Please join us for coffee, juice and donuts in the fellowship hall.
Our coffee hour host is the Christian Ed Board. Our host next week will be the Wee Care/Peppermint Board.

Welcome Team (8:00) Linda Iberg Rae Ellen Reece
Margaret Rowold Shirley Sackett

(10:15) Wayne Fenton Nancy Fenton
Ron Shownes Ruthie Shownes

Valet Team (8:00) Lori Miscik (10:15) Carrie Belford

Layreader (8:00) Soundra Rinderer (10:15) Dennis Foehner

Sound/Slide Booth (8:00) John Snider and Bill Vallee
(10:15) Lisa Neal and Braden Rehkemper

Hearing Devices are available. Please ask one of the ushers.

Senior Pastor – Christopher Hill ()
Associate Pastor – Will VerDuin ()
Office Business Manager – Barb Bray ()
Bookkeeper – Patti Kohlbrecher ()

Choir Director – Lisa Neal ()

Organist – Joan Schuetz ()
Contemporary Worship Director – Chris Swed ()

Director of Children’s Ministries – Darlene Nagel
Radio Ministry – Casper Heichelbeck, Tyler Kimmle and
Zach Plocher

EvUCC Communications Ministries
Radio Station WGEL 101.7 FM Greenville
Church Phone: 618-654-7459



May 17, 2015

Welcome to Evangelical United Church of Christ! We encourage you to return soon. Please stop at the visitors’ desk. Please sign the Friendship Pad and pass it to the outside aisle where an usher will pick it up.

Nursery care is available today in Room 38 for infants and toddlers (3 years old and under). Our volunteers today are (9:00) Tracey Zobrist (10:00) Jan Tebbe. Our nursery staff attendant is Katie Henricks.

Prayers, Concerns and Joys - Please include in your Prayers

Bob Barney, LeeRoy Barth (Al’s brother), Marie Bimes, Robin Chumbris, Marge Clayton, Florence Collmann, Carolyn Crabtree, Jeanne Dankenbring, Viola Deibert, Randy Dellamano, Bob DePew, Gene and Debra Dilley (Marsha Rinderer’s sister and brother-in-law), Rev. Tom Drewer, Jared Emig (nephew of Jerry and Karla Zurliene), Alma Erwin, Ellen Gelly, Olivia Genteman, Elaine Grundhoefer (Harold Byers’ sister), Maurie Henricks (Tom’s father), Carol Hoffman, Don Hundsdorfer, Curt Iberg, Janet Jenny, Dorothy Johnson (Aunt of Ron and Kathy Schneider), Betty Kamm, Penny Kapp (Kay Wellen’s sister), Vera Kunz, Betty Legier, Herman Louer, Linda Luebers, Mary Marchal, Ruth Meffert, Henry Metzger, Joe Michaelis, Becky Morris (Shirley Hug’s niece), Daniel Morris, Richard Moser, Dale Nagel, Anthony Perez (friend of Steve and Denise Clayton), Jessie Powers, Alicia Rayner (Al & Shirley Flath’s daughter), Paula Redman, Sandra Reinacher, Don Rinderer, Joan Sackett, Flo Schneider, Doris (mother of Barb Stallard), Nathan Steding, Gloria Stuckwisch, Samantha Strom (friend of Tina Kutzgar), Carladine Vulliet, Alvin Whitsell (Florence Collmann’s brother-in-law), Dale Wiesemeyer (Niala Keilbach’s brother), and Kathy Wilsman (Nancy Byers’ sister), and Howard Zbornak.

NEEDED - Summer Sunday School Class Leaders
Please volunteer for 1 or several Sundays in June, July or August by contacting the church office or Darlene Nagel.

Mark your calendars and join us July 27-31 for Hometown Nazareth VBS. We are in need of many volunteers to help children explore the culture of Jesus’ boyhood. You can help as a class leader, as one of the Marketplace shopkeepers, or any area you are interested.

WEAR RED MAY 24TH FOR PENTECOST! On Sunday, May 24, we encourage you to join us in painting the sanctuary RED by wearing a RED piece of clothing to worship. This ancient practice comes from the tradition of linking the color RED with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

You can read about Pentecost in the Bible, Acts 2.

On May 24th, Pentecost Sunday, we will recognize those members who will reach the 50 year membership mark in 2015. Letters have been sent out to the individuals we have identified to reach this milestone this year. If 2015 is your 50th year of membership at EvUCC and you have not received a letter, please contact the church office this week.

The Women’s Guild will be meeting on Tuesday, June 2nd at 9:00. It will be our annual breakfast meeting, furnished by the Guild. Our speaker will be Darren Ro0ttmann, who will tell us about his work at Shriner’s Hospital making prosthesis for children with missing limbs.

Sign-up in the Narthex by May 28th. The Board will meet on June 1st at 9:00 to set-up for the breakfast.

Baby Bottle Boomerang – Relevant Pregnancy Options Center invites you to take a bottle with you and return the filled bottle by Father’s Day, June 21. By filling a bottle with dollars, coins, or a check you will help provide Options, Support, Education, for teens, women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Upcoming Events
May 24 – 50 Year Member Recognition
May 31 – unMute 737 – Relay for Life Ribbon Hanging in Highland

This Week’s Schedule

Sunday: 7:00 p.m. AA

Monday: E-Lines Articles Due
7:00 a.m. Quilters
10:00 a.m. Care Givers
7:00 p.m. Peppermint Preschool Graduation
Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. Wee Care/Peppermint Board Meeting
7:00 p.m. Peppermint Preschool 3’s Program
8:00 p.m. AA
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Bell Choir Practice
6:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Practice
Thursday: 6:00 p.m. Mission Board
7:00 p.m. Consistory
Friday: 8:00 p.m. AA/Al-Anon
Worship Memorials/Honorariums to the Glory of God

The Radio Ministry is in memory of B. Diane Driemeyer and Coreen from John and Family.

The Bulletin Ministry is in memory of Kay Steiner Kerin from Dorothy Steiner.