Summer Charity Ball - Friends of Netherlee SCD Club
Netherlee Pavilion, Netherlee.Ticket £6-00
Wednesday 5thAugust 2009THIS IS NOT A TICKET
7.30 to 10.30 p.m.The Iain Campbell Sound
1s2s ½ turn RH, all ½ wheel RH, 2s1s turn RH: 2s1s3s Rof3 on sides (1s RSh to person on R): 1s set to C1's, set across, set to C2's & Petronella turn to 2nd pl. own side: 2s1s3s circle to L for 3 bars then PIVOT & CHASE right to own side: Rpt.
1W3M turn RH, dance Rnd partner RSh turn again RH & stay in middle RH joined: 1W3M join LH with partner & BIL, ½ turn partner LH fin with 1M3W join RH in middle, BIL, turn partner to orig pl: 1s3s R&Ls: 1s3s LADIES CHAIN: All turn corner RH (2 bars), Hold RH in circle (M face out), BIL & turn LH to pl: All PROM R:
BYRON STRATHSPEY (THE)---3cple----S3x32*##
1-4 all ¼ Petronella to centre and Set.
5-8 all Turn partner 1¼ times BH back to pls.
9-12 RH Wheels: 2W+1s, 2M+3s. 2s Pass RSh for:
13-16 LH Wheels: 2M+1s, 2W+3s to fin 2s PROM hold
17-24 2s in PROM hold Rof 3 with 1s (start RSh to 1W) to fin 2s at top & 1s cast Dn1 to fin 213 ready for:
25-32 2s1s3s Allemande to fin 312: New cple.
POLHARROW BURN------(5 cple)------R5x32*
1-8 1s3s cross RH & cast Dn1; then ½ fig8 Rnd cple above them
9-16 AS 1s3s turn RH to own side then Bk LH to C1's ALSO 2s and 5s cross RH then CHASE clkwise to other end of set:
17-24 1s3s ½ Rof4 with C1's, pass RSh then same with C2 pos’ns to face C3 pos’ns for:
25-28 ½ Rof4 with C3 pos’ns to fin 1s3s turn LH cast Dn1 own side (4s5s Up bars 31-32): New cples.
LOCHALSH REEL (The)------R8x40*
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast Dn1, cross LH & cast Dn1 to meet partner in PROM hold facing 3M (1W on 1M’s left)
9-16 1s dance LSh Rof3 across with 3s.
17-24 1s split for Rof3 on opp sides (W RSh to 2M & Man LSh to 2W).
25-32 1s dance (nhj) to top (2 bars), turn 2s with other hand (2 bars), cross down between 3s & cast up to 2nd pl own sides.
33-40 1s dance RH wheel (M Dn, W Up) then pass RSh to dance LH wheel with other couple.
1- 8 AS 1W3W cross diag Dn1, & cast Up1 to centre facing Dn, ALSO 1M3M cross, cast Dn1 to centre facing Up; 1s+2s, 3s+4s wheel RH 1s3s fin in line Up/Dn middle:
9-16 1s3s Rof4:
17-24 AS 1s3s turn partner RH to face Up (join hands), ALSO 2s4s dance Up & in to face Dn, 1s set to 2s, 3s to 4s, each CIRCLE 4h to L:
25-32 1s3s lead Up1, cross & cast Dn1; 1s3s turn partner Bh & face Dn then AS 1s dance Dn to 4th pl ALSO 3s cast Up to 2nd pl: NewCPL
1-8 1s2s3s Snowball Grand Chain (start 1s2s ch pl RH on sides) to fin (3)(1)(2):
9-12 1s cross to own sides passing RSh to face out then ½ turn C3’s RH to fin 1s facing each other on the diag with their C3’s behind them;
13-16 1s followed by C3’s pass L on diag (no interweaving) then curve into 2nd pl on opp sides (to fin 2M in 1M’s pl & 3W in orig pl)
17-20 1s cross to own sides pas LSh & face out then ½ turn C4’s LH;
21-24 1s followed by C4’s pass by R on the diag then curve into 2nd pl on opp sides (to fin 2W in 1W’s pl & 3M in orig pl)
25-32 All turn partners RH then 1s ½ fig8 (1W Up thru 2s, 1M Dn thru 3s) then cast to 2nd pl: Rpt.
1- 8 1s set & cast Dn1, then ½ fig8 Up thru 2s to fin PROM hold facing 3M (2s Up bars 3,4):
9-16 1s PROM hold ½ diag Rof3 with 3M & 2W (start RSh to 3M) then ½ diag Rof3 with 3W & 2M (start RSh to 3W):
17-24 AS 1M with 3W2W on M’s side LH wheel ALSO 1W with 3M2M RH wheel on W’s side THEN 1s cross up between 2s and cast to 2pl wrong side:
25-28 AS all W slip to R across bott of set then Up own sides ALSO all M slip to L then Up own sides (M dance behind W):
29-32 1s3s (botts) set and ch pls (1s Dn between 3s): New cple.
