curriculum vitae-- R. Michael Fisher (formerly Robert M.)

507 S. James St., Carbondale, IL 62901


Formal Education

2000-03 - Ph.D. in Education, Centre for the Study of Curriculum & Instruction, The University of British Columbia,

Vancouver, BC, Canada

1998-00 - M.A. in Adult Education, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

1988-89 - Graduate Diploma, Educational Psychology (Rehabilitation Studies), University of Calgary, AB, Canada

1978-80 – B.Ed. (After) Secondary Science, University of Calgary, AB

1976-78 – B.Sc. Environmental Biology, University of Calgary, AB

1972-74 - Diploma, Biological Sciences (Ecology), Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Edmonton, AB

Practical Research Interests

·  primary and secondary research, action-participatory qualitative (some quantitative, surveys)

·  curricular design and pedagogy (e.g., holistic, transformative, integral, and futures perspectives)

·  values-principle based leadership and organizational assessments with focus on transition of “cultures of fear” to “cultures of trust” and "cultures of fearlessness" (e.g., team-building and collaborative inquiry)

·  workplace violence, rights, incivility (and terrorism) in higher education, collective trauma and existential capacity/intelligence, making best an aesthetics of ruins, restorative aesthetics, emotional intelligence/competency, emotional wisdom, and relationship dynamics (systems perspective), integral fearanalysis and fearology

·  mission-sensitive and vision-integral approaches and ethics re: research as teaching, teaching as research and the role of leaders and learning communities attaining excellence, and designing "gift economies"

·  peer-based support/counseling services, conflict management, fear management, non-violent

communications, arts, aesthetics, and general mental health and sustainability of organizational cultures,

·  change/transition support, restorative and transformative learning,

·  radical to revolutionary innovation and fearlessness designs for evolutionary advantage,

·  spirituality, multiculturalism and diversity (process models) in higher education and communities

Academic Research Interests [in no particular order]

creativity, arts and aesthetics education, critical health studies, migration studies and xenophobia, terrorism/fearism, aesthetics and ethics in politics, and the unique role of the artist in society, integral (Wilberian) philosophy, philosophy of fearlessness, philosophy of fearism, critical social philosophy, existential philosophy, leadership studies and developmental theories, feminist analysis, holistic-integral analysis, Indigenous-Western methodologies of decolonization, two-eyed seeing methodology, depth psychology and psychoanalysis (post-Freud and Lacan), transdisciplinarity, post-postmodern critical integral theory, critical theory and nonviolent (fearlessness) pedagogy, conflict pedagogy, critical discourse analysis, transformative and liberational learning, arts-based qualitative inquiry and research, art as social action, relational and connective aesthetics, popular and adult emancipatory education, human services (professional development), organizational, community, fear management education in a post-9/11 world, conflict management education, emotion management education, peace education and nonviolence, worldviews and value systems, health and addictions education, safety and security discourses, culture of fear syndrome and risk society, ecology of fear, history of fear and fearlessness, incivility in higher education, popular culture, cyborgs and avatars as role-playing inquiry and pedagogy, transnational, transcultural and transpersonal studies, magical studies, existential geography and capacity, trauma studies, post-Lacanian psychoanalysis (matrixial theory), cultural therapy (ontopsychocultural therapia), adultism, critical curriculum and pedagogy

Graduate Theses & Dissertation

2003 Fearless leadership in and out of the ‘Fear’ Matrix. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Vancouver, BC: The

University of British Columbia. [Available on-line]

2000 Toward a ‘conflict’ pedagogy: A critical discourse analysis of ‘conflict’ in conflict management education.

Unpublished masters thesis. Vancouver, BC: The University of British Columbia.

Graduate Scholarships, Fellowships & Grants Awarded

2001-03 Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Doctoral Fellowship $51,000

2001-03 Faculty of Education Grant Supplement Award, UBC $4000

1999-00 University Graduate Fellowship, UBC $16,000

1984 R. Buckminster Fuller Scholarship, California Institute of Integral Studies, $500


Fisher, R. M. (2018). Fearless engagement in the life and work of Four Arrows: An Indigenous-based Social

Transformer. NY: Peter Lang.

