1. Quality control is the aspect of quality assurance that monitors technical equipment to maintain quality standards.
2. MSQA requires mammography facilities to be approved by the FDA.
3. As focal spot use increases, the focal spot itself will decrease in size.
4. Kilovoltage settings remain stable over time.
5. Exposure time settings remain stable over time.
6. The source-to-skin distance limit for a mobile fluoroscopic unit is 12 inches.
7. Monitoring of the automatic brightness control should be included in a quality-monitoring program.
8. AEC back-up timers function to terminate exposures when the radiographer forgets to activate the AEC.
9. Diagnostic view boxes emit more luminance than mammographic view boxes.
10. Repeat film studies should be used to determine how well a radiographer scores on the department evaluation.
11. The total repeat rate should be calculated using the department’s newest radiographers only.
1. Quality assurance includes each of the following except ____.
a. / equipment maintenance / c. / diagnosisb. / filing systems / d. / scheduling
2. The largest hospital accreditation agency is the ____.
a. / MSQA / c. / SMDAb. / JCAHO / d. / FDA
3. JCAHO approval is linked to ____ reimbursement.
a. / federal / c. / insurance companyb. / state / d. / all of the above
4. Input for the purchase of new radiographic equipment should include the ____.
a. / radiologists / c. / administratorsb. / radiographers / d. / all of the above
5. Installation and acceptance testing of equipment is the responsibility of the ____.
a. / radiation physicist / c. / radiology equipment vendorb. / radiology supervisor / d. / staff radiographer
6. Routine quality management procedures should be performed by the ____.
a. / radiation physicist / c. / chief radiologistb. / qualified radiographer / d. / maintenance personnel
7. Which of the following monitoring tests should be done on a daily basis?
a. / collimator accuracy / c. / processor sensitometryb. / focal spot size estimation / d. / all of the above
8. Each of the following monitoring tests should be done on a semi-annual basis except ____.
a. / processor sensitometry / c. / collimator accuracyb. / focal spot size estimation / d. / kilovoltage accuracy
9. Test tools for focal spot size estimation include each of the following except a ____.
a. / pinhole camera / c. / line pair resolution toolb. / star test pattern / d. / motorized synchronous top
10. Focal spots measuring 0.3 mm or less should be measured with a ____.
a. / star test pattern / c. / spinning topb. / pinhole camera / d. / all of the above
11. Focal spots measuring 0.3 mm or more should be measured with a ____.
a. / star test pattern / c. / spinning topb. / pinhole camera / d. / all of the above
12. Half-value layers are measured by using which type of equipment?
a. / sensitometer / c. / dosimetry equipmentb. / aluminum filters / d. / more than one of the above
13. When testing collimator accuracy, a SID error of ____ is allowed.
a. / 20% / c. / 2%b. / 10% / d. / 0%
14. The centering mark should be within ____ of the light field central ray.
a. / 0% / c. / 11%b. / 1% / d. / 100%
15. Distance indicators are checked with a ____.
a. / yard stick / c. / laserb. / densitometer / d. / tape measure
16. A generator must be recalibrated when the kVp drifts beyond ____ kVp of the labeled setting.
a. / 2 / c. / 10b. / 5 / d. / 12
17. The accuracy of a single-phase generator time settings may be measured with a ____.
a. / sensitometer / c. / spinning top testb. / densitometer / d. / penetrometer
18. The accuracy of a three-phase generator time settings may be measured with a ____.
a. / motorized synchronous spinning top testb. / densitometer
c. / spinning top test
d. / penetrometer
19. Exposure time settings should be maintained within ____ of the labeled setting.
a. / + 5% / c. / + 15%b. / + 10% / d. / 0%
20. The source-to-skin distance limit for a stationary fluoroscopic unit is ____ inches.
a. / 5 / c. / 15b. / 12 / d. / 25
21. Tomographic system uniformity and completeness of motion are tested with a ____.
a. / pinhole camera / c. / lead mask with a pinholeb. / wire mesh / d. / all of the above
22. Tomographic systems should be tested for each of the following except ____.
a. / automatic brightness control / c. / section depth indicator accuracyb. / completeness of motion / d. / section thickness accuracy
23. Most AECs utilize ____ ion chambers in various combinations.
a. / one / c. / threeb. / two / d. / four