Leyland Surgery

PPG Annual Report Patient Survey 2016

Annual Report &Internal Patient Survey 2016

Practice Population Profile

Leyland Surgery is a modern building situated on West Paddock, next to the Council Offices in Leyland. We have now entered into our third year and our list size has continued to increase. We currently have 5165 patientsregistered which is a 10% increase over the last 12 months. We have 3 GP Partners; Drs’ Bangi, Atkinson and Scales and one salaried GP Dr Khan. We are also a training site and Dr Hau our GP Registrar has been with us for the last 12 months. Sister Billington is now a Nurse Practitioner and is able to treat patients with acute and chronic conditions, prescribe medications and make referrals. For more information on staff and services at Leyland Surgery please visit

Current Patient population and demographics

The chart below shows the age groups of patients and the number of patients in that group; male and female. We have 2428 male patients registered and 2737 female patients. The most densely populated age range for females is 20-29 years, and males 0-9 years old.

The GP Choice Scheme

Since January 2015, all GP practices in England have the ability to accept new patients who live outside their Practice boundary area. It is for the Practice to decide at the point of registration, whether it is clinically appropriate for that individual patient. This new scheme aims to make access to GP’s more convenient for patients, for example patients that work may have more time to access a GP nearer their workplace rather than at home. You can find more information on this at:

Leyland Surgery welcome patients outside of the boundary area, however these patients are advised at the point of registration that we are not obliged to visit at home as it is often not practical, and they are asked to sign a document to that effect.

Births, deaths and new registrations

Year / Births / Deaths / New Registrations
2013 - 2014 / 97 / 43 / 1517
2014 - 2015 / 70 / 41 / 815
2015- 2016 / 83 / 43 / 830


Please note this only includes patients that have provided us with this information

White / Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups
British / Irish / Gypsy or Irish traveller / Other white / White &black Caribbean / White &black African / White &Asian / Other mixed
Practice / 2779 / 8 / 0 / 0 / 3 / 2 / 0 / 3
Asian/Asian British / Black/African/Caribbean/Black British / Other
Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi / Chinese / Other
Asian / African / Caribbean / Other Black / Arab / Any other
Practice / 5 / 2 / 5 / 5 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 3 / 0 / 0

PPG Members

Our Patient Participation Group is a virtualgroup. We are pleased to report that interest continues to grow and we now have 77 members. The Partners and staff at Leyland Surgery would like to thank all members forgiving up time to provide feedback throughout the year which has helped us improve our services.

The following methods have been used this year to encourage patients to become part of the group:

  • Advertisement on Practice website.
  • Information provided at point of registration for new patients.
  • Advertisement on Envisage screen
  • Posters displayed in the Reception and leaflets sent out with patient letters

PPG Input 2015 /16

Surgery Website

We now have a new website which can be found at This website is easier to navigate and is designed to be more patient friendly. Our PPG members were consulted for their opinions and how easy they found to use it before it went live in August 2016. Here are a few of the PPG comments we received.

“I do struggle using computers but have no problem with the website”

“I think this website is very good. It appears to cover all aspects patients would need. I give it the thumbs up”

“It seems fine to me, certainly a major improvement to its predecessor, I have not scrutinised it closely for content as I assume that will change but the layout, graphics and typeset seem good”

“I had a look at the website and it seems quite easy to navigate, seems fine to me”

One PPG Member responded who didn’t find the site as easy to get around as the original one, and there were a couple of suggestions for the prescriptions page and drop down boxes.

Increased Patient Access

The PPG were invited to apply for the new increased level of access to their online records and provide feedback before it went live in April 2016. Several PPG Members did provide feedback and all were happy with the information accessed.

One member said that he was very interested in his own health, and this spurred him on to looking up extra information on his diagnosis

Another member said that they had forgotten some of the details that were on the records and was interested to see that that they had mainly been to see the GP over simple conditions

Another member said that it was brilliant and was interested in their blood results.

Carers Event November 2015

Following on from work done in 2014/15 and helping patients to help themselves, we held a Carers Rights Drop in event on the 19th November in support of Carers Rights Day. Three experts were on hand to answer any questions from Age Concern, Mindsmatter and the Lancashire County Council Volunteer Service. After a slow start it was well attended and received positive feedback from those that attended. The experts there gave feedback that they found the event useful, spoke a variety of carers and were able to provide information on accessing services that patients might have otherwise struggled to find. A potential volunteer came forward after seeing the event was on, and attended with a view to enquire about it and Age Concern received several referrals.

We also have Carers Packs available should any patient or carer ask for extra information.

