1.1The County Association shall be called Suffolk Netball Association (hereinafter called SNA).
2.1The SNA shall be affiliated to England Netball and to the East Region Netball Association (hereinafter called Netball East).
The SNAwill:
3.1Co-operate with England Netball and with Netball East to develop, promote and encourage the growth of the game of Netball.
3.1.1Organise and administer the game within its area.
3.1.2Accept the rules and regulations as laid down by England Netball.
3.1.3Employ the funds of the SNA in the best interest of the game through the appointed Trustees, use the Pat Taylor Memorial Fund to assist the development of individuals within the game.
4.1The Membership of the SNA shall consist of:
4.1.1Clubs - A Club with at least 10 registered participants which is either a Netball Club, the Netball Section of a Youth or Community Club or College which, affiliated to the SNA, is eligible for membership of the SNA and shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at the General Meetings of the SNA.
4.1.2Schools - A School whose main building is located within the SNA’s geographical area is eligible for membership of the SNA and shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings of the SNA.
4.1.3Registered Participants (as defined in England Netball Articles) - To be a Registered Participant, either adult or Under 18, a person must register with England Netball through a Club or School within the County or through the SNA. Registered Participants shall be entitled to attend and speak at General Meetings but not to vote.
4.1.4Associate Members - the following are eligible:
i)Any Company or Sports Club within the County with an interest in Netball
ii)Any Junior League in the County established for players under the statutory school leaving age.
`Associate Members shall be entitled to attend and speak at General Meetings, but not to vote.
4.2All members shall be bound by this Constitution and any other rulings of the Management Board and by the current rules of the game.
5.1Each Member shall pay an annual subscription which incorporates relevant fees to the SNA, Netball East and England Netball.
5.2The annual SNA fee shall be recommended by the Management Board and agreed annually and voted upon by members (as defined in Item 4) at the AGM.
5.3Membership fees are due annually on 1st September, they shall be valid from 1st September to 31st August the following year.
6.1The Management Board of the Association shall be: President, Vice President, Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
6.2The Management Board must be Registered Participants and shall be elected at the AGM.
6.3Up to 3 co-opted members.
7.1The Management of the affairs of the SNA shall be vested in the SNA Committee comprising:
7.1.1The Management Board.
7.1.2Coaching, Officials, Club Competition and Development, Performance, Schools Competition and Development, Marketing and Volunteering Technical Support Group (TSG) Leads, and a Welfare Officer each of whom must be a Registered Participant and shall be elected at the AGM.
7.1.3Up to 3 co-opted members.
7.2Four members shall form a quorum.
7.3The Management Board shall meet at least 4 times per year.
7.4The SNA Committee comprising of the Management Board, TSG Leads and Welfare Officer shall meet at least 4 times per year.
7.5The SNA Committee has the authority to fill any vacancy until the next AGM.
8.1The AGM shall be held in every calendar year on a date to be fixed by the SNA Committee.
8.2The date and agenda of the AGM shall be circulated not later than 28 days before the meeting to every member entitled to vote.
8.3Business to be transacted shall include:
8.3.1Receiving reports and accounts covering the twelve months ending 30th April.
8.3.2Electing the Management Board and Committee members.
8.3.3Appointing an Honorary Auditor.
8.3.4Considering any proposed resolution submitted in writing 14 day before the date of the Meeting which has been proposed and seconded by the Committee or two members entitled to vote at General Meetings.
8.3.5Considering and proposed amendment to the Constitution received at least 21 days before the date of the meeting. Amendments to the Constitution shall be proposed by the SNA Committee or by 2 members entitled to vote.
8.4Nominations for the election of the Management Board and Committee Members shall be proposed and seconded by two members entitled to vote.
8.5Persons eligible to vote at General Meetings shall be:
8.5.1Clubs - 2 votes each
8.5.2Schools - 1 vote each
8.5.3Committee Members - 1 vote each
8.6In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote.
9.1An EGM may be convened:
9.1.1By order of the SNA Committee.
9.1.2Upon the written request to the Secretary from five or more members entitled to vote at a General Meeting.
9.2Each request shall state the purpose for which a Meeting is required.
9.3An EGM shall be held within 28 days of receipt of the request by the Secretary. 14 days notice of the Meeting and of any resolution proposed shall be given to every Member entitled to vote.
10.1Performance Academies shall be selected annually in accordance with England Netball regulations currently in force in partnership with Suffolk Sport.
10.2The registered colours of the SNA shall be navy, gold and white.
11.1The SNA shall have power to discipline in line with the England Netball guidelines.
11.2Any member guilty of serious misconduct could be suspended or removed from membership of the Association.
11.3On receipt of a written complaint, the SNA Committee shall:
i)Establish an Investigation Panel to look into the facts surrounding the complaint.
ii)If warranted, appoint a Disciplinary Panel.
11.4Any member has the right to appeal. The SNA shall appoint an Appeals Panel to hear an appeal against a Disciplinary decision.
12.1If any dispute shall arise on the interpretation of this Constitution or the need arises to deal with any matter not provided for in this Constitution, reference shall be made to the Secretary who shall refer the same to the SNA Committee whose decision shall be binding on all parties.
12.2All funds or other property of the SNA shall not be paid to or distributed among Members of the SNA, but shall be applied towards the furtherance of the SNA’s objectives. Payment to individuals other than petty cash expenses shall be sanctioned by the Management Board.
In the event of dissolution, the funds remaining will be distributed to other organisations whose objectives are similar to those of the SNA or used for other purposes approved by the Charity Commissioners.