Fisher, R. M., and Subba, D. (2016). Philosophy of fearism: A first East-West dialogue. Australia: Xlibris.

Fisher, R.M. (2010). The world’s fearlessness teachings: A critical integral approach to fear management/education

in the 21st century. Lanham, MD: University of America Press.

Fisher, R. M., & Bickel, B. (2007). Elicit bodies. Vancouver, BC: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.

Fisher, R.M. (1996). Dare to contradict, dare to distinguish; Into the flaming heart of the In Search of Fearlessness

Project. Calgary, AB: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute.

Bickel, B. & Fisher, R.M. (1993). Opening doors; A guide to spontaneous creation-making. Calgary, AB: In Search of

Fearlessness Research Institute.

Fisher, R.M. (1980). Guide to the orchids of the Cypress Hills. Calgary, AB: Author.

Book Chapters

Fisher, R. M. (in progress). Integral gnoseology as critical educational practice: Re-reading Freire and Wilber. In S.

Esbjörn-Hargens (ed.), True but partial: Essential critiques of Integral Theory. NY: State University of New

York Press.

Fisher, R. M. (2016). Towards a theory of fearism. In R. Michael Fisher and Desh Subba, Philosophy of fearism: A

first East-West dialogue (pp. 97-128). Australia: Xlibris

Fisher, R.M. (2014). (Are) men tragically hopeless(?): A critical integralist’s perspective. In S. Nicholson

and V. Fisher (eds.), Sex, gender and sexuality: Critical inquiries (pp. 39-62). NY: State University of

New York Press.

Fisher, R. M. (2013). The sacred ground of fearlessness. In Teaching Truly: A curriculum to indigenizing

mainstream education. Four Arrows (Don Trent Jacobs and guests) (pp. 247-50): NY: Peter Lang.

Fisher, R.M. (2008). (with commentary by Four Arrows, Stephen Quaye, & Blaine Pope). Day Five 1st Presentation:

R. Michael Fisher’s story, “Fearless Leadership”. In D. Jacobs Four Arrows (Ed.), The authentic dissertation:

Alternative ways of knowing, research and representation (pp. 143-148). London, UK: Routledge.

Edited Works

Four Arrows, and Fisher, R. M. (Co-Eds.) (in progress). “Spiritual and Indigenous pedagogies” section of the Sage handbook of critical pedagogies. Sage.

Refereed Journal (and/or Proceedings) Articles

Schultz, A., McGibbon, E., Sinclair, M., Fisher, R. M., and Linton, J. (submitted). A scoping review of research about coronary artery disease in Indigenous people: Getting to the heart of the matter to move forward in reconciliation. Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Fisher, R. M. (2017). Radical love—is it radical enough? International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 8(1), 261-81.

Fisher, R. M. (2017). Two hands, two decks, and a theory: Expanding thinking vocabularies of learners in the 21st

century. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (Spring issue).

Jordan, N., Richardson, P., Fisher, R. M., Bickel, B., and Walsh, S. (2016). Provoking curricula of care: Weaving stories of rupture towards repair. Canadian Journal of Curriculum Studies, 14(1), 33-54. [received the 2017 Arts Publication Award by Canadian Society for Studies in Education)

Fisher, R. M., and Subba, R. (2016). The true gift of education for development: A fearist perspective. Participation: A Nepalese Journal of Participatory Development, 17 (August), 23-29.

Fisher, R. M. and Bickel, B. (2015). Aesthetic wit(h)nessing within a matrixial imaginary. Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues, 42(1), 76-93.

Fisher, R. M. (with Lucinda) (2012). Case of the drunken holon: An integral performative co-inquiry. Journal of

Mental Health and Addiction, 10(3), 386-406.

