Itasca Elementary School Week of:_Sept 5 – Sept. 9, 2016 Grade: ____1st Grade____

Subject: ELAR / Unit Title:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / No School / Describe the plot (problem and solution) in a narrative text; read HFW words she, take, what, up; use subjects with correct subject-verb agreement; understand and recognize the features of a fantasy story; segment and spell words with short i sound / Describe the plot (problem and solution) in a narrative text; read HFW words she, take, what, up; use subjects with correct subject-verb agreement; understand and recognize the features of a fantasy story; segment and spell words with short i sound / Describe the plot (problem and solution) in a narrative text; read HFW words she, take, what, up; use subjects with correct subject-verb agreement; understand and recognize the features of a fantasy story; segment and spell words with short i sound / Describe the plot (problem and solution) in a narrative text; read HFW words she, take, what, up; use subjects with correct subject-verb agreement; understand and recognize the features of a fantasy story; segment and spell words with short i sound
TEKS: / 1.9.A.1 - Describe the plot (problem and solution) in a narrative text
1.3.H.1 – Identify at least 100 high frequency words
1.18.A.1 – Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle and end
1.20.B.1 – Speak in complete sentences with correct subject-verb agreement
1.22.A.1 – Use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters to construct words
1.22.B.1.i – Use letter-sound patterns to spell consonant-vowel-consonant words
1.22.C – Spell high-frequency words from a commonly used list.
1.3.A.ii.3 – Decode words in context by applying common letter-sound correspondences
1.2 – Display phonological awareness
Question of the Week: / Who helps animals?
Key Vocabulary: / Amazing Words:
Career, service, tool, scrub, sloppy, exercise, comfort, search / High Frequency Words: she, take, what, up, away, down, big, find, look, one / Academic Vocabulary:
Plot, animal fantasy, subjects of sentences
Materials Used: / Unit 1 Student Reading Street Book, Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook, Sing with Me Chart, Decodable Readers, Leveled Readers
Lesson Procedures: / Concept Talk: TE p 38j – 39b, SE p. 38-39
Spelling: TE p. 42d, DVD 38
High Frequency Words: TE/SE p. 43
Listening Comp.: TE p. 43a-43b (plot)
Conventions: TE p. 43c (subjects of sentences) / Concept Talk: TE p. 44a-44b
Spelling: TE p.45e, WS p. 142
High Frequency Words: TE p. 45, DVD 37
Vocabulary: TE p. 46a
Main Selection – First Read: TE 46c-57a, SE p. 46-57
(Pig In A Wig)
Genre: TE 57a (Animal Fantasy)
Conventions: TE p. 57b (subject of sentences) / Concept Talk: TE p. 58a-58b
Spelling: TE p. 58f
High Frequency Words: TE p. 58g
Main Selection – Second Read: TE p. 58h, 46c-57a, SE p. 46-57 (Pig In A Wig)
Fluency: TE p. 59b
Conventions: TE p. 60a (subjects of sentences)
Writing: TE p. 60-61aa / Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 2 “Pig in a Wig”
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Students build HFW words with letter tiles
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides / Read a story, name a character in the story and draw a picture of the character in the story’s setting
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides / Think of a pet someone might have and write a sentence about the pet. Make sure your sentence has a capital letter and an end mark.
