Example: Notice of Final Rulemaking (Partial Rejection)

(Use Docket No. previously assigned to this rulemaking)


AUTHORITY: In compliance with Sections 67-5224 and 67-5291, Idaho Code, notice is hereby given that the Legislature has taken action by concurrent resolution on the pending rule promulgated under Docket No. (include the Docket number)and that the agency is publishing this notice of final rulemaking pursuant to that legislative action. This agency action is authorized pursuant to Sections 67-5291 and (include the agency’s specific statutory authority for rulemaking), Idaho Code.

DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY: The following is a concise explanatory statement of the reasons for publishing a notice of final rulemaking and a statement of any change between the text of the pending rule and text of the final rule with an explanation for any changes.

(The descriptive summary details the affect of any action taken by concurrent resolution
on the pending rule and identifies the legislative concurrent resolution by number.)

Pursuant to (Senate or House) Concurrent Resolution No. (include resolution number), (section(s), subsection(s),paragraph(s) or subparagraph(s)) of thepending rule promulgated under Docket No. (include docket number)is/are not consistent with legislative intent and has/have been rejected and declared null, void and of no force and effect. In accordance with the concurrent resolution the affected (section(s), subsection(s), paragraph(s) or subparagraph(s))has/have been removed from the final rule and codified into the Idaho Administrative Code as approved by the Legislature.

The proposed amendment made in Subparagraph 400.02.d. as promulgated under Docket No. 44-0101-1101 has been rejected and declared null, void and of no force and effect. Section 400 of this final rule is being reprinted in its entirety as approved by the Legislature following this notice.

The original text of the proposed rule was published in the (Bulletin publication date) Idaho Administrative Bulletin, Vol. (include the Vol. number), page(s) (include the page number(s)). The pending rule was published in the (Bulletin publication date) Idaho Administrative Bulletin, Vol. (include the Vol. number), page(s) (include the page numbers)).

ASSISTANCE ON TECHNICAL QUESTIONS: For assistance on technical questions concerning this final rule, contact (contact name and phone number).

DATED this (include the date the document is signed).

(Name Title


Physical Address / Mailing Address

City, State and Zip

phone, fax)

May 5, 1999Page 1Volume No. 99-5