1- 8 1s3s cross diag Dn to join hands with corners & set (like Shiftin’ Bobbins); 1s3s dance Rnd C1’s RSh to fin M face Up, W Dn (1M & 3W pass LSh to face partner on bar 8) for Rof4 Up/Dn middle:
9-16 AS 1s3s Rof4 to fin as started ALSO side cpls dance Rof3 (start 4M In & Up, 4W In & Dn):
17-24 1s3s ch pl RH Up/Dn with partners & dance Rnd C2’s to fin opp sides then 1s3s turn partners 1½ RH to own sides to fin 21435:
25-32 (2s at top stand still) 1s4s & 3s5s Set & Link then 2s4s1s5s3s all turn RH once Rnd: Rpt x4.
1s ½ reel opp side; ½ reel own (Inveran Reels): 1s turn 1½ RH moving Dn1 to fin 2nd pl wrong side facing out (2s Up); 1s cast Up1 & cross Dn1 to 2nd pl own side facing Dn: 2s1s3s Grand Chain: CircleBk:Rpt.
(On 2nd chord 3s4s cross)
1s+2s, 3s+4s two circles to L, set Up or Dn, 1s4s cast to centre, 2s3s dance to ends then on last bar 1s4s change pl LH on sides - order is 2(4)1(3): 1s4s lead thru end, cross & cast to centre then change LH, Rpt to fin back in order 2(4)1(3) ready for: Rof4 on sides: 2s+4s, 1s+3s set Up/Dn turn opp person so that 1s4s go out thru ends; 4s ½ fig8 Up thru 2s, 1s ½ fig8 Dn thru 3s: New cple.
RED GHILLIES------R4x40*
1- 8 1s cross Dn, dance Dn behind 3s, cross Dn & cast Up round 4s to 3rd pl own sides:
9-16 1s cross Up, cast Up behind 2s to 1st pl & turn 1½ RH:
17-24 1s2s ½ R&L; then 1s3s ½ R&L:
25-32 1s4s ½ R&L & all turn RH:
33-40 All set & dance a modified La Baratte i.e. M ½ turn partners RH & retain hand but at arm's length from each other, M retrace steps with partner turning R under his arm briefly into Allemande hold (M behind partner facing M’s orig pl) & releasing partner's RH she turns under M’s L arm & all ch pls LH to own sides
A Skipper/N McLeod - If The Ghillie Fits
BALDOVAN REEL------R4x32*##
1- 8 1s pass RSh (no hands) to fin 1s BktoBk in centre 1M facing 3s, 1W facing 2s (2 bars) for Crown Triangles (i.e. set, move R & set 1M with M, 1W with W move R to set 1M with 2s, 1W with 3s):
9-16 Diag Rof4 (start RSh to C2's) to fin (pass partner RSh) to C1's:
17-24 Diag Rof4 (RSh to C1's) to fin 1s in 2nd pl wrong side:
25-32 1s set, cast Dn1, cross RH & turn 4s LH to 4th pl: New cple.
1- 8 2s3s wheel RH; top 3M & bott 3W, two ½ Rof3 on side (1M2M start LSh):
9-16 centres full wheel LH; top 3W & bott 3M, two ½ Rof3 on side:
17-24 AS centre cpls (4s1s) ½ R&Ls ALSO 3s2s CHASE ½ way clkwise, top & bott cpls ½ R&L (all in orig pl):
25-32 ½ Rof4 on side; 1s to bott then 2s3s4s ½ Rof3 on side:
1- 8 AS 2s+3s+4s (Centres) circle Rnd & Bk ALSO 1s & 5s wait for 4 bars then turn RH for 4 bars
9-16 1s3s full fig8 Rnd cpls below them
17-24 1s3s dancing between cple below & turn them with nearer hand 1½ times then cast Dn behind couple below & lead Up to C1’s25-32 1s3s dance ½ diag Rof4 with C1’s, pass RSh then ½ diag Rof4 with C2’s to fin passing RSh to face C3’s
33-40 1s3s ½ diag Rof4 with C3’s to fin 1s3s passing partners RSh to face each other Up/Dn centre (W face Dn, M Up) then ½ Rof4 in centre
41-48 3s1s turn 1¼ RH to fin wrong sides; AS 1M ½ fig8 Dn Rnd 5M pos’n to fin 4th pl own side ALSO 1W ½ fig8 Up Rnd 3W pl to fin 4th pl own side - all to fin in order 53412
KENORA REEL (The)------R8x32*
1- 8 Rof3 on sides (1s reel opp sides) to fin1s3s in middle (1s facing Dn, 3s Up) for:
9-16 1s3s LADIES CHAIN:
17-24 AS 1s3s set & PIT ALSO 2s cross RH & cast Rnd person on R (M Dn, W Up); AS 1s3s set & PIT ALSO 2s ch pl Up/Dn dance & cast Rnd person on R to fin 2s in 2nd pl wrong side, 1s in 3rd pl facing M side & 3s in 1st pl facing W side:
24-32 3s1s2s CHASE clkwise ½ way Rnd to fin (1)23; 1s cross RH & cast Dn1 to 2nd pl own side (2s Up): Rpt.
1s turn RH, cast Dn1 (2s Up) turn LH moving Up ready for: 1s2s Rof4 across to fin 1s passing RSh to face C1's: C1,P,C2,P: 1s3s Rof4 across: 1s turn LH from 3rd pl, cast Dn1 to 4th pl own side & turn RH: New cple.
## = dance will NOT be called.
Lanarkshire Cancer Care Trust, Stewarton House, 101-105 Stewarton Street, Wishaw ML2.8AGDress - Informal