February 6, 1999 Clemson University

Ways and Means

Innovative Support For Schools of Architecture

We are all well aware of the financial constraints politicians and legislators have placed on universities in recent years. As a result, this year, we hope to define specific ways in which SC/NCARB and its member boards can assist schools of architecture financially.

8:30 am Registration and Coffee Bell South Auditorium, The Madren Center

9:00 am Welcome & Introductions: Alan Baldwin, Vice Chair, SC/NCARB

Welcome to Clemson: Dean James Barker

9:30 am First Panel Discussion: Architects in Practice

What One Thing could SC/NCARB do to assist Schools in Educating Architects

(in the area of public health, safety and welfare)?

Moderator: Kevin Montgomery Obrien/Atkins Architects, Raleigh, NC

Panelists: Sheryl McAfee (Charles F. McAfee Architects, Atlanta, GA); Marshall Clarke (Marshall Clarke Architects, Greenville, SC); Alan Baldwin (Freeman White Architects, Charlotte, NC); Peter Samton, FAIA (Gruzen Samton Architects, New York,NY); Steve Usry (Usry Wolfe Koll Architects, Myrtle Beach, SC); James Tschupp (City of Raleigh Building Inspection Dept., Raleigh, NC)

10:30 am Refreshment Break

10:45 am Second Panel Discussion: Deans representing School of Architecture

What One Thing could SC/NCARB do to assist Schools in Educating Architects

(In the area of public health, safety and welfare?)

Moderator: Rodner Wright Florida A & M University

Panelists: Robert McCarter (University of Florida); James Barker (Clemson University); Marleen K. Davis (University of Tennessee); Chris Saccopoulos (Louisiana State University); David Moheny (University of Kentucky)

11:45 am Lunch - Relocate to Clemson University School of Architecture - Lee Hall

12:45 Lyles Auditorium, Lee Hall

Overview of College: Dean James Barker

Presentation: New Architecture Curriculum Jose Caban

Presentation: Health Care Facilities Program David Allison

1:45 pm Keynote Address Harvey Gantt

Advancing The NCARB Mission (to protect the public health, safety and welfare) in the Political Arena

2:30 pm Return to Madren Center and Short Break Ballroom A

2:45 pm Third Panel Discussion: Executive Directors and Legal Counsel

Statutory Constraints and SC/NCARB Board Funding for Schools of Architecture

Moderator: Jan Simpson South Carolina

Panelists: Kathleen Hansinger (NC); Karen Owen (MS); Cindy Gainey (AL); Teeny Simmons (LA); Noel Allen (Legal Counsel, SC/NCARB)

3:30 pm Round Table Discussion: SC/NCARB Action Plan: Providing Financial Support for Architectural Education

Moderator: Vance Travis Tennessee Board of Architecture

Panelists: John Wyle (GA Board); Fabian Patin (SC/NCARB Regional Director); Richard Barrow (AL Board); Charles Hight (Dean, University of NC/Charlotte); Marvin Malecha ( Dean, NC State University); Raj Sehgal (Assoc. Dean, Tuskegee University)

4:20 Conference Summary - Steve Usry (Southern Conference Chair)

4:30 pm ADJOURN Revised 2/3/99