Nomination Form for ICF Ireland Coaching Awards

Individual Coaching Award Nomination– 2016

Nominations must be received by email to no later than 5pm on Friday Monday 26th September (final extended date) to allow sufficient time to evaluate and shortlist applicants.

Candidates will be shortlisted solely based on the information provided in this application form.
The independent selection panel may wish to speak with candidates after shortlisting before finalising winners.

Shortlisted entrants will be notified by mid October and invited to attend the ICF Ireland Awards Gala Evening on 19th November in Clontarf Castle Hotel, Dublin. All members and non-members are welcome.

See for details of booking and accommodation for the Gala Awards event.

Please read Full Rules and Eligibility before submitting your application – read here

If you are nominating another person, please complete the form as best you can, and we will follow up with nominees to ensure they submit their own self-nomination and relevant background info.

Details / Please select or provide details
Name of Nominee
Contact Number / Mobile
ICF member ? / Yes / No / Previous Member –
Please provide your membership number ______
Date joined ICF
(if applicable)
Main Areas of your coaching practice
Please Select Maximum of
Two categories /  Business Coaching (focused on business development, startupsetc)
 Executive Coaching (focused on executive / leadership / mgmt. development)
 Career Coaching (focused on career development, transition etc)
 Life Coaching
 Health / Wellness Coaching
 Sports Coaching
 Coach Training (ICF aligned training)
Coach Mentoring (and holding an ACC, PCC or MCC credential)
 Coaching Supervision (formally qualified)
 Other Type of Coaching not listed above ______
Special awards you want to apply to be considered for / Rising Star Award(completed coach training in 2015 or 2016)*
President’s Award(individual or organisation)**
Both of these awards are open to non-members
Formal Coach Training Completed (Course Name, College and Year)
Years of coaching experience since training / <1 year 1-3years 4 -6 years
6-10years 10years +
Approximate number of clients coached / <50 50-100 100+
Further professional development since initial training e.g. certifications / credentials / coaching tools / methods, supervision training
Demonstration of ICF Core Competency areas / Give examples below of how these competencies are demonstrated by the nominee
  • Setting the Foundation (including areas such as ethics, contracting etc)

  • Co-creating the Relationship (e.g. trust, intimacy, presence, rapport)

  • Communicating Effectively
    (e.g. listening, questioning, etc)

  • Facilitating Learning and Results (e.g. raising awareness, actions, planning, goals, progress)

Contribution to and engagement in Coaching Community e.g. previous involvement in professional coaching organisations, organising coaching events
Other Relevant Work e.g. Coach Training, Mentoring, Supervision, Skills Assessment, Programme development
Contribution to ICF Mission of helping humanity to flourish – through paid or voluntary work, influencing community, organisations and individuals to be the best they can be.
(especially relevant for President’s Award)
If nominating yourself, please provide one Testimonial from an ICF Member (including their name & contact details)
(if you don’t know another ICF member – a client or your manager can provide this)
Your Submission to include any other relevant information on why you believe the nominee should win this award – Max 300 words
Name of person submitting nomination
Contact details of person submitting nomination:
Mobile number:
Current ICF Member? / Y / N / Former Member

Nominations must be received by email to no later than 5pm on Monday 26th September (final extended date)

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