Special Meeting of California Borough Council, September 27, 2012, 5:30 pm
President Bittnercalled the meeting to order at 5:30 pm
ATTENDANCE: Mr. Bittner, Mr. Encapera, Mr. Glab, and Mr. Mariscotti
ABSENT:Mr. Alfano, Mr. Difilippo, Mrs. Gutosky, and Mayor Durdines
Mr. Glab added – Local Share Application
Mr. Bittner stated the agenda stands as printed and amended.
Mr. Maddiex stated he would like to see the bond monies used for debt reduction and some used for capital projects.
Wayne Gerhold, bond counsel was contacted via speaker phone. Mr. Glab asked how specific council has to be in naming capital projects. Mr. Gerhold stated if they have a big project that they want the money to be used for it won’t hurt to name it on the other hand if you are just doing general capital improvements throughout the borough or something like that. He asked council what they were thinking of and Mr. Bittner stated expansion of borough building, infrastructure and road repairs. Mr. Gerhold stated you can say those three things and leave yourself open with adding other capital improvements throughout the borough. Mr. Agrafiotis stated what if they choose not to use it for the expansion of the building but they stated that as one of the uses what happens then. Mr. Gerhold stated the way he does the form they have the option to change if they choose not to do that later because they are not locked into it. Ms. Evans asked if they have to start spending it or finish spending it in the three year time limit. Mr. Gerhold stated if you don’t it’s not the end of the world but as far as the IRS is concerned you should spend that money over a three year period of time. Mr. Gerhold stated when he does the draft of the dead act ordinance look at the definition of projects and he can clean it up as needed. He stated that the ad is in the paper published today in fact. Mr. Agrafiotis asked him to listen to the motion to make sure it is correct.
Motion by Glab/Encapera to use the bond refinancing proceeds for capital improvements throughout the borough including but not limited to the expansion of the borough building, extending infrastructure, and paving roads throughout the borough and other capital projects throughout the borough duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.
Motion by Glab/Mariscotti to authorize payment to Suit Kote in the amount of $46,000.00 for the tar & chip project bid through liquid fuels duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.
Motion by Encapera/Glab to authorize payment to Baiano Construction in the amount of $34,396.33 for Estimate #4 on the Streetscape project duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.
Mr. Glab stated that he would like authorization to submit application for LSA funds since the deadline is the 17th. He would like to redo Technology Drive. The submission of the application no way obligates us to anything. Mr. Mariscotti asked if we own that officially. Mr. Bittner stated Shirley could not find anywhere in the minutes where council officially accepted that road. Mr. Agrafiotis stated there should probably be and Ordinance stating that. Mr. Agrafiotis stated but you are stuck using it for the reason you are requesting it. There was future discussion about Technology Drive and discussions with Redevelopment Authority possibly partnering with us on the application at which time they chose not to but they offered to advise us on filling out the application. Council decided they would do what they could to repair sections of the road instead of the entire road. They would use the monies from the LSA funds, if awarded any, to repair the most damaged portions of the road. Mr. Glab talked a little bit about turn back money. Council will discuss it further at the committee meeting.
Motion by Glab/Mariscotti to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 duly carried with all members present stating aye.