In line with social security benefit uprating and including housing benefit, Cornwall Council will be uprating the personal allowances, premiums and non-dependant deductions used in its working ageCouncil Tax Support scheme from 1 April 2018.

In line with social security benefit uprating for 2018/19, personal allowances and some premiumswill remain unchanged from 2017/18.

Applicable Amounts

Personal Allowances
Single person
Aged 18 – 24 / £57.90
Aged 25 or over / £73.10
Any age and entitled to main phase rate Employment and Support Allowance / £73.10
Lone parent
Aged 18 or over (including lone parents entitled to main phase rate Employment and Support Allowance) / £73.10
One or both 18 or over (including where the applicant is entitled to main phase rate Employment and Support Allowance / £114.85
Polygamous marriages
If the claimant is a member of a polygamous marriage and no members of the marriage have attained the age of 60
For the claimant and the other party to the marriage / £114.85
For each additional spouse who is a member of the same household as the claimant / £41.75
Dependant allowance
From birth to day before the first Monday in September following 16th birthday / £66.90
From the first Monday in September following 16th birthday to the day immediately before 20th birthday / £66.90
Family premium / £17.45
Family premium (lone parent rate) / £22.20
Disability premium
Single / £33.55
Couple / £47.80
Enhanced disability premium
Single rate / £16.40
Couple rate / £23.55
Disabled child rate / £25.48
Severe disability premium
Single / £64.30
Couple – one qualifies / £64.30
Couple – both qualify / £128.60
Disabled child premium / £62.86
Carer premium / £36.00
ESA main phase rate components
Work-related activity component / £29.05
Support component / £37.65

Non – dependant deductions

Non dependants in remunerative work with gross income of:
£436.90 or more per week / £11.90
£351.65 - £436.89 per week / £9.95
£202.85 - £351.64 per week / £7.90
Less than £202.85 per week / £3.90

Prepared by:

Mark Ransom

Revenues and Assessment Manager

Customers and Communities

28 December 2017

If you would like this information
in another format please contact:

Cornwall Council
County Hall
Treyew Road
Truro TR1 3AY

Telephone: 0300 1234 100


CTS Uprating 2016/171

1April 2016