Annual Elective Report
Creighton University School of Medicine
Please complete this report by clicking in each gray box which will allow you to either a) select from a drop-down menu or b) type in text. The report will be forwarded to the Medical School’s Evaluation Committee and the 4th year component director. Contact Kat Istas in the Office of Medical Education at 280.3665 or if you need assistance preparing your report.
Elective Director Name
Academic Year:
Elective call number:
1. Are you satisfied with the way you organized and structured this rotation? With what aspects of the elective this year were you most pleased? least pleased?
Student Performance
2. Did student scores on tests and other evaluation measures meet your expectations? To what do you attribute any deviation from the performance you expected?
3. Was student attendance at elective activities satisfactory?
4. Are you satisfied with the methods for assessing student performance? Did you feel that the students knew what to expect as the elective progressed?
Student Comments
5. Please comment on the student evaluations (numerical) of your elective.
6. Were there any frequently repeated comments, positive or negative, from the student evaluations? Please comment.
Assessment and Clinical Competencies
7. How are you evaluating the student’s achievement of clinical competencies and learning objectives? What is the percentage of pass/fail and honors?
Revision of Elective Goals and Methods
8. Would you recommend any change in the elective content? For example, is there too much material in the elective? Or, conversely, do factors such as time constraints or lack of resources force the omission of important material?
9. Do you see any advantage to changes in the sequence of presentation of the material?
10. Were there any skill or knowledge areas in which the students did not come into your elective with the preparation you expected? Conversely, did you notice any unnecessary overlap with other electives?
11. Do you plan to change current or introduce new teaching methods? Would there be any benefit to changing the proportion of time devoted to the different elective activities?
Faculty Performance
12. Are you pleased with elective faculty (a) involvement in planning the elective, (b) teaching effort, and (c) evaluation of students (specifically: timely and regular feedback to students and submission of student assessment forms by the deadline)?
Plans For Course Improvement
13. Will you do anything not mentioned above to change or improve the elective?
14. What can the Office of Medical Education or the Educational Policy Committee do to help you and your elective?
Any Additional Comments?
After completing your report, please send the file to