
***DRAFT #2***

Williamsburg Regional Local Human Rights Committee Minutes

Date of Meeting: October 14, 2015.

*Denotes attendance at this meeting

Committee Members: Pamela Schlickenmeyer

Pamela Bellmore*

Robert Bellmore*

Office of Human Rights: Timothy Jones, Human Rights Advocate

Simona M. Haqq, Human Rights Advocate *

Program Affiliates: Bacon Street: Laura Townsend*

Better Life of Virginia: Babatunde Talabi

Christian Aigbe*

Campbell House: Jacqueline Campbell*

East End Academy IOP & Day Treatment Ruby Eley*

Sheena Lyle*

Eastern State Hospital Buddy Small*

Christine Armstead*

Family Priority Kell Willis*

Family Preservation Services: Michelle Ray

Neurological Rehabilitation Living Centers: Christin Moses*

Senior Behavioral Health Program: Gary Davis

United & Empowered Care: Valda Claiborne*

Viviane Baker*

Franklin Bradford

Farley Center & Pavilion at Patty Cranford*

Williamsburg Place

Morning Star Residential Services Rita Ososanya

Newly Affiliated Program:

NeoGenesis Foundation Inc. Kendrick Britton*

Call to Order:

Without a quorum of the members present, Mr. Robert Bellmore called the WRLHRC to order at 9:26am at the Kline Conference Room of Eastern State Hospital, Williamsburg.

Approval of Minutes:

The approval of August 13, 2015 LHRC minutes of the meeting was postponed without a quorum.

Public Comment Period: No public comments.

Affiliate Program Reports of Human Rights Activity:

Bacon Street

Ms. Townsend identified herself as the LHRC Provider Liaison and presented the 3rd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. No abuse and complaint allegations reported. There were no other changes regarding the additional reporting and review requirements.

Better Life of Virginia, LLC.

Mr. Aigbe identified himself as the LHRC Provider Liaison and presented the 3rd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. No abuse and complaint allegations reported. There were no changes regarding the additional reporting and review requirements.

Campbell House

Ms. Campbell identified herself as the LHRC Provider Liaison and presented the 3rd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. No abuse and complaint allegations reported. Licensing specialist Ms. Elaine Moser visited the program on July 24, 2015 and there were no citations. There were no further changes regarding the additional reporting and review requirements.

East End Academy Intensive Outpatient/Day Treatment Program

Ms. Eley identified herself as the LHRC Provider Liaison and presented the 3rd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. No abuse and complaint allegations reported. Ms. Eley who had been attending LHRC meeting since 1998 reported that she was retiring and today’s meeting was going to be her last. The committee members thanked her and wished her the best. There were no further changes regarding the additional reporting and review requirements.

Eastern State Hospital

Mr. Buddy Small identified himself as the LHRC Provider Liaison and presented the 3rd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. For the quarter, he reported receiving 90 abuses; 78 peers to peers and 36 complaint allegations that were reviewed in closed session with the LHRC. Mr. Small presented some additional changes to the program handbook. Ms. Pamela Bellmore moved the motion to approve the changes to handbook and was unanimously approved by the committee. There were no further changes regarding the additional reporting and review requirements.

Family Preservation Services

The program LHRC liaison official was not at today’s meeting to present 3rd quarter report.

Family Priority

Ms. Kell Willis identified herself as the LHRC Provider Liaison and presented the 3rd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. No abuse and complaint allegations reported .There were no further changes regarding the additional reporting review requirements.

Neurological Rehabilitation Living Center

Ms. Christin Moses identified herself as the LHRC Provider Liaison and presented the 3nd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. No abuse and complaint allegations reported .There were no further changes regarding the additional reporting and review requirements.

United and Empowered Care

Ms. Claiborne identified herself as the LHRC Provider Liaison. He presented the 3rd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. She reported one abuse (peer-to-peer) case that was reviewed in closed session with the LHRC. She identified no further changes regarding the additional reporting and review requirements.

Williamsburg Place-The Pavilion

Ms. Patricia Cranford identified herself as the LHRC Provider Liaison and presented the 3rd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. She reported 5 abuse cases, 6 complaint cases that were reviewed in closed Session with the LHRC. There were no further changes regarding the additional reporting review requirements.

Williamsburg Place-The Farley Center

Ms. Patricia Cranford identified herself as the LHRC Provider Liaison and presented the 3rd Quarter Report of Human Rights Activity for 2015. No abuse case and one complaint case that was reviewed in closed session with the LHRC There were no further changes regarding the additional reporting review requirements.

Morning Star Residential Services, LLC

The program LHRC liaison official was not at today’s meeting to present 3rd quarter report.

NeoGenesis Foundation Inc.

Mr. Kendrick Britton identified himself as LHRC Provider Liaison official and presented the program to the LHRC for affiliation with the committee. Ms. Pamela Bellmore moved the motion to approve the program affiliation with the LHRC and was unanimously approved. The committee made a recommendation that the program should address the policy of hands on individual during crisis or emergency in the behavior management plan.

OHR Advocate’s Report:

Ms. Simona Haqq was at today’s meeting, representing Mr. Jones who was on leave.

CHRIS Reports:

·  Send out letter of complaint findings to individual and AR.

·  Complete the investigation report within the window of 10 days.

·  Operate and function according to the stipulated regulations.

·  If you are having problem on CHRIS, it is the only DELTA SUPPORT

SYSTEM that can help to resolve the problem.

·  Always fill out and check all appropriate field boxes when on CHRIS.

Closed Meeting: At 10:00am am the committee members approved by unanimous affirmative vote a motion by Ms. Pamela Bellmore , seconded by Mr. Robert Bellmore, to convene in closed session per Virginia Code 2.2-3711 (A)(4): For the Protection of the Privacy of Individuals in Personal Matters not related to public business, namely for the purpose of reviewing complaints under Assurance of Rights, Services, and Abuse and Neglect pursuant to the regulations at Eastern State Hospital and United and Empowered Care.

Open Meeting Reconvened: The committee reconvened in open meeting at 11:06 am by unanimous vote on a motion by Ms. Pamela Bellmore, seconded by Mr. Robert Bellmore, each member certifying that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, only private business matters, lawfully exempted from statutory open meeting requirements and identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened, were considered in the closed meeting.

Eastern State Hospital:

On cases discussed today, there were no recommendations.

United & Empowered Care, Inc.:

On the case discussed today, there were no recommendations.

Williamsburg Place; Pavilion & Farley:

On cases discussed today, there were no recommendations.

Next Reguarly Scheduled Meeting: January 13, 2015, 9:00 am, at the Kline Conference Center at Eastern State Hospital, 4601 Ironbound Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188. Please telephone Lisa Webster at (757) 208-7995 for assistance with directions.

Adjournment: Ms. Pamela moved a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 am with the unanimous approval of the committee members.

Submitted by: Approved by:


Christian Aigbe, Recorder Robert Bellmore

Affiliate Program Liaison & Support LHRC Committee Secretary

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