Outline of Prophecy in Bible


  1. The Focus of Bible Prophecy : Israel (Gentile, Israel & Church)
  2. The Mystery of Bible Prophecy : Church
  3. The Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy : Christ

The Important of Studying Bible Prophecy

1. ¾ of the Bible Contains Prophecy: God has inspired more of prophetic words with purpose.

2. Prophecy brings Hope in the life of God’s Children.

3. Prophecy motivate believer to live a Holy life for God. I Thessalonians 5:23; I John 3:2-3

4. Prophecy in the Bible gives us the Purpose to Serve the Lord.

5. Prophecy Proves the Authority of Scripture

Major Themes of the Prophecy in the Bible:

1. Rapture

Major Passages -

· Prophecy of Enoch Jude 9

· Promise of Jesus, John 14 : 1 – ff

· Preaching of Apostles, 2 Thessalonians 4:16 – ff

Illustration of Raptures -

· Enoch Himself

· Elijah’s Ascension

· Dry Bones

Reasons for the Raptures -

· Church is ambassador for Christ

· Church is bride, body & building (temple) of Christ

· Church is chosen generation & royal priesthood

2. Tribulation

a. Christ & Church in the Mid-Air,

b. Judgment of Rewards & Marriage of the Lamb

c. Anti-Christ & Jews on the earth

d. 666 (Satanic Trinity)

e. Two Prophetic Witness

3. Millennium

a. The Revelation of Christ

b. Binding of Satan in Bottomless Pit for 1000 yrs

c. Judgment of the Nations

d. Kingdom of Christ in the Throne of David

e. The Final Revolt of Devil : Armageddon

f. Great White Throne Judgment

g. New Heaven & New Earth

Sings of End Time

1.  Godlessness in the last days - 2 Timothy 3:1-5,7

2.  False Messiahs. Prelude to the First Seal - Matthew 24:5, 11

3.  Wars and Rumors of Wars. Prelude to the Second Seal - Matthew 24:6

4.  Famines. Prelude to the Third Seal - Matthew 24:7

5.  Pestilences - Matthew 24:7

  1. Earthquakes - Matthew 24:7