Patient Satisfaction

Leyland Surgery believes in putting patients first. The patient experience is of key importance and we make considerable efforts to develop this aspect of our service. Patient satisfaction is measured and reported on in a variety of ways.

GP Survey Results

The GP Survey is sent out annually to patient’s homes and covers everything from the trust patients have in the GP to the attitude of the reception staff and how easy it is to get an appointment. Ipsos MORI; anindependent survey agency administers the survey on behalf of NHS England. Leyland Surgery’s report can be found at:

The results from the 2015 /16 Survey were reviewed at length with all staff in a PET session on 9.2.16 and overall the results were found to be very encouraging.

All GP results were 90% or above and above the CCG average

All Nursing results were 90% or above and above the CCG average

Appointments results all above or equal to CCG average.

Reception – continuing to improve year on year however still slightly below CCG average

Response Rate

2013/2014 / 2014/2015 / 2015/2016
195 Surveys sent out / 320 Surveys sent out / 247 Surveys sent out
92 Surveys returned / 136 Surveys returned / 118 Surveys returned
47% completion rate / 43% completion rate / 48% completion rate

Reception Results

Appointment Results

GP Results

Nurse Results

Overall experience

Areas we have improved

Telephone Access and finding the receptionists helpful

Able to get an appointment or speak to someone the last time they tried

The last appointment patients received was convenient

Patients describing their experience of making an appointment as “good”

Patients usually wait 15 minutes or less after their appointment time to be seen

Patients feel they don’t have to wait too long to be seen

Last GP saw / spoke to was good at explaining tests or treatments

Last GP saw / spoke to was good at involving them in decisions about their care

Satisfied with surgery opening hours

Areas we have maintained

Patient has confidence & trust in the last GP they saw

Patient has confidence & trust in the last Nurse they saw

Areas of decline

Getting to speak to a preferred GP

Last GP saw / spoke to was good at giving enough time and listening

Last GP saw / spoke to was good at treating the patient with care & concern

Last Nurse saw / spoke to was good at giving enough time and listening

Last Nurse saw / spoke to was good at explaining tests or treatments

Last Nurse saw / spoke to was good at involving them in decisions about their care

Last Nurse saw / spoke to was good at treating the patient with concern & care

What can we do to improve on our weaker areas?

Action plan

  1. Additional staff training re how to manage patient expectations
  2. All staff to be trained on answering calls to assist during busy periods
  3. Continue to increase patient usage of Patient Access to relieve some of the pressure on the phones
  4. Consider piloting a telephone answering system called Patient Partnerwhich gives the caller options for departments
  5. Provide additional customer service training

Friends and Family Test

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is a feedback tool offered to patients attending the Practice to enable them to provide feedback about the care and treatment they have received. It combines a simple question asking patients how likely they would be to recommend the service they have received to their friends and family and enables patients to provide further detail about their experience. The introduction of the FFT across all NHS services is an integral part of Putting Patients First, the NHS England Business Plan for 2013/14 – 2015/16.

Good patient experience is associated with improved patient outcomes. Various studies have shown positive associations between patient experience, patient safety and clinical effectiveness.

Friends and Family Test Results

The FFT results are published monthly in the Practice,on the website and on the NHS England website and NHS Choices website. CCG’s use the results along with other data sources to help inform their commissioning decisions for their local population. The results can also be used by patients and members of the public to see how their local services are performing and to help support decision making

The number of patients completing the test has varied month to month, however we are very pleased with the results of the first question below which shows that the majority of patients would be extremely likely to recommend the Practice.

Patient Comments on the Friends and Family Test

We cannot list every comment that we’ve had over the last 12 months;therefore we have picked 2 at random from every month. We have been extremely pleased with the positive feedback and have shared the comments with the staff.

The most prompt and courteous service I have received”

“Lovely nurse took care over privacy and made me feel at ease”

“Excellent as usual, reception staffs are exceptional”

“Excellent patient care shown by Dr Bangi, thorough consultations; always seen on time”

“I’m very impressed with the Surgery. It’s very clean, welcoming, the members of staff are efficient and polite. If you come to an appointment you are seen on time. I’ve only met Dr Atkinson so far but was extremely impressed with her, brilliant doctor

“Likely to recommend because Dr Scales is nice”

“Extremely like to recommend because Dr Bangi was very kind and watched what he was doing on my tummy”

“Everyone very attentive and helpful. Pleasure to visit here”

“The ladies at the reception are always helpful and cheerful. The Dr’s are very good”

“The receptionist Linda was fabulous, so helpful. She honestly couldn’t do enough and so friendly with the patients. She is the perfect first point of call”