Fisher, R. M. (2011). A critique of critical thinking: Towards a critical integral pedagogy of fearlessness. NUML:

Journal of Critical Inquiry, 9(2), 92-164.

Fisher, R. M. (2006). Invoking ‘Fear’ Studies. The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 22(4), 39-71.

Fisher, R. M. & Bickel, B. (2006). The mystery of Dr. Who?: On a road less traveled in art education. The Journal of

Social Theory in Art Education, 26, 28-57.

Fisher, R. M. (2000). Learning under fire: Adult education in the heat of conflict. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Adult

Education Research Conference (pp. 555-6), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Fisher, R.M. (2000). Towards an integrative literature search: Reflections of a 'wild' adult learner. The Reference

Librarian, 69/70, 407-417.

Fisher, R.M. (1997). IUD's (Issues underlying distinctions): Brief analysis of current conflicts in adult and community

education from recent issues of AJACE. Australian Journal of Adult and Community Education, 37(3), 179-


Fisher, R.M. (1997). A guide to Wilberland: Some common misunderstandings of the critics of Ken Wilber and his

work on transpersonal theory prior to 1995. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 37(4), 30-73.

Fisher, R.M. (1986). Education and beauty; Skin-deep or life-deep? Elements; A Journal for Elementary Education,

8(1): 13-16.

Fisher, R.M. (1986). Dissipative structures theory; A 'new alchemy' in the transformation of education. Educational

Researcher, 15: 24-5.

Fisher, R.M. (1983). Supermemory in a grade 5/6 class. The Journal of Suggestive and Accelerative Learning and

Teaching, 7(3): 263-267.

Fisher, R.M. (1983). Will the real philosophers please stand, and take heed! Journal of Environmental Education,

14(3): 41-42.

Non-refereed Journal (and Professional Newsletters, ezines) Articles

Fisher, R. M. (2013). Disappear fear: The quick-fix fear pill and its discontents. Journal of Wild Culture, September.

Fisher, R. M. (2012). Adult education for an Integral Age. The Leading Edge, May, 18-19.

Bickel, B., and Fisher, R. M. (2011). Artist statement: Spiritus praxis. NUML: Journal of Critical Inquiry, 9(2), 203-07.

Meyer, K. & Fisher, R.M. (2002). Walljamming: A project of re-imagining academic community. Educational Insights,

7(1), 1-4.

Fisher, R.M. (1991). Spontaneous art expression group; Bringing people and artistic expression together in a healing

process. Alberta Arts Therapy Association Newsletter, 37: 4-6.

Fisher, R.M. (1990). Professionalism as a fear-based reality. Alberta Arts Therapy Association Newsletter, 34: 2-3.

Fisher, R.M. (1990). Hurt and healing; Towards a liberational theory of attention as applied to the expressive arts as

therapy. Alberta Arts Therapy Association Newsletter, 35: 5.

Fisher, R.M. (1988). Book Review: The creative imperative; A four-dimensional theory of human growth and planetary

evolution by C. Johnston, 1985. Alberta Arts Therapy Association Newsletter, 26: 3-4.

Fisher, R.M. (1982). Playful unit reviews. The Middle/Junior High Science Bulletin, Feb: 3.

Fisher, R.M. (1979). Dr. Grant McEwan; An educational saint. Connections: A Journal for Environmental and Outdoor

Education Council of Alberta Teacher's Association, 3: 3.

Fisher, R.M. (1979). Book Review: Life strategies, human evolution, environmental design by V. Geist, 1978. Alberta

Naturalist, 9: 92-3.

Works (books and articles) in Progress

Fisher, R. M. Fearism, fortress mentality and the dialectics of fearlessness in global migration biopolitics of fear.

Fisher, R. M. A general introduction to fearanalysis: Putting the culture of fear and terror on the couch. Lanham, MD: Hamilton Books.

Fisher, R. M. Best of the (deep) connoisseurs of fear: Invoking the spirit of fearlessness for our times (a novel).

