(HRF-004B-04 10/15)


DATE:______REVIEW PERIOD:______TO:______

APPLICATIONS:Consider how the associate applies sound methods in getting the job

done.Check the appropriate box(if completing electronically,double-click box and select “checked”).

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
1. Organizing – Uses time in an effective and efficient manner.
2. Problem Solving – Ability to recognize and define problems and implement
3. Meeting Objectives – Demonstrates dedication to achieving goals and
objectives of the department and company.
4. Policies and Procedures – Consistently administers and follows department and
company policies and procedures.
5. Communications – Demonstrates effective oral, written and listening skills.
6. Working with others – Establishes effective and professional work
relationships and demonstrates integrity in all dealings with others.
7. Managing Expenses – Effectiveness in controlling expenses and meets budget

KNOWLEDGE AND CHARACTERISTICS:Consider the degree to which the associate’s knowledge and characteristics contribute to overall effectiveness. Check the appropriate box (if completing electronically, double-click box and select “checked”).

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
8. Work Knowledge – Knowledge of methods and skills
necessary to perform job responsibilities properly.
9. Initiative – Ability to take action and get things done without being told.
Assumes responsibility promptly and effectively.
10. Quality – Ability to be accurate and consistently meet job quality standards.
11. Productivity – Ability to produce and meet productivity requirements.
12. Effort – The degree to which the associate does his/her bestto be a top
13. Judgment – Soundness of conclusions, decisions, and actions.
14. Teamwork – Works toward developing and supporting a team
environment. Contributes to a positive environment.
15. Dependability – Reliability in executing the duties and requirements of the job.
16. Safety – Abides by applicable safety rules and requirements.
17. Housekeeping – Keeps work area clean and free from clutter and hazards.
18. Leadership – Provides direction and vision. Is effective in developing in others
the willingness and desire to work toward established goals and objectives.

Performance Rating Expectations

The following are broad definitions of Kolberg-Pioneer’s five performance levels:

Level 1 – Performance is Outstanding. The associate’s performance consistently exceeds expectations or requirements for the position.

Level 2 – Performance Exceeds Expectations. The associate’s performance is consistently above average.

Level 3 – Performance Meets Expectations. The associate is consistently meeting both the expectations and requirements for the job.

Level 4 – Performance Below Expectations. Performance requires improvement. The associate does not consistently meet all of the expectations and requirements for the job. The associate needs to improve in his/her area to meet expectations.

Level 5 – Performance is Clearly Unsatisfactory. Minimum expectations and requirements of the job are not being met. The associate’s performance consistently falls short of the minimum expectations in his/her area. Immediate improvement to minimally acceptable levels of performance is necessary.

N/A – Not Applicable. Rating category is not applicable to job position.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (Required)Attach additional sheets, if needed.

Strengths: Describe associate’s greatest strengths that contribute to current performance and/or that would be beneficial in the future.______

Opportunities & Development Needs: Describe areas where improvements in the associate’s current job performance could be made for growth in present or future positions. Include skills, knowledge or capabilities.


Achievement of Previous Goals: (Refer to prior appraisal, if applicable. List each goal you had set and indicate whether employee achieved, failed to reach, or exceeded the goal. Explain in detail any situations or conditions affecting attainment.)


New Goals & Plans, with time frames(List 1 to 3 specific goals to be attained by employee before next review):


I have discussed all items on this form with the named employee.

I have reviewed the job description for the named employee and confirm that it is correct.


Primary Reviewer’s Signature Date


Secondary Reviewer’s Signature Date

EMPLOYEE COMMENTS: Describe reaction to ratings, future plans, and steps to reach goals.


I have seen, examined, and discussed all items covered in this review. I understand I may make my own comments. I realize my signature does not imply I am in agreement with the review.


Employee’s Signature Date