“Absolutely great practice. May I suggest that an extra phone is manned all day as it is often difficult to get through”

“Lately appointments have been much easier to get. Online prescription service has also improved and Saturdays too”

“All staff, reception and GP’s are amazing. Nothing is too much for them! Have recommended this Surgery to many”

“Mrs C Williamson is the nicest Nurse I’ve ever had”

“Everyone so polite and helpful, pleasant atmosphere at all times”

“Liver transplant liaison with Drs / Hospital and after care second to none. Very pleased”

“Dr Scales is the kindest and most empathetic doctor I’ve ever encountered, fantastic GP”

“Been having problems for years, just swapped doctors to Leyland Surgery and everything is getting sorted”

“Reception answered phone immediately and received appointment the same day. Quick, easy, aggravation free service”

“Really good advice and support from Dr Khan, (no god complex)”

“The Practice is always quiet, relaxed and very friendly”

“I didn’t like the appointment system when I first came to Leyland Surgery, but it has improved immensely and I would certainly recommend it to anyone”

“Everyone from reception to doctors are extremely helpful and efficient”

“You give a good service with friendly staff and smiling faces (a bonus)”

NHS Choices

NHS Choices was launched in 2007 and is the official website of the National Health Service in England. All GP Practices in England currently have their own webpages on NHS Choices which can be found at pages include core information and surgery opening times andcan be used to provide full details of treatments and clinics as well as staff biographies. A key feature of NHS Choices allows users to rate and comment on their Surgery. The Practice is allocated a designated person to respond to patient feedback. Leyland Surgery currently has 4.5 stars out of 5.

Patient Survey February 2016

An Internal, anonymous survey was conducted in February 2016 over three weeks. Questionnaires were placed in reception for patients to fill out whilst they were waiting for an appointment, and then posted in a box. Please see results below

Question 1

Thinking about the last appointment you made, how easy was it to book an appointment that was available of your choice of day / time?

Question 2

How important is it to you to see a specific GP?

Question 3

Are you aware that on some occasions

it might be more appropriate to see other

Clinicians (e.g. Doctors, Nurse, Health Care

Assistant), or attend other services e.g.

Family Planning or Hospital Blood Clinics?

Question 4

Are you aware that the practice has appointments between 8-9:30; 10-10.50;11-11.20;12-1.20;3-4.20;5-5.50 and currently on Saturdays from 8-11am?

Question 5

How often do you book

telephone consultations?

Question 6

How often have you used an Acute Drop in Clinic for urgent health issues in the last 6 months?

Question 7

How far in advance would you like to be able to book an appointment for a Doctor?

Question 8

The rate of missed appointments is increasing all the time, have you ever missed an appointment because…

Question 9

Have you looked at the Surgery website ?

Question 10

Do you book and cancel appointments and order repeat prescriptions online using a secure ID and password?

Patient comments on Question10 if answered “Never”

“Do not have internet access”

“Not too familiar with computers”

“Never had to use them, but I will do in the future”

“Not got into the habit”

“Not occurred to me to do it, will explore”

“I don’t have a computer”

“I am a computer techno phoebe”

“I have in the past but forgotten details, just asked to be given them again”

“My repeat prescriptions are passed to the Chemist”

“No access”, “Not on line”, “No computer”, “Do not have internet”, “Not online”

Question 11

On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with Leyland Surgery?

Question 12

How satisfied are you with the layout of Reception? Consider facilities and information available?

Patient comment:

“Water dispenser, tea and coffee dispenser in reception”

Other comments and feedback at end of Questionnaire:

“More than happy with your Surgery”

“I have received nothing but helpful advice from the Surgery, best GP care I have had for many years, well done to you all”

“Great service, professional and caring”

“It is very hard to get through on the phone when you need to”

“A really good service, cannot think of any improvement needed”

“Excellent GP’s, (Atkinson, Scales,Bangi) all of whom I trust”

“I am computer phobic, frustrating occasionally when you can’t get an appointment for a while and have no choice but to attend hospital”

“It can be very annoying / frustrating when appointments can only be made a week in advance and then not always with the preferred doctor”

“I am happy having moved to Leyland Surgery”

“Excellent doctors, staff and Surgery”

The results of the survey are comparable with 2015 results with an increase in the amount of patients that have booked the morning acute drop in clinic sessions.

Complaints and Compliments Log

Leyland Surgery also keeps a Complaint and Compliments log which is kept by the Practice Manager. All complaints are reviewed annually and discussed in a Practice Meeting with all Partners and staff as a way of identifying any possible areas for improvement.