Guidance Package (GP) for US National Representative to
NATO Federated Mission Networking (FMN) Affiliation Requirements Workshop #2
held at SHAPE, Mons, BEL 11-14 August 2015 and
FMN Capability Planning Working Group (CPWG) Workshop #2
held at HQ NATO, Brussels, BEL from 18-20 August 2015
1. CJCSI 6010.01E, “Coordination of United States Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems Positions in International Forums,” 8 November 2013
2. NATO Federated Mission Networking (FMN) Implementation Plan (NFIP) Volume I, approved by North Atlantic Council 29 January 2015
3. NATO FMN Transition Plan, approved by NATO International Military Staff 10 February 2015
4. FMN Affiliation Requirements document V2.0, 9 July 2015
5. FMN Affiliation Requirements Workshops Calling Notice, 3 June 2015
6. NATO Federated Mission Networking (FMN) Implementation Plan (NFIP) Volume II, draft
7. Capability Planning Working Group (CPWG) Terms of Reference
8. [Not yet promulgated] Capability Planning Working Group (CPWG) Workshop #2 Calling Notice,
## July 2015, dates and location provided during CPWG #1.
9. AAR from CPWG #1, 7-8 July 2015, Ottawa, Canada.
Background: This Guidance Package (GP) submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in Reference 1. These two events occur in consecutive weeks and significant savings will accrue from combining them into one OCONUS trip.
As described in Reference 2, Federated Mission Networking (FMN) is “an emerging capability framework to support command and control and decision-making in future operations through improved information-sharing. It is unique in that it provides the ways and identifies the means to deliver better networking. The implementation of this capability framework delivers a “toolset” of processes, organizations, training, technology, and standards provided, in a coordinated approach, by NATO, NATO Nations and non-NATO nations cooperating together. Through the sustainment and application of these capability components, federated mission networks can be effectively and efficiently generated.”
Reference 2 also describes the FMN management structure, consisting of the FMN Management Group (DD C5I is the U.S. national representative), the FMN Secretariat (the U.S. Liaison Officer, currently a USA MAJ, will be replaced by a USA LTC in the Aug/Sep timeframe), and five working groups. The FMN Management Group consists of national representatives from nations who have declared as FMN Affiliates, and one of the key working groups is the Capability Planning Working Group (CPWG).
Reference 3 delineates the near-term actions required to set the conditions for a fully functioning FMN management structure, which includes standing up the five working groups.
Reference 6 contains the draft spiral specifications that provide the baseline that FMN Affiliates (FMN-participating nations) should aspire to meet. These spiral specifications must be updated, expanded and approved by FMN affiliates for implementation, and the alignment of these specifications with MPE implantation will be critical to the success of both efforts.
Reference 7 is the Terms of Reference for the CPWG approved at the initial FMN Management Group meeting 27-28 May 2015. It assigns the responsibilities to develop and maintain the FMN spiral specifications to the CPWG, which will be co-chaired by Allied Command Transformation (ACT), along with a rotating co-chairman selected from the FMN Affiliates representatives.
Reference 8 is the Calling Notice for the CPWG workshop #2 [to be promulgated]. Agenda per CPWG #1 out brief is to complete development of FMN Spiral 1specifications for delivery to and approval by FOGO level FMN Management Group in September 2015
a. Action: Identify final list of services and associated standards and criteria to be included as “minimum aspiration compatibility requirements” for FMN Spiral Specification 1instructions to be included as annexes to NATO FMN Implementation Plan Volume 2.
b. Action: “harmonize and finalize” FMN Spiral 1 Specifications work from CPWG #1 and CP WG #2
JS J6 DDC5I IID participation in the evolution of Reference 6 is required to maintain alignment with MPE implementation, as it contains the NATO FMN counterpart of the US MPE Joining, Membership and Exit Instructions (JMEI). Continued alignment of these living documents will ensure a more rapid establishment of future mission networks with willing coalition partners by leveraging existing trust and compatibility frameworks represented by US MPE JMEI Joining Instructions and NFIP Vol II. NFIP is the basis on which a federation of mission networks will be established to support a mission command network for U.S., Allied, and partner nations to meet mutual defense operational requirements in Europe.
Specific elements of JS J6 DDC5I contributions at the FMN Affiliation Requirements workshop:
a. Define FMN Affiliation requirements. US position is membership is based on national/organizational desire, not specific statements of commitment with regard to resources, forces, capabilities for future missions.
b. Define relationships between FMN Affiliates. US position is all affiliates are equal peers with no stratification to limit voice or standing relationship based on capacity or capability.
c. Define role of FMN Management as a forum where Affiliate representatives work through change management to ensure mutual compatibility is sustained to the best possible levels given different national priorities, capability refresh and acquisition cycles, and train and equip processes. FMN Management Group should not be considered a decision-making forum with dictatorial powers over affiliates. Governance of FMN implementation occurs within each respective Affiliate, to include NATO. Management of change is coordinated within FMN Management Group and FN Secretariat.
Discussion: MPE and FMN framework alignment is very important to the U.S., as it has direct applicability both to its status as the largest contributor to NATO forces and to the ability of US forces to operate and interoperate within a NATO-led force in peer to peer trusted relationships with other partners using US DOTMLPF-Policy within the context of NATO provided policy and guidance. Establishment and implementation of consistent MPE Enduring and Episodic framework criteria across DoD has direct applicability toward US forces ability to achieve unity of effort and speed of command within a coalition force regardless of whether or not the US was in a lead or supporting role.
US Position: Shape NATO FMN implementation to support continued advocacy and endorsement activities that facilitate employment of US DOTMLPF-P by US forces contributed to a coalition force within a peer to peer coalition mission network environment.
a. C5I IID MPE SME shape development of NFIP Vol 2 per MPE framework concepts and interoperability tenets to ensure US CCMD and Component implementation of MPE remains in synch with NATO FMN.
b. Ensure foundational standards and compliancy criteria remain complementary in nature within both US MPE JMEI Joining Instructions and NATO FMN Implementation Plan Joining Instructions. Capture and report relevant mission agnostic changes as feedback to update US MPE JMEI Joining Instructions.
c. Influence WG to focus on these areas critical to establish a trusted peer to peer coalition federation of mission networks.: (1) mission network connection process, (2) compliance checks for security and information assurance criteria, service verification tests between mission partners, (3) authority to connect accreditation process and NETOPS sustainment, (4) assess ability of mission support elements conduct business at a “Rel to Coalition” classification and releasability environment, (5) federation of partner services and applications to support meet desired mission threads.
d. Obtain constructive input to update and improve collective DoD planning processes for MPE Enduring and Episodic employment in support of coalition exercises and coalition mission Crisis Action Planning teams in any CCMD AOR. JS J6 IID will also use feedback to adapt and adjust to assess compatibility of recommended changes to US MPE JMEI joining instructions with JIE EOC operations.
e. After Action Report (AAR) to US MPE and NATO Federated Mission Network (FMN) community stakeholders.