Agenda Item 8

Voice Box Update March 2011

Violent Extremism

Young people are working in partnership with Cleveland Police YIAG to create a DVD on the PREVENT agenda. Young people now have extra meetings at the Arc to get things going with the project, learning new skills in drama and film making. At first meeting young receive a presentation from Andy Fox from Cleveland Police on PREVENT agenda. Young people then done some group work to explore their thoughts through drama on what the film script could be, here is some of their ideas

Film Ideas

  • Family owns shop- engagement. Notice changes in son. Argument during party where the story comes out, British and Muslim girl best friends, know people with parallel paths of extremism.
  • Someone that is isolated from community- approached and put trust and belief in new friend- brainwashing. Drugs- money from drugs, what is it used for?
  • Brainwashing of a single girl living alone, not many friends.
  • Facebook friend /landlord as extremist. Meet- person wins over her trust- impact of unrestricted social media.
  • Banging on windows, graffiti, mischief- angry/sad. Introduced to other people- young anger. Not being interested in anyone else’s views.

Discussion from Ideas

  • Manipulation of trust-taking advantage of people susceptible to manipulation eg. Not ever actually meeting the people that radicalise you.
  • Power of social networking
  • Unrestricted websites
  • Instilling anger in people as a reaction
  • BNP leaflets in areas with high Muslim population
  • Armed Forces Parade- peaceful but possibility of demonstration against the war
  • Interpretation of religion- what are we learning, who is teaching?

StocktonTown Centre Ian Robinson

Young people were given a presentation by Ian on their thoughts on the development of Stockton town centre. The young people thought there should be more shops and have more event/activities to attract more people to the town. After watching the presentation, young liked the idea of the fountains in the town centre; one member of the group came up with the idea of having a museum in the StocktonTown Hall, but would have to get the clock fixed first.

Young people ask if I could arrange a visit for them.

Forward Planning

Young people shared the information from Central Area Board on their forward planas requested by Cllr. Fletcher. The group liked the idea of having same guest speakers coming along to Voice Box, and would like these people to attend, Roland Todd Future Jobs Fund, Emma Champley minimum pricing on alcohol, Victoria Cooling Health update and Claire Walsh MYPLACE update.

Visit by Police

The young people were asked the questions are they anti social issues wereyou live? The young people said that there are lots of problems of people starting fires in Eastbourne and at TrinityChurch; they also thought that there should be more police patrols around Hartington Rd. There was also a discussion with young people on the safety of using Faceebook.On a positive note there was discussion how the police and the Central Youth Board can work together. The group came up with the idea of a graffiti amnesty, with the idea young people and Police would work together on a project, do some artwork on boards at the same time to educate young people on the difference between expressing themselves and vandalism. Police to look at possible funding and support from Tristar Homes?

Red nose day

Members discussed what they were doing to raise funds for charity, young people doing various things such as sponsored walks and just giving donations.

Room Decoration

Young people were asked there views and opinions on how the rooms they us at YMCA could be decorated and what equipment they would like in the room. The group came up with the ideas of café kitchen, more computers, drama room with lots of colour and pictures on the walls.

Voice Box Outreach, “the word from the streets”

Went along to Primrose Hill Youth Centre to deliver a session and promote Voice Box and to recruit new members to the Youth Board. Young people felt that there voice could not be heard and there is not any point. This developed into a debate on how you can express yourself in different ways re through music art or drama. Darnell Otts gave young people an example of this by rapping and how you can express yourself through music,this seemed to inspire the young people and they all said they want to come along to Voice Box, staff at Primrose Hill said they would support the young people.

Voice Box at the Arc

Members of Voice Box attended a session at the Arc, the young people had the opportunity to express themselves through drama, with the theme, and “how can young people be heard”. The group had discussions around what is like for people living in Stockton, then came up with a character that they then took in turns in acting out. This was the first time some of the young people have attended from Primrose Hill, said they would come again. Some of the young people themes were attitudes between different generations and relationships between teacher and student. As it was the first time different groups of young people had met each other each other, done lots of getting to know each other games to break the ice.