Resolutions of the Future Melbourne Committee meeting held on Tuesday 8 December 2015
Agenda item 6.2
Planning Permit Application: TP-2013-337/A Rydges on Swanston, 701-713 Swanston Street, Carlton
That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a Notice of Decision to Grant an Amended Permit be issued subject to the conditions set out in the Delegate Report (refer to Attachment 4 of the report from management).
Agenda item 6.3
Ministerial Referral: TPM-2015-18, 93-119 Kavanagh Street, Southbank
That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a letter be sent to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning indicating that the Melbourne City Council supports the Master Plan subject to the revised principles and conditions contained within the Delegate Report (refer to Attachment 4 of the report from management).
Agenda item 6.4
Homelessness Advisory Committee – Terms of Reference
1.0. That the Future Melbourne Committee:
1.1. Requests the Chair of the Future Melbourne (People City) Committee write to current members of the Homelessness Advisory Committee (HAC) thanking them for their participation and informing members of the application process should they be eligible and wish to be considered for a further two years on the new HAC 2016-18.
1.2. Endorses the Terms of Reference and the process for establishing the HAC 2016–18.
1.3. Appoints the Chair of the Future Melbourne (People City) Committee as Chair of the HAC.
1.4. Authorises the Director City Communities to make any further minor editorial changes to the Terms of Reference for the HAC prior to publication.
Agenda item 6.5
Alma Doepel Memorandum of Understanding
That the Future Melbourne Committee authorises the Chief Executive Officer to decline the option within the Memorandum of Understanding with Sail and Adventure Ltd to purchase the floating barge.
Agenda item 7.1
Post travel report by Councilor Richard Foster, Participation in smoke-free forums in New Zealand 21 to 24 September 2015
1.0. That the Future Melbourne Committee notes:
1.1. The report by Councillor Richard Foster on the visit to Christchurch and Auckland New Zealand as part of the Cancer Society of New Zealand advocacy program to discuss the strategies, approaches and outcomes of implementing smoke-free initiatives.
1.2. That on-going dialogue will be undertaken with officials in New Zealand with a view to gaining further insight into engaging with diverse communities to deliver successful, sustainable smoke-free programs.
1.3. That in recognition of Councillor Foster’s advocacy, provision of access to the City of Melbourne's smoke-free data and experience, and his contribution to the successful Auckland and Christchurch engagements it has led to an approach from the Cancer Society and the University of Otago for Councillor Foster to participate in a similar engagement in Wellington.
Agenda item 7.2
Notice of Motion, Cr Mayne: Audit Committee transparency
That the Future Melbourne Committee requests the Audit Committee, after consulting the internal auditor, report back to Council before the end of this Council term with suggestions on how and to what extent its comprehensive work could be shared more widely across the organisation and, where appropriate, with the wider public, in line with Council’s goal to be one of Australia’s most open and transparent organisations.
Agenda item 6.1
Draft Amendment C258 Heritage Policies Review
This item was withdrawn from the Agenda prior to the meeting.