Sign up to work on solutions to worksheets. Note what needs to be done for the particular sheet. If you take a kit for a particular assignment, I ask that you complete it,

What needs to be done / Who’s gonna do it
Speed - Complete # 13, check hyperlinks, update symbols
Acceleration – Complete 11-15, fix hyperlinks, fix HTML, update symbols
How Far – Fix hyperlinks, update symbols to Holt
How Far II – Fix HTML, update symbols
Two Dimensional Motion – Do the entire thing. Make sure you use tables of Horizontal and vertical to solve just like we did in class
Son of Two Dimensional Motion – Do the entire thing. Make sure you use tables of Horizontal and vertical to solve just like we did in class
Newton’s second law – fix HTML, fix hyperlinks, update symbols
Net Force – Update symbols
Friction – Update symbols
Circular Motion – do the whole thing
Orbit and Gravity – update symbols, and cut and paste to make it the same sheet that “G” does. (I currently have only the IB sheet
Work and Power – add hyperlinks, update symbols
Energy II – fix hyperlinks, update symbols
Impulse and Momentum – fix HTML, fix hyperlinks, update symbols
Conservation of momentum questions – do it – include diagrams just like I did in the solutions for SOCOM


Fix hyperlinks – make sure that all the links work, delete ones that are no longer valid, and make sure there is a list of links at the top to problems, and a back link at the problems to the top. (Like the IB solutions had last year)

Fix HTML – Pretty it up. Fix unnecessary word wrapping, and carriage returns.

Update symbols – Make sure only the Holt symbols are used. Fix this by copying and pasting from the formula sheet.

Complete – Add the problems, and solutions using Holt Symbols.