New Library

Tour of Watson House 1.30pm & Marsden House 1.45pm

Attendance: Russell& Kate Symonds, Nigel & Wendy Wass, Kate Rogers, Paul Woodhart, Judy Elias, Heather Cozens, Jayne Cobden, Stewart Ross, Beck Hurley, Carolyn Grant, Peter Miller, Christine Hawke, John Morris, Gillian McAllister, Eliot Sanger, Mike & Diane Quaife, James Butt, Doreen Keech, Brian & Maree Plummer, Ian & Jane Menzies.

Apologies: Peter & Cindy Radinoff, Tamara Wilcox, Peter & Trish Loder, Danny Cobden, Grant Keech, Rachel Trounson

Meeting Commenced 2.10pm

Motion:“ That the Minutes from the P&F Meeting dated 23rd October, 2010 be accepted and endorsed as read”

Moved: Russell Symonds Seconded :Doreen Keech CARRIED

Business Arising :

  • The mirrors in one bathroom in the Lyon Wing have been replaced as requested.

Moved: Carolyn Grant Seconded:Jane Menzies


In :Nil

Out: Thanks to whole school P&F for financial support for the kitchen

Presidents Report: Mr Brian Plummer

  • Timely communication & explanation to parents regarding day & boarding matters especially any changes should be a priority
  • Thanks to John Morris for attending and for keeping the linkage between day & boarding families
  • Thanks to Mike Quaife for purchasing & installing the soap dispensers in 7-10 bathrooms
  • Thanks to Paula Elbourne for organisation of the successful City/Country Program
  • Report on Watson Kitchen, process of application explained and thanks to John Morris & whole school P&F. Rosemary keen to teach the boys to cook. Installation on 29th March
  • Thanked Jayne for taking on fundraising role, we need new ideas for fundraising
  • New Ag Teacher who is very enthusiastic and keen to promote Ag in the school.
  • Thanked Peter for no increase in boarding fees in 2011, very much appreciated.
  • Thanks to Charlie Hall for the neat & tidy school grounds
  • Request to parents to let the school or Executive know about any upcoming events in your region for promotional reasons.

Treasurer’s Report:Mrs Jayne Cobden (onDanny’sbehalf) Signatures have now been changed.

WatsonKitchen:WholeSchoolP&F:$4,999.00(KelsoKitchens)BoardingP&F:$4,103.50(KelsoKitchens)BoardingP&F: $2,395(whitegoods- Retravision)

FinanceforWatsonKitchen approved Moved: Mike Quaife Seconded: Nigel Wass

Pastoral Care Report: Father Paul

  • Explanation of the Pastoral Care Process and the people involved in the welfare of students

Head of College Report: Mr Peter Miller

  • Excellent 2010 HSC Results
  • P&F Office space is available
  • Student enrolments have grown by 20 students this year
  • Meet & Greets in 2011- Ten are planned for this year (mostly in Semester 1) Thanks to the outstanding work of Roz Cox and Paula Elbourne (voluntarily) We will be visiting Canberra, Sydney, Mudgee, O’Connell, Young, Cowra, West Wyalong, Nyngan, Dubbo and Millthorpe. Promotion through local media is planned for each place. “ Word-of-mouth” continues to be the most important method of promoting the school.
  • Will conduct personal interviews with every Yr 11 & 12 student this year

Head of Boarding & Watson Report: Mr Eliot Sanger

  • Welcomed Gill- wealth of experience
  • Restructuring- Junior & Senior boys- adjusting to the new dynamics
  • Information on new boarding families & numbers, staff, house matron, facilities, maintenance, improvements, challenges and chapel etc
  • Keen to promote leadership in boarding – meet fortnightly with the leadership group, leaders play key role on a Sunday evening and involved in activity on first weekend.
  • Activity on first weekend was a great success
  • Question was asked about new dress code requirement for chapel. Confusion about what was acceptable and not acceptable. Lengthy discussion- with parents to be advised of the final outcome.
  • Question was asked about the locking of doors on sport afternoons. Highlighted that boarders have been locked out for 10-15 minutes, as they had been released from sport earlier than they should have been. Peter will raise this with the sporting managers and coaches- as they should have responsibility of their teams until 4.45 pm.

Head of Marsden House:Mrs Gillian McAllister

  • Keen to make some improvements in girls boarding. Identified the need for new mattresses as some have springs protruding, this to be looked into by Eliot & Gill.
  • Information on new girls, settling in, facilities, maintenance, junior common room and cleaning of the inside of cupboards, phones, wardrobes, ceiling fans, heat in summer etc
  • Internal & external locks have been changed & new alarm system to be fitted.
  • Question asked about the use of laptops and the handing in of laptops and mobile phones for those in Years 7 to 11. At this stage, even though the girls have been told it will happen, no clear decision has been made as to whether or not laptops will or won’t be handed in. Again highlighted the need for better communication between boarding staff and families- as the change to procedures has caused some angst.
  • Discussion on airconditioning in the upstairs part of Marsden. Would be good to do something for the girls boarding as intended, given new kitchen in Watson. Nigel Wass to look into.

General Business

  • Russell Symonds spoke about theCondoblin Function
  • Communication-Brian Plummer highlighted that a number of issues discussed during the meeting could have been avoided with better and earlier communications between interested parties.
  • MaintenanceSchedual-Nigel Wass provided an update highlighting that many of the jobs in boarding houses are minor and theneed for a fortnightly maintenance schedual ( imperative that it is checked)

Thankyou for attending Meeting closed: 4.30pm Afternoon Tea