Title I School-wide Program Plan

Ferndale Area School District


Updated: 2016-2017

Eligible School: Ferndale Area Elementary

School Address: 100 Dartmouth Avenue

Johnstown, PA 15905

814 535-6724


Principal: Mrs. Rachelle Hrabosky

Initial Implementation Date of School-wide Plan:

1998-99 School Year

Current Implementation Date of School-wide Plan:

July 1, 2017

(Updated May 15, 2017)

Revised May 15, 2017 – Parent Involvement Meeting

Ferndale Area School District

100 Dartmouth Avenue

Johnstown, PA 15905

814 535-1507


Ferndale Area School District is located in the southwestern portion of Pennsylvania’s Cambria County. We are the only district in the Commonwealth serving families from five noncontiguous municipalities. Our district spans 6.1 square miles, encompassing the communities of Brownstown Borough, Dale Borough, Ferndale Borough, Lorain Borough, and Middle Taylor Township. Because of our unique geographical structure, our approximately 683 students (K/4-12) bring with them a range of family and community experiences.

We pride ourselves in recognizing and supporting this diversity, and truly believe that we are Big Enough to Challenge, Small Enough to Care! We are proud of our academic accomplishments, our dedication to the personal growth of students, and the standard of excellence we hold ourselves to in our professional practices.

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Ferndale Area Elementary School, as of October 1, 2016, had approximately 400 students in grades K/4-6. There are 21 classroom teachers, 4 Special Teachers (Art, Gym, Library and Music), 1 Technology instructor, 1 Guidance Counselor, 1 Half Time Social Worker, 1 Academic and Behavioral Support Coordinator, 1 School Psychologist, 1 Speech Therapist, 3 Learning Support Teachers, 1 Reading Specialist, 2 Title I instructional aides included with our 8 Paraprofessionals. The FASD elementary also has 3 trained ESL teachers. All of the above staff is highly qualified under the NCLB Act of 2001. The percentage of low-income families (Free and Reduced Lunch) that attend Ferndale Area Elementary School, as of October 1, 2016 is approximately 76.1%. All students were included in the needs assessment including gender groups, children with disabilities, economically disadvantaged students and educationally disadvantaged students.

Various forms of assessments and data are used to identify the progress and needs to be addressed in the School-wide Program. Data is disaggregated as appropriate. Summaries of the assessments used are available for review.

ELA Math Other Needs

DRA 2 PLUS - K-3 Pre/Mid/Post Tests K-2 Attendance

Report Card Grades K4-6 Report Card Grades K4-6 Promotion/Retention

PSSA Test Results PSSA Test Results Behavior

Tutoring - After School Tutoring After School Suspensions

Developmental Checklists Development ChecklistsK4-1

First Step Assessments K4 First Step Assessments K4

(Ended after 2011-2012)

Work Sampling System K4 Work Sampling System K4

(Ended after 2010-2011)

Brigance Early Childhood

Screen II K4 (2012-2013)

Study Island – Grades 1-6 Study Island – Grades 1-6

4Sight Assessments 3-6 4Sight Assessments 3-6

(Ended 2013-2014) (Ended 2013-2014)

Triumphs Interventions K-6 Number World Interventions K-6

Woodcock Johnson K-6 Key Math Assessments (given as needed) K-6

Fountas & Pinnell Easy CBM (K-3)

Intervention K-6

(reading specialists) CDT grades 3-6

Easy CBM (K-3)

CDT grades 3-6

Aimsweb Testing (Multi-Tiered System of Support)

Parental Involvement Workshops (ELA and Mathematics)

School-wide Program Goals

The goals of the School-wide Program were established to meet the needs of all the students. Data from the needs assessment are used to drive instruction and set goals that are aligned with the Ferndale Area School District Curriculum and the state standards under NCLB Act of 2001.

The Ferndale Area School District mission statement is used to guide the School-wide Program.

The mission of the Ferndale Area School District is to be “Big Enough to Challenge” all students, but “Small Enough to Care” about each student.

To accomplish this mission, the Ferndale Area School District will strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment for excellent teaching and learning experiences where students prepare for a life of continual learning, and acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to solve problems, communicate effectively and be a responsible citizen.