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Technology Integration: / iStation
Lexia / White Board Vocabulary Games
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative Assessment: Students can make short i words, recognize an animal fantasy story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 2 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test / Formative Assessment:
Students can make short i words, recognize an animal fantasy story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 2 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test / Formative Assessment:
Students can make short i words, recognize an animal fantasy story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 2 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test / Formative Assessment:
Students can make short i words, recognize an animal fantasy story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 2 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test / Formative Assessment:
Students can make short i words, recognize an animal fantasy story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 2 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test
Subject: Math / Unit Title:1 model 1
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / No school / I will be able to show numbers to 120 in different place values. / I will be able to make a model to numbers in different ways / I will be able to model read and write numbers from 100 to 120 / I will be able to understand hundreds place value
TEKS: / 1.2B 1.1C 1.2C / 1.2B 1.2C 1.1B / 1.2C 1.1C
Key Vocabulary: / Hundred
expanded form
place value
standard form / Hundred
expanded form
place value
standard form / Hundred
expanded form
place value
standard form
Manipulatives Used: / Blocks or cubes or bear counters / Cubes and bear counters / Cubes and bear counters
Lesson Procedures: / Whole group instruction pg 37-38 Intro new word Hundred. Have students do the quick check whole group instruction on page 39. Daily Assessment Task PG 40 Homework 41-42 / Whole group TEpg 43-44 Independent RTI check. Whole group pg 45 Daily assessment task, small group pg 46. Homework lesson 47-48 / Whole group instruction TEpg 49-50 Quick check small group’s pg 50. Whole group 51-52. DAT pg 52 small group. Homework lesson 53-54 / Review for lesson and assessment for next week as well. Math stations
Subject: Science / Unit Title:Classifying Matter
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / NO SCHOOL / Students will classify objects based on their observable properties. / Students will classify objects based on their observable properties. / Students will classify objects based on their observable properties. / Students will classify objects based on their observable properties.
TEKS: / NO SCHOOL / 1.5A Classify objects by observable properties of the materials from which they are made such as larger and smaller, heavier and lighter, shape, color, and texture. / 1.5A Classify objects by observable properties of the materials from which they are made such as larger and smaller, heavier and lighter, shape, color, and texture. / 1.5A Classify objects by observable properties of the materials from which they are made such as larger and smaller, heavier and lighter, shape, color, and texture. / 1.5A Classify objects by observable properties of the materials from which they are made such as larger and smaller, heavier and lighter, shape, color, and texture.
Key Vocabulary: / NO SCHOOL / Property, smaller, larger, heavier, lighter, shape, color, texture, mass / Property, smaller, larger, heavier, lighter, shape, color, texture, mass / Property, smaller, larger, heavier, lighter, shape, color, texture, mass / Property, smaller, larger, heavier, lighter, shape, color, texture, mass
Manipulatives Used: / NO SCHOOL / Different sizes of balls / Things shaped like a cylinder and sphere. / Things shaped like a cylinder and sphere. / 5-6 paper bags with 5 matter objects
Lesson Procedures: / NO SCHOOL / Students use different sized balls to solve a crime / Science Literacy book pg. 1-11 / Science Literacy book pg. 1-11 / Provide groups with a matter bag. 5 items per bag with the same theme (ex. Fruits, vegetables, wood, office supplies). Students will work in small groups to classify “matter bags” items by observable properties. Complete Journal activity in student journal pg. 1
Differentiation/scaffolding: / NO SCHOOL / At or below level-students list properties or write a sentence for each property
Advanced- students list properties they can physically see and properties they have to measure in order to be able to sort. / At or below level-students list properties or write a sentence for each property
Advanced- students list properties they can physically see and properties they have to measure in order to be able to sort. / At or below level-students list properties or write a sentence for each property
Advanced- students list properties they can physically see and properties they have to measure in order to be able to sort. / At or below level-students list properties or write a sentence for each property
Advanced- students list properties they can physically see and properties they have to measure in order to be able to sort.
Technology Integration: / NO SCHOOL / Stemscope video / Stemscope picture vocabulary / Stemscope Science Rock Game / Stemscope Science Rock Game
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / NO SCHOOL / Observation. Open-ended Questions / Questions in book.
Writing activity / Questions in book.
Writing activity / Observation.
Open-Ended Questions
Higher Thinking questions / Imagine you had to create a machine that helped sort items based on color. What would it look like and how would it work? / How can we use properties to describe objects? / What things can we observe that allow us to classify objects?