Research & Management Consulting

2014- Indigenous-Western perspectives on Indigenous heart health in Manitoba, University of

Manitoba (Researcher). Senior Researcher: Dr. Annette Schultz, Nursing

2009-11 Primary and secondary research for my own company (with Dinah Seibert): Grow & GO:

Emotional-based Learning, Carbondale, IL

2009-10 Primary and secondary research baseline study on “Gaia” conceptualizations and mission,

vision, values, for Gaia House-Interfaith Center (Director: Hugh Muldoon, University Christian

Ministries, non-profit organization of Southern Illinois University Carbondale)

2008-10 Primary research using my own instrument “Values & Community Development Survey”

(self-initiated in Carbondale, IL under In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute)

2007-08 Secondary research baseline study on “incivility” in higher education (for Dr. Bonnie Lee,

School of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge, AB)

2005 Secondary research and co-writing a manual: “Anger Management” (for Joan Balmer,

training instructor at The Justice Institute, BC)

2004-05 Primary and secondary research, writing papers, and advising on “integral” approaches to

leadership and change/transformation (for Lesley & Eitan Sharir, Dynamic Achievement, Inc.,

Vancouver, BC)

2004-05 Secondary research, baseline study, writing a report: “Capitalizing on the Culture of Fear: A

Baseline Study for Leaders” (for Terrie Ten Eyck, Intellectual Architects, Inc., Minneapolis, MN)

1996-98 Secondary Research, baseline study, co-creating the “Global Values Survey” with Ian Dakers,

Harmonic Thinking Systems, Calgary, AB) and applied the survey, graphed and interpreted

the data (with presentations) for some non-profit and profit organizations (as beta trials)

1993-98 Primary and secondary research, survey and data analysis, writing reports, and assisting in

vision, mission, strategic development for the non-profit organization In Search of Fearlessness

Center, Calgary, AB

1985-93 Primary and secondary research, surveys and data analysis, writing reports, manuals, and

directing staff development, case management for families in crisis (for Directors, Don & Carol

Hale, Quest Ranch, an Alberta Social Services funded treatment center)

1982-85 Private practice: educational counselor, elementary, junior/senior high schools, families

1983-84 Special Education (remediation) teacher (p/t), Olds Jr. Sr. High School, Olds, AB.

1978-79 Wildlife technician (consultant), for Ducks Unlimited, Calgary, AB

1974-76 Wildlife technician (consultant), with F. F. Slaney & Co, Edmonton, AB

Post-Secondary Teaching

2014 Instructor for PS895 "From Fear to Fearlessness: A Journey in Uncertain Times". Continuing Education, John A. Logan College, IL

2007 Sessional Lecturer, HLSC 2850- “Addiction Recovery as Fear Management: A Post-Modern View,” School

of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge (3wk. summer undergrad course).

2000-1 Instructor/Tutor for ADED 329 credit on-line course (Adult Education- Developing Short Courses, Workshops

& Seminars), Office of Continuing Professional Education, UBC, Supervisor, Jo-Anne Chilton

1992-5 Instructor (personal growth/development course called "Basics To The Path Of Fearlessness"), Continuing

Adult Education, Univ. of Calgary (p/t)

Academic Guest Lectures, Panel Presentations

2016 Matrixial Aesthetics and Artful Inquiry lecture. For AD499/WGSS 491/591 Artful Inquiry, for Barbara Bickel,

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

2015 Aesthetics and Art Education, for AD 308 Philosophy of Art Education course, for Kathleen Frye, S. lllinois

University, Carbondale

2014 Females & Fear: Contributions & Challenges, Brown Bag lecture, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies,

University of S. Illinois, Carbondale

2013 Introduction to Spiral Dynamics integral theory. Lecture for Macrotheory in Social Work undergrad course

Professor: Dona Reese, S. Illinios University, Carbondale, Faculty of Social Work.

2013 Aesthetics and educational philosophy. Lecture for Art Education Philosophy 308, S. Illinois University,