/endurance demonstrated during team handball?
·  When is flexibility used in team handball?
Why is communication and cooperation in team handball important? (1.6, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5)
·  What is the role of the offense?
·  What is the role of the defense?
·  What are some ways to communicate in team handball?
·  How can you work with individual differences within a team?
How do rules in team handball enhance team play and safety? (2.1, 2.4)
·  After an offensive player has taken his/her three steps, what are his/her options?
·  What are some examples of appropriate team play?
·  How do you determine the difference between safe and unsafe play?
How can you learn more about team handball? (3.1, 3.2)
Standards and Performance Indicators
NYS Standard #1: Personal Health and Fitness
NYS Standard #2: A Safe and Healthy Environment
NYS Standard #3: Resource Management
Essential Knowledge
Students will know that…
Grades 6 - 8:
Team Handball provides benefits in cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. (1.1)
Feedback from teachers and teammates can help improve team handball skills. (1.3)
Team handball encompasses elements of group dynamics. (1.6, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5)
Skills such as passing/receiving, shooting, blocking, and intercepting are important elements within team handball. (2.3, 2.5)
Goaltending involves different elements such as positioning, blocking, and clearing. (2.3, 2.5)
Linking skills such as passing/receiving and moving will help build success.
(2.3, 2.5)
Team handball involves continuous repositioning and transitioning from offense to defense. (2.3, 2.5)
Team handball resources are available within their community through media, club teams, teachers, etc. (3.1, 3.2) / Enduring Understanding
Students will understand that…
Grade 6:
Applying the components of physical fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition) will help provide conditioning in certain activities. (1.1)
It is important to progressively execute the skill components in order to proficiently participate in sports and activities. (1.2)
Receiving feedback will enable them to monitor and improve skills in sports and activities. (1.3)
Through participation in group activities leadership, problem-solving, cooperation, and teamwork can be enhanced. (1.6)
Rules and regulations help keep a safe environment during all activities. (2.1, 2.4)
Skills learned can be applied to create strategies within a game. (2.3, 2.5)
Appropriate social skills (cooperation, collaboration, fairness, sportsmanship, respect) are necessary during physical activity in order to maintain a safe and healthy environment. (2.2)
Constructing group and individual goals can lead to group success. (2.3)
Physical activity/games/sports can help to develop and sharpen leadership and problem-solving skills.(2.5)
There are resources available to them within their community to be physically active in team handball (clubs, parks and recreation). (3.1, 3.2)
Grades 7/8
Applying the components of physical fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition) will help provide conditioning in certain activities. (1.1)
It is important to progressively execute the skill components in order to proficiently participate in sports and activities. (1.2)
As psychomotor and cognitive abilities change, skills in game situations should become more complex. (1.2)
Receiving feedback will enable them to monitor and improve skills in sports and activities. (1.3)
Evaluating performance in fundamental skill activities can lead to an understanding of current skill level and evaluation and improvements in skill acquisition. (1.3)
Through participation in group activities leadership, problem-solving, cooperation, and teamwork can be enhanced. (1.6)
Through dynamic team activities, leadership roles can be defined. (1.6)
The value of consideration and empathy within a diverse setting leads to positive social dynamics. (1.6)
Rules and regulations help keep a safe environment during all activities. (2.1, 2.4)
Skills and strategies are constantly evolving.
(2.3, 2.5)
Working constructively with others can help achieve desired outcomes within a group activity. (2.3)
Physical activity/games/sports can help to develop and sharpen leadership and problem-solving skills both inside and outside the classroom.(2.5)
Benefits of physical activity also include social and emotional well-being. (2.5)
There are resources available to them within their community to be physically active. (3.1, 3.2)

Essential Team Handball Skills

Students will be able to…
Offensive Skills
·  Walk/Run
·  Turn
·  Twist
·  Transfer of weight
·  Bend – flex and extend
·  Pivot
·  Pass – bounce, chest, overhead, fake
·  Catch
·  Shoot – fake
·  Dribble
·  Cut
·  Reposition
·  Transition to defense / Defensive Skills:
·  Walk/Run
·  Turn
·  Twist
·  Transfer of weight
·  Bend – flex and extend
·  Intercept
·  Block
·  Catch
·  Receive – absorption of force
·  Reposition
·  Transition to offense


Evidence that students have learned the above knowledge, understandings, and skills.

Ideas for assessing knowledge
·  Exit slips – “ticket out the door”
·  Questioning
·  Peer assessment
·  Self assessment
·  Written assessment
·  Venn Diagram / Ideas for assessing understanding
·  Written assessment
·  Watch and critique a team handball game
·  Peer assessment
·  Authentic assessments / Ideas for assessing skills
·  Skill rubrics
·  Authentic assessment within game play
·  Peer assessment

Cook, Masci, MacDonald, Sadler 8/27/08