Article One.


This is a true story about healing. I was approached regarding the situation in Nocton Wood in Lincolnshire. The story I was given was that several girls, independently of one another, had experienced a feeling of malaise, when walking through a certain section of this wood.

My cousin Dermot told me about it and expressed a desire to take me there to see if I would notice anything untoward, as he had not, but clearly did not think the girls were making it up.

Well, it was not convenient to travel across the country and spend the time away from my home in Chester to go and have a look at it, but working on the basis that time and space both belong to the illusions of this reality, I decided I could help from a distance. So I asked for photos and a map of the area. I did not guarantee success, but felt that nothing ventured was nothing gained.

Dermot was extremely helpful, sending me not only a map, on which the track where the trouble was he had clearly marked, but also no less than 13 photographs of the path and trees. Very thorough, I thought.

The area was steeped in history. There was a Roman canal not far away and also the ruins of an ancient abbey to the north east. The track concerned ran on a South-East/North-West line, so was probably used by those travelling to and from the abbey long ago.

Having only had limited experience of clearing places of negative forces in this particular lifetime of mine, I decided to give myself all the help I could. So on 3/11/11, I took a selection of carefully chosen crystals and placing them on the map, I programmed them appropriately to achieve the best possible result. I lit a candle to hold the Light and a sage stick to assist with cleansing the energies. One of my aims was to send the wood healing.

As soon as I started to look with my inner eye, I saw a wild ferocious looking band of men approaching the track from the trees on either side of it. They were armed with whatever primitive weapons they had been able to lay their hands on, such as pickaxes, knives and daggers etcetera. They raced through the trees at the appropriate moment to successfully ambush a small party of peaceful travellers heading North West towards the abbey. These travellers consisted of a lady in a small carriage with two male escorts and the driver, as well as three hunting dogs that were running along beside them. The bandits were such a fearsome and dirty-looking bunch of men, that I felt they may well have been living rough in the woods. The travellers, on the other hand, were relatively well dressed in the clothes of their times, which included a long dress for the lady.

The bandits screamed and shouted as they attacked, having no scruples whatsoever. As they hacked the men to death, the lady was made to watch. She was physically restrained by two of the ruffians from trying to run towards her friends. She was clearly in love with one of them, and would have done anything she could to save him with complete disregard for her own safety.

I perceived her love as a huge white bubble of energy bursting out of her heart towards this man. One of the attackers even started to chew the raw meat off one of the bones of her beloved before her very eyes. The lady had effectively been forced to watch every brutal act they indulged in. She was severely traumatised.

I did not realise that she had not moved on into the Light after this event, until she gave me her name, “Elisabeth”. Meanwhile, I had already placed a column of Light over the area for the transmutation of the residual dark energies, which were part of creating the bad atmosphere in the area. The negative energies and emotions, including the terror, could exit this dimension by means of the Light column. This shaft of Light would also serve for Elisabeth to make her way to the dimension of Light in which she now belonged. At this point, however, she was not ready or willing to leave, and I had other things to do. So knowing from the start that this could easily take three days for me to complete, for my guides had told me so, I decided to continue the following day.

4/11/11. It seemed to me that I had to help Elisabeth. I was quickly aware of her presence with me and she volunteered the information that she was feeling much better. It occurred to me that this was because at last she had been able to tell someone a little about the terrible events of long ago. I could not help noticing what a beautiful soul she was. There was such a generous side to her nature. Then I seemed to make no more progress, so I followed my intuition and started to sing for her to help her leave. It did not work that way. Instead of leaving, she started to show me more things. Part of it was how, while she was being held back from her beloved by the men, she saw to her horror how the hunting dogs were starting to lick up the spilt human blood from the ground. She could barely believe her eyes. To her, it meant that their own hunting dogs were now devouring her most highly cherished loved one! Her eyes were widened, full of fright. I had wondered why my attention had kept being drawn to these dogs. I have no idea what became of them, but now I saw how their presence and behaviour had contributed to her emotional trauma.

Next, I became conscious of the huge guilt she felt, as though she thought she should have been able to prevent all this but had failed. In addition to seeing the word “guilt” in big letters shown to me, I saw how it manifested itself as a large grey heavy lump just in front of Elisabeth’s solar plexus. Why she thought it was her fault was not revealed to me until a little later. First, she explained how, as though looking for a suitable form of penance for herself, she had taken on the task of trying to warn other women not to go there. She did not want any of them to suffer watching the kind of slaughter she had just seen, or enter into such danger themselves. She felt she must do all in her power to prevent history repeating itself. It seems that this journey to the abbey was to have been for her benefit, not for that of the men. That and the fact that she knew there might be bandits around was why she felt it was all her fault for having let the men take her where she wanted to go.

I stopped singing in order to explain to her that the danger of such an attack there was long past. The men responsible had been dead for many long years now, and all people could pass in peace. I also told her how it would be a good idea for her to move on into the Light where she could receive healing for herself. Others could now walk safely through the woods.

