Third Grade Weekly News

Issue 1 September 8th, 2015 La Costa Meadows


Welcome to Third Grade! This is your weekly newsletter! Please take a few minutes each week to read the newsletter with your child.


Language Arts

  Nonfiction Text: Landforms

Focus Skills:

-  Parts of a nonfiction text

-  Asking and answering questions

Math – Unit One: Place Value

Focus Skills:

-  Ways to write numbers

-  New vocabulary

-  Hands-on learning

Writing – Parts of a Paragraph

Social Studies – Mapping/Landforms

Library – Tuesday

Science Garden/Music – Starts next week!


Assignments are due back the following day.

Tuesday: Paragraph of the Week

Wednesday: Paragraph of the Week

Thursday: Paragraph of the Week

Your child should be completing one section of our “Paragraph of the Week” each night. It will be checked daily and collected on Friday. Remember, your child can also type the final copy (instead of completing the “Thursday” section of the packet).

*Read 15 PAGES or more every night!

Your 5 “no excuse words”:

because school into also very

Every week, your child will be introduced to 5 “no excuse words”. There will be a spelling test next Friday (covering 10 words…this week’s and next).


Don’t forget – homework starts this week! Please make sure your child’s G.O. Binder comes home each night and returns to school the following morning! Also, please send in your child’s (suggested) supplies as soon as possible. Remember, every WEDNESDAY is “College Day” at LCM. Send your child to school in his or her favorite college t-shirt.


Thank you to all of the families that have donated supplies to the Third Grade Team! Your generosity has gotten us off to a great start! We would like to thank all of the parents that have sent in the letter regarding their child. We have really enjoyed reading all about your little stars! Also, it was wonderful meeting you at BTS Night! Thank you for attending. Lastly, thank you to our new classroom volunteers! If we haven’t already, we will be contacting you shortly about your new position.


Sept. 8th – Art Docent Orientation, 9:00

Sept. 10th – Room Parent Orientation, 8:45

Sept. 11th – Our 1st Flag Salute

Sept. 14th – Fit Kids Session #1 Begins

Sept. 14th – 18th – Book Fair @ LCM

Sept. 18th – Grandparents’ Day @ LCM