Alternative Work Pattern –Guidance

The following points should be borne in mind when dealing with queries related to AWP allocations:

  • The purpose of an AWP payment is to recognise the most disruptive working patterns. Therefore the starting point is that AWP is only applicable to services, specific roles and employees whose working pattern requires them to operate on a 24/7 – 365 days a year basis with the requirement to provide a service on Christmas Day. If service doesn’t open on Christmas day (ieLibraries / Leisure Centres) then the role will not be eligible for an AWP.
  • The AWP levels allocated to the roles have been determined by examination of the service’s and individual employee’s recent rosteredworking patterns.
  • The AWP level is based on each individual’s contractual requirement to work a disruptive work pattern. However if an employee has a rolewithin a 365 day service but they personally are rosteredto only work weekends or only work weekdays and don’t work beyond 23:00 their role will not qualify for an AWP.
  • To recognise their commitment to service users and the disruptive impact this has on their personal life an AWP will be payable to those who are required to work at weekends, through Christmas and on at least two bank holidays during the year.
  • AWP Levels range from 1 – 4 and are detailed in the MKC Alternative Work Pattern Guidance document.
  • The AWP’s allocated have been verified by line managers and managers are responsible for ensuring that the appropriate level is awarded.
  • Line managers are expected to be able to deal with questions about the level of AWP awarded in the first instance if the employee believes the level allocated to their role is wrong or they believe their role should have been allocated an AWP and it has not been.
  • If a line manager is of the view that an employee’s role should get an AWP they will need to evidence this by providing the employee’s full rota cycle (i.e. two week /four week / six week cycle etc.), confirming that the service is 24/7 – 365 days and indicating the level of AWP they believe the role attracts. Managers should do this by e-mailing the Pay Review Inbox and include within that e-mail authorisation from the appropriate manager as detailed below.

The Managers who verified the AWP’s are as follows:

Gerry Fitzpatrick / Short Breaks (Learning Disabilities)
Anne Walker / Sheltered Housing with Care
Belinda Giannetto / Kilkenny House
Kevin Williams / Community Support
Michelle Smith / Reablement & Hospital Discharge
Trish Hunter / Homecare
Garry Lake / FAST
Linda Watts / Intermediate Care
Anne Roberts / Furze House
Janice Beaton / Flowers House
Paul Barton / Control Centre
Estea Fourie / Westminster House
Joint Mental Health / Richard Morris

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