I wondered if any or all of the men had raped her before she died. I received no affirmative for that. Instead, I saw how once the men had been so cruelly slaughtered, they beheaded her with an axe. This was not what I had expected to see. I thought they might have chopped her up into little bits as well. I felt hatred and anger amongst these slayers of men. Their unfortunate victims had felt the full force of it. Again I tried to guide Elisabeth up the Light shaft to the Light, but I could not see her going. It was inconclusive.

I sent healing to the woods again and observed how delighted the fairies living there were, as I watched a dark cloud of negative energies rising upwards into the Light and leave the wood. Then, I decided to leave the matter for the day and check it out again the following morning.

5/11/11. I made it the first job of the day to go and complete the healing work of the last two days. I wanted to see this finished. Elisabeth might have left, but I had my doubts. I had given her plenty of opportunities, but she always seemed to stay. I felt we needed to dialogue again to help her fully understand her situation and give her more healing before she was really ready to go.

I stood in the middle of my healing room, having lit the candle and the sage with map and crystals still in place on the table. There she was, sitting in “my” chair ready and waiting for me. I had been going to sit in it myself, but as I did not like to disturb her, I decided to leave her where she was and remained on my feet.

Remembering how the healing sounds (singing) had helped start the conversation the previous day, I began to sing. I felt it was her feeling of guilt that needed dealing with, for it was that which held her here for her self-inflicted “penance” of warning others not to walk in Nocton Wood, or at least not just there. I asked her the question, “Would you have let those men take you there, if you had known what would become of you all?” “No”. “Then you did nothing you thought could possibly be wrong, so how can you be guilty of anything?” She got my point immediately and realised she was ready to go. However, I persuaded her to stay long enough to connect with the spirit of her beloved and see how much he still loved her and held her responsible for nothing. He wanted to forget and forgive and held her in his arms.

Now, I thought she was ready, and as the tones I was channelling began to go very deep, I saw her ascending up the shaft of Light waiving good bye to me. There would have been no stopping her. I queried the low notes for helping her go upwards, but my American-Indian guide told me that in his past life, they had often used these sounds to help departing spirits. It certainly worked for Elisabeth! There was no holding her back!

The emptiness I sensed in the healing room following her departure was profound. I wondered, on reflection, if I should have checked whether or not she had managed to forgive her attackers, as this was an important part of healing the whole situation. However, she left in such a hurry that I had not thought of it in time. She would have to get any further healing she required in the realm she had gone to. So to finish the job, I decided to send more healing sounds for joy and Light to Nocton Wood, where I wanted those who frequented it to feel uplifted and pass through the trees with a light and easy step.

I was quite certain there was no more for me to do, as one of my healing guides told me I could dismantle the little shrine I had made of crystals, candle and sage with the map.The feeling of completion was wonderful. I was alone in the room… no spirit guides and no Elisabeth.

As soon as I had finished writing it, I sent the above account of my activities to Dermot and his wife Erica. I had no idea what they would make of it, but suggested that Erica could go out on a mission to see if she still found the woods unwelcoming, or could she tell any difference. (She was one of the “girls” referred to at the beginning of this article.)

Erica thanked me and commented, “What a fascinating insight into Elizabeth's experience. We will go and walk there in the next day or so to see if the atmosphere has changed. Funny you should mention the dogs, as we heard a dog barking with no obvious explanation on one walk.”

Erica’s Report. “Thanks so much for the work you have done. It seems to have really made a difference.On Thursday morning, 10 Nov, I went for a walk with a friend who had never been into the wood before. I did not feel the usual sinister feeling along this particular part of track, in fact it felt very peaceful.I asked my friend, as a totally independent witness, how she felt. And she immediately said,“Tranquil and peaceful.”The dogs we had with us also seemed very happy and settled. We all had a lovely walk and I experienced none of the dark feelings that I had had on previous occasions. So my only conclusion is that via your healing, the spirit of Elizabeth must have left the wood for good.”

Meanwhile, Dermot, who took far more interest in all this than I had ever anticipated, did his own research. He wanted to know who Elisabeth was and asked if I had an idea of when she was on her travels, in case it fitted in with any historical notes. I had had a sense that it took place in the Middle Ages, but I gather that covers a great many years. I based that supposition on a gut feeling and the clothes they were wearing, such as her long dress. Dermot replied,

“It would seem that for men to be living rough in these woods, there must have been some sort of war or rebellion going on. There was a rebellion in 1470 as part of the Wars of the Roses, but my view is that the Lincolnshire Rising of 1536 is more likely to be the event that caused Elisabeth’s party to be attacked. The Rising was related to the closure by Henry VIII of the monasteries, and the close proximity of Nocton Abbey would seem to be more than just a coincidence. You can read about it by googling Lincolnshire Rising.” Later he wrote;

“I hope Erica has now emailed you with her news. It would seem that you have done it. Well done.It was important to have an independent person to verify the change; otherwise I would be concerned that we were imagining it.”