March 2004doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/421r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs


Date:March 15, 2004

Author:Al Petrick
IceFyre Semiconductor, Inc.
12201 Treetop Ct., Orlando, Florida32832
Phone: 321-235-3423
Fax: 321-235-3269


Request for changes to the 802.11 WG Rules require:

“Proposed improvements shall be in written form and presented to the WG Vice-Chair and include:

  • The purpose, objective, or problem the proposed change is intended to address
  • The specific text of the rule change
  • The rationale for the chosen text.”

This Document provides the required information for a set of proposals gathered together over a few months of discussions with various members and the Chairs Advisory Committee (CAC).

This Document lists the proposed changes between version r7 and version r8 inclusive.

  1. Add when Task groups chair and vice-chairs are re-elected.Clarify the format of the Footer in Submissions.
  2. Current the TG officer positions are for the life of the PAR. While the WG officers are elected every 2 years.
  1. The proposed Added Text change is in red as follows:

From Page 21 03-00-331r7 Clauses 3.2 – 3.5

Task Group Chair

The TG Chair is elected by a WG majority approval. The TG Chairis re-affirmed every 2 years; one session after the WG Chair is elected.

The TG Chair is required to confirm that the function of secretary is performed for each TG meeting. TG meetings are not allowed to function without a secretary.

Task Group Vice-Chair

TG Vice-Chair is elected by a WG majority approval.The TG Vice-Chair re-affirmed every 2 years; one session after the WG Chair is elected.

Task Group Secretary

The TG Secretary shall be appointed by the TG Chair and confirmed by a TG motion that is approved with a minimum 50% majority.The TG Secretary is re-affirmed every 2 years; one session after the WG Chair is elected.

The minutes of meetings taken by the Secretary (or designee) are to be provided to the TG Chair in time to be available to the WG Chair for publication one week after close of the session.

The minutes of the meeting are to include documents produced by the voting process and document list. See IEEE Standards Companion for details on content and form of minutes.

  1. This aligns the TG officers tenure period with the WG officers re-election period.
  1. Add Standing Committee Chair appointment and post duration.
  2. There is no definition for the position, in the policy and procedures.
  1. The proposed Added Text change is in red as follows:

From Page 26 03-00-331r7 Clause 5.6

5.6 Standing Committee Chair

The Standing Committee Chair is appointed by the WG Chair and is re-affirmed by the WG majority approval. The Standing Committee Chair is re-affirmed every 2 years; one session after the WG Chair is elected.

  1. This set fixed time period for SC Chair position as aligned with TG Chair and Vice-Chair positions.
  1. Add clause to clarify that Nearly Voters must request voting rights to obtain them as per the LMSC policies and procedures.
  2. Currently Nearly Voters are given voting rights that the opening of 802 plenarys. This is in volition of the LSMC policies and procedures. is no definition for the position, in the policy and procedures.
  1. The proposed Added Text change is in red as follows:

From Page 27 03-00-331r7 Clause 6.13

6.13 Nearly Voter

A Nearly Voter will have voting rights at the opening of the third session, which must be a plenary, as described in subclause. A Nearly Voter must request voting rights from the WG Chair by email prior to the opening of the plenary before the member is granted voting privileges. A voting token will be made available at the opening of the plenary. The Nearly Voter will have voting rights and become a voter at the opening of the plenary providing the meeting fee is paid. The Nearly Voter will haveaccess to the members private section of the 802.11 website.

  1. This aligns the LSMC policies and procedures clause
  1. Add trademark for 802.11 and registered symbol for IEEE.
  2. Update all references to IEEE and 802.11 with trademark and registered symbols.
  3. The global proposed Added Text change is in red as follows:



  1. This brings the WG policies and procedures in alignment with IEEE®copyright and trademark policies.
  1. Remove the requirement of flash cards for transferring files and replace with electronic medium
  2. Wireless electronic medium has replaced the need for using flash cards.
  3. The proposed Added Text change is in red as follows:

From Page 13 03-00-331r7 Clause, Clause 2.6 Collection and Maintenance

The objectives of this task are:

  • After assignment by the Chair, maintain a consistently numbered set of documents and fileson flash cards andon the meeting server using electronic wireless Wi-Fi™ medium and the IEEE 802.11 WEB site.
  • Verify document formats before presentation and circulation of materials to membership
  • Update document list and assign document numbers as requested.
  • Keep meeting attendees informed about document status during plenary and interim sessions.

2.6 Motions

A motion may be made at any time during the meetings. However, a motion that changes a draft shall be presented in a submission that has been;

  • Accepted by document control
  • Available electronically (via flash card orelectronic wireless WiFi™ medium on the server).
  1. Flash cards are no longer used for transferring files. Wi-Fi 802.11wireless networks are used as the electronic medium during 802.11 sessions for transferring files.
  1. Add text for Sponsor Balloting type.
  2. Add to section Update all references to IEEE and 802.11 with trademark and registered symbols.
  3. The proposed Added Text change is in red as follows:

From Page 31 03-00-331r7 Clause 9.1.5

A single type of balloting group for a standard, based on the type of sponsorship, shall be established at the time of PAR approval and officially approved prior to the formation of a balloting group. A statement of the type of balloting membership to be used shall be included in all versions of the draft standard and the final approved standard per the LMSC policies and procedures.

  1. This brings the WG policies and procedures in alignment with the new LMSC policies and procedures.
  1. Add text for email ballots
  2. Add text to clarify voting policy on email ballots.
  3. The proposed Added Text change is in red as follows:

From Page 23 03-00-331r7 Clause 2.7.2

The TG Chair defines motions as either technical or procedural. On a technical motion, a vote is carried by a minimum 75% approval of the sum of those voting "Approve" or "Do Not Approve". On a procedural motion, a vote is carried by a greater than 50% approval of the sum of those voting "Approve" or "Do Not Approve". Any vote can be subjected to ratification at the WG level under WG voting rules (see ref. [rules3], formal votes taken via email, the ballot needs to receive approval from a majority of the voting members to allow an action to be taken. (see ref. [rules3])

From Page 18 03-00-331r7 Clause 2.9.2

For a WG letter ballot to be considered valid the abstention rate must be less than 30% as per the 802 LMSC Policies and Procedures (see ref. [rules3]). In formal votes taken via email, the ballot needs to receive approval from a majority of the voting members to allow an action to be taken. (see ref. [rules3]) The WG is only obligated to consider comments that are received with ballots and other comments that are received by the close of the ballot. The ballot shall close at 11:59 PM Eastern Time (ET) on the date specified on the ballot. If the ballot has not achieved a 75% return by the specified closing date, the ballot may be extended to close when a 75% return of the balloting group is received. This extension for receipt of a 75% return shall not be longer than 60 days. Comments received after the close of balloting will be provided to the TG. The TG shall acknowledge the receipt of these comments to the initiator and take such action the TG deems appropriate.

  1. This brings the WG policies and procedures in alignment with the new IEEE-SA policies and procedures.

Submissionpage 1Al Petrick, IceFyre