First Revised Sheet No. 4

Cancels Original Sheet No. 4





Transmission service hereunder is available for the transfer of power through Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc.'s (SECI) high voltage transmission system from one utility (Supplier) to another utility (Requester), to or from existing or future points of delivery on SECI's transmission system.


To all electric utilities which have executed a transmission agreement with SECI.


The service under this rate schedule is 60 cycle alternating current at the voltage level available at SECI's points of interconnection in the area in which such transmission service is desired.


Requested Energy shall be the amount of energy requested by the Requester for delivery to SECI by the Supplier at point(s) of interconnection between SECI and another utility interconnected to SECI.


Received Energy shall be the amount of energy scheduled by the Requester for delivery to SECI by the Supplier at point(s) of interconnection between SECI and another utility interconnected to SECI.


Delivered Energy to the Requester shall be the Received Energy delivered to SECI's point(s) of interconnection, less the allowance for energy losses. SECI's most recent calendar year transmission system average energy loss percentage will be used to calculate Delivered Energy.


The following classes of transmission service are available under this rate schedule.

Issued by: Richard J. Midulla Effective: March 23, 2001

Executive Vice President

and General Manager

First Revised Sheet No. 4

Cancels Original Sheet No. 4

FIRM TRANSMISSION SERVICE - Firm Transmission Service is transmission service which is requested and supplied on a continuous availability basis pursuant to the Terms and Conditions provided herein. All agreements for Firm Transmission Service shall be evidenced by a Letter of Commitment and a confirmed status on SECI’s Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS). Interruptions or reductions shall be implemented in accordance with good utility operating practices in the State of Florida and on a basis no more interruptive than that applied in like circumstances to any other transmission or requirements customer of SECI. SECI will provide the Requester with as much advance notice as possible when interruption and/or curtailment is required and further will use due diligence to restore and reestablish service.

NON-FIRM TRANSMISSION SERVICE - Non-Firm Transmission Service is transmission service which is provided on a when, as, and if available basis as determined at the sole discretion of SECI and which is fully interruptible and/or curtailable by SECI at its sole option. All agreements for Non-Firm Transmission Service shall be evidenced by a confirmed status on SECI’s OASIS, or such other agreed upon method. SECI will provide the Requester with as much advance notice as possible when interruption and/or curtailment is required.


The following rates shall apply for:


Monthly Rate $ 1.10 per kW-month

Daily Rate $ 0.036 per kW-day


Hourly Rate $ 1.10 per MWh


Charges for Firm and Non-Firm Transmission Service shall be the product of the above rates and the following billing determinants:

FIRM TRANSMISSION SERVICE - The monthly or daily Contract Demand KW for Firm Transmission Service shall be the amount specified in the Letter of Commitment and evidenced by a confirmed status on SECI’s OASIS. If Firm Transmission Service cannot be delivered at the contracted demand due to constraints on SECI's transmission system for more than two consecutive hours in any day, then the charge for that day shall be adjusted to the lowest level of service rendered during the period of constraint, and the bill for the remainder of the month shall be computed on a daily basis based upon the Contract Demand.

NON-FIRM TRANSMISSION SERVICE - The billing determinants for Non-Firm Transmission Service shall be based upon the amount of Requested Energy and confirmed by SECI, as evidenced by SECI’s OASIS or such other agreed upon method.

Issued by: Richard J. Midulla Effective: March 23, 2001

Executive Vice President

and General Manager

First Revised Sheet No. 4

Cancels Original Sheet No. 4


Bills for service will be rendered monthly. All such bills shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days from the date of mailing (or date received if hand delivered). Bills not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date of mailing (or received date if hand delivered) shall be deemed delinquent and shall then accrue interest daily at the average of the prime lending rate reported in the Wall Street Journal for the last day of the delivery month and the preceding month. The payment date shall be determined by the postmark of the remittance.


(A) Service will be made available under this rate schedule upon execution of a transmission agreement (Agreement) and a Letter of Commitment. Terms and conditions of service are in accordance with the Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the terms and conditions under this rate schedule, the terms and conditions of this rate schedule shall control. A Letter of Commitment shall, among other things, specify the quantity of power to be transmitted (Contract Demand), the length of the commitment, the applicable Agreement, and all other pertinent requirements. The Letter of Commitment shall be executed prior to the provision of such transmission service. Firm Transmission Service with commitment periods of thirty (30) days or less or Non-Firm Transmission Service transactions may, in lieu of a Letter of Commitment, be evidenced by teletype or such other agreed upon method.

(B) SECI's obligation to provide transmission service will be limited to times during which capacity and/or energy is actually received at SECI's point of interconnection with the Supplier for delivery to the Requester's point of delivery.

(C) The Requester shall arrange a satisfactory schedule for delivery of energy to SECI and notify SECI of such schedule prior to commencement of the transaction. Once a commitment for Firm Transmission Service is made, the Requester shall furnish to SECI a 24-hour schedule for each day by the 1500 hour of the day preceding deliveries.

(D) SECI reserves the right to deny, curtail or discontinue Firm Transmission Service: (1) if the provision of such service would adversely affect the adequacy or reliability of SECI's electric system; (2) for restrictions or limitations to transmission capacities due to equipment failure or necessary maintenance; (3) in the event of a Force Majeure as described in the Agreement; and/or (4) at any time that the customer is in violation of the Letter of Commitment, the Agreement, or any provisions of this rate schedule.

(E) The difference between the scheduled deliveries to SECI and the actual deliveries to SECI shall be classified as inadvertent energy. Inadvertent energy shall be returned in kind (on-peak or off-peak), according to the applicable operating guidelines specified by the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC) and/or North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) or their respective successors.

Issued by: Richard J. Midulla Effective: March 23, 2001

Executive Vice President

and General Manager

First Revised Sheet No. 4

Cancels Original Sheet No. 4

(F) The Requester shall arrange for or provide adequate reactive power as necessary to maintain the power factor of transmitted power as near unity as practicable. SECI shall not be obligated to supply or absorb reactive power for the Requester.

(G) The Requester shall be responsible for any necessary arrangements with third parties regarding the delivery of power to and from SECI.

(H) Except for compliance with any active Letter of Commitment, SECI reserves the right to withdraw or revise this rate schedule and service provided herewith, without notice.

(I) Any undertaking by SECI for another party under any provision of this rate schedule shall not constitute the dedication of the system or any portion thereof to the public or to the other party, and it is understood and agreed that any such understanding by any party shall cease upon termination of the Letter of Commitment under this rate schedule.

Issued by: Richard J. Midulla Effective: March 23, 2001

Executive Vice President

and General Manager