/ Henbury and Brentry Community Council
Charity No: 308085
19th APRIL 2012 AT 7:30 PM

Present: Ted Marshall (Chair), Tim Parkinson (Treasurer), Adrian Boyce (Vice-Chair) Alison Devonshire. 31 members

Apologies: Jane Crane, Alan and Norma Jones, Nathan Green and John Brown

Chair ;Ted Marshall welcomed those present

Minutes from last meeting Ted ran through minutes is this a true account - one amendment type error community reps and not council. Amendment action. Formal proposal accepted.

Treasurers Report

Audited - Examiners spreadsheet by Andrew Roberts signed 13.4.12 year end 31st March 2012.

Section A

A1 Receipts

Unrestricted Restricted Funds Total Funds Last Year

Sub totals £5,877 £5,877 £44,664

A3 Payments £542 £6,759 £7,301 £46,766

A4 Asset/Invest

Total Payments as above

Net of receipts -542 -882 -1,424 -2,102

A6 cash funds

Last year end 5,327 9,307 14,634 16,735

Cash this year 4,785 8,425 13,210 14,633

Section B

B1 Cash Funds 4,785 8,425

His full report can be read here: - www.henburybrentrycommunity.org.uk/meetings.

Down on last year we have no regular uncontained income so living on reserves.

Proposal to accept accounts - Accepted

Ted Neighbourhood Representatives Nominations

Tim explained change election process the committee would like to consider the widest representation of the community in the super out put areas - you need to accept or reject.

Vote each part of ward 3 Brentry and 5 Henbury, as normal leaving to spare.

Highest numbers to lowest numbers will be used.

Example - if no reprehensive came forward from Blaise outpost, the nominees that came forward from Henbury with the highest number would be elected.

Vote taken - 11 for and against 4 Proposal is carried.

Brentry: Elected NP Robert Farmer, Adrian Boyce and Daron Devonshire

Henbury: Elected NP Chris Pratt, Sue Parfitt, Rose Carr, Jean Sallabank and Tim Parkinson

KH - Wellbeing and Community First meeting on Tuesday evening 6-oo Henbury Court

Trustees - Present Ted and Paul Thompson. Propose to ask Bob Farmer to join them

Propose that they are all nominated - Accepted

Officers - All the same multiple nominations of Ted Marshall, Adrian Boyce Tim Parkinson and Alison Devonshire

Floor propose : Accepted

Chair Ted Marshal

Vice Chair Adrian Boyce

Treasurer Tim Parkinson

Secretary Alison Devonshire

Ted Marshall then closed the AGM