August 2012 Newsletter
SUSE AGM on 4th October 2012
The AGM is at the Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow G1 3SF, and is open to all SUSE members.
Speakers at the AGM include Mark Willis, Welfare Rights Advisor of CPAG Scotland who will talk about the impact of welfare reform on disabled people. Also, there will be an update on the SUSE self-directed support project.
If you can attend please email . More details are on the SUSE website:
SQA Personal Development Award (PDA) in Supported Employment
The SQA have developed a webpage for the recently released PDA.
The content of the PDA Units has been aligned with the UK National Occupational Standards. SUSE will be holding a workshop on the PDA at the BASE conference in Glasgow on September 12th.
Scottish Business Diversity Awards
Please nominate individuals, employers or services for a 2012 Diversity Award, either through the SUSE website or through your local supported employment network. The closing date for the nominations is the 1st of October and national presentations will be at the end of November.
EUSE Conference 2013 Call for Papers
The EUSE Conference 2013 is calling for abstracts for workshops, presentations and discussion groups. An application form and terms and conditions are online:
My Skills, My Strengths, My Right to Work
LTCAS have funding to explore and develop good practice and raise awareness around employability. A scoping exercise is being carried out by Work4Me. Please contact Shona Sinclair:
Supported Employment and Self-directed Support
SUSE commissioned Paul Wilson to produce a report for members providing support and ideas around developing services for self-directed support. The report includes a framework for local services to begin discussions with Local Authority commissioners – the report is on the SUSE website:
Scottish Mental Health Strategy
The new mental health strategy for Scotland, 2012-2015 has been published by The Scottish Government
Scottish Union of Supported Employment
A company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland No SC2 13687
Recognised as a Scottish Charity with the Inland Revenue, No. SCO27649