The School-wide Program goals are as follows:

Academic Program K/4

The K/4 students use the Everyday Math curriculum. They are currently using the Little Treasures Reading Curriculum. Ready Readers Program is now used as a supplement, providing all the books needed to match individual abilities and build reading confidence. Ready Reader features both non-fiction and fiction titles for the students to use. K4 is also using developmental checklists and report card grades. The Work Sampling reports were used until 2010-2011. The First Step Screening was used at registration until 2011-2012. The Brigance Early Childhood Screen II is now used in K4 three times per year to access the following domains: Approaches to Learning, Language Development, Literacy, Mathematics and Science, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Health Development.

Intensified Academic Programs in Kindergarten

Kindergarten continues as a high quality full-day program using developmental checklists, Everyday Math, and mid and end of the year DRAs.

Kindergarten will be using Ready Readers Program, which provides all the books needed to match individual abilities and build reading confidence. Ready Reader features both non-fiction and fiction titles for the students to use. Kindergarten also uses the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Treasures basal. They use the basal in addition to the following guided reading resources which include: Good Habits Great Readers guided reading books, Benchmark’s K-5 Bookroom, and Benchmark’s Readers Theater books. The Kindergarten program also uses strategies and methods learned from past Steve Dunn Trainings. Starting in ’07-

08 school year, we began the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Science Program. We are using Pearson/Scott Foresman social studies program.

Academic Programs in Grades 1-6

Ferndale Area Elementary School is using the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Treasures reading program as just one of many tools for ELA instruction. Treasures is a research-based program. It is built upon a foundation of research supporting the requirements of No Child Left Behind. Many web-based instructional sites are also utilized in instruction including Newsela, Epic! and Read Works. Guided Reading is a part of our reading program and was introduced in 2009-2010. We are using Guided Reading libraries from Pearson Learning with grades K5-3. Some teachers are using components of the guided reading program, such as iOpeners. iOpeners and other leveled nonfiction books equip students with the skills and strategies they need to assess and comprehend non-fiction. Students will not only be learning to read, but reading to learn. DRA 2 PLUS and Easy CBM assessments are used throughout the year. The Aimsweb tool and CDT are also used three times a year to monitor progress and diagnose areas of strength and weakness in both instruction and student progress in real time.

Ferndale Area Elementary School provides science instruction in grades K – 6. Starting in ’07-08 school year, we began using the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Science Program. This is a developmentally appropriate program that incorporates direct instruction with hands-on experiments to further develop the science curriculum. We also use FOSS materials to more fully develop certain areas of the curriculum. The FOSS curriculum is inquiry based and allows children to explore concepts through hands-on experiments.

FAES is using Pearson/Scott Foresman social studies program in grades K5-6. This is a research-based program that includes many necessary updates in political change and additions to modern history. It also incorporates up-to-date methods utilizing “Big Books” for the primary grades, and improved and expanded use of technology including software and online resources for teachers and students. Time for Kids magazine is also used to enrich students’ education in current events.

Currently we are using Everyday Math in grades K4-5, as well as supplementing with outside resources to provide sound and standards aligned curriculum. To bridge elementary and junior high school, FAES uses “Prentice Hall Connected Math” in grade 6. Both math programs provide a balance of instruction in computation and problem solving and are research based and scientifically tested. Teachers and staff have been trained in this educational model and information pertaining to the program is shared with parents throughout the year. Parent’s participation is vital to a child’s success in math. Only with cooperation between school and parent can teachers meet the educational needs of children. Yearly Pre/Mid/Post assessments will be given and evaluated in grades K, 1 and 2. CDT assessments are given for grades 3-6.

Objective # 1 K-4 Program

Instructional Strategies:

·  Daily routines using the above mentioned curriculum

·  20 minutes daily math instruction and 25 minutes of daily reading instruction

·  Full day instruction for 136 days using Highly Qualified Teachers and Aides

·  Flexibility that allows students to be instructed at the most appropriate levels

·  Home visits by teachers and aides (at least 2- 3 per student per year)


·  Flexible grouping would allow gifted students to be enriched and lower performing students to be accommodated

·  Concepts are reviewed as needed based on frequent assessments

·  Individual aides will be used as needed to help students with achievement

·  Various Staff will be used as needed to help students be successful (Guidance, Family Support, AmeriCorps)

Measurement of Success:

·  Daily observations and oral assessments

·  K-4 Checklists

·  Various First Step assessments (ended 2011-2012)

·  Report card grades

·  Work Sampling System (ended 2010-2011)

·  The Brigance Early Childhood Screen II (started 2012-2013)

·  Successful transition into Kindergarten

Objective # 2 Kindergarten Program

Instructional Strategies:

·  Daily routines using the above mentioned curriculum

·  45 minutes daily math instruction and 2.5 hours daily of English/language arts instruction

·  Developmental centers used daily

·  Full day instruction using Highly Qualified Teachers and Aides

·  Continued use of writing strategies using Steve Dunn methods

·  Flexibility that allows students to be instructed at the most appropriate levels

·  100 minutes per week of intensive Tier III intervention for identified students


·  Flexible grouping would allow gifted students to be enriched and lower performing students to be accommodated

·  Concepts are reviewed as needed based on frequent assessments

·  Individual aides will be used as needed to help students with achievement

·  Various Staff will be used as needed to help students be successful (Guidance, Family Support, AmeriCorps)

Measurement of Success:

·  Daily observations and oral assessments

·  Kindergarten checklists

·  Various assessments, i.e. DRA 2

·  Report card grades

·  Successful transition into first grade

Objective # 3 Grades 1-6

Instructional Strategies:

·  Daily routines using the above mentioned curriculum

·  Full day instruction using Highly Qualified Teachers and Aides

·  Flexible Grouping that allows students to be instructed at the most appropriate levels

·  Continued use of writing strategies using Coach Books, Steve Dunn’s methods as well as Mark Weakland’s monitoring and instruction for grades K-3

·  TEAMS /FOSS science methods

·  Core-Reading/Writing Program for K-3

·  PA Core Standards Aligned Instruction in ELA and Mathematics in grades 1-6

·  100 minutes per week of intensive Tier III intervention for identified students in grades 1-2; 60 minutes per week of intensive Tier III intervention for identified students in grades 3-6


·  Flexible grouping would allow gifted students to be enriched and lower performing students to be accommodated

·  Concepts are reviewed as needed based on frequent assessments

·  Individual aides will be used as needed to help students with achievement

·  Various Staff will be used as needed to help students be successful (Guidance, Family Support AmeriCorps).

Measurement of Success:

·  Daily observations and curriculum assessments

·  Various assessments, i.e. DRA 2 with Tango software & Pre/Mid/Post Math assessments

·  Report card grades

·  PSSA test results

·  Study Island grades 2-6 Reading and Math

·  4Sight assessments grades 3-6 Math and Reading (ended 2013-2014)

·  CDT grades 3-6 Reading/Math

·  Easy CBM assessment – grades 1-3 (2014-2015)

·  Successful promotions to appropriate grade level


Implemented a technology curriculum K-6

Implemented a wireless elementary building (2010-11) Update as needed

Purchased 2 laptop carts each with 25 student laptops

Purchased 25 e Readers and several various types of e books for student use.

Utilizing video conferencing equipment across grade levels and curriculum.

Implement IPads into curriculum for staff and student use.

Implement IPads with DRA2 – PLUS software - K-3 staff and students

MicroCruz readers in Library

Chromebooks in Library

All staff has iPads, and Apple TV’s

Large Format Displays in Classrooms

Updated computer lab with Chrome Desktops (2015)

Professional Development

All classroom teachers, counselors, and Learning Support teachers meet the definition of a Highly Qualified teacher under the NCLB Act of 2001.

All instructional paraprofessionals that work with students under the direct supervision of a teacher at the Ferndale Area School District meet the definition of Highly Qualified under the NCLB Act of 2001.

Ferndale Area Elementary Staff have several professional development Act 80/In-service days during the school year. Outside conferences/workshops are attended as needed. All staff members are required to track their professional development hours online through the PDE website in order to meet the required credits/hours in accordance with Act 48 of 1999.

·  Grade Level Meetings to align curriculum and discuss student needs

·  Data Days to align instruction to students needs (tutoring)

·  Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (updates / trainings) ongoing

·  Technology Training (1/21/08,1/19/2010)(1/16/2012)

·  Special Education Updates/workshops (various as needed)

·  ESL Seminars/training (as needed)

·  Teams/FOSS Science Trainings (as needed)

·  ESAP Trainings/Meetings (as needed)

·  Guided Reading/Literature Circle Trainings for implementation (as needed)

·  Autism 101 (8/23/10)

·  Learning Lamp’s Earth ball/Discovery Dome (10/01/10)

·  Autism Overview (10/01/10) ongoing

·  Threat Assessment, Fire Safety, First 10 Minutes, Emergency bags (11/12/10-?)

·  Safe Schools and Emergency Planning ongoing - (11/12/10 - ?)