The aim of Downpatrick School of Lifesaving is to improve personal swimming ability, develop lifesaving skills, and increase self confidence and enjoyment of swimming for all members. To this end the Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its members. Anyone associated with the club must, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of all members.


·  A long blast of the whistle means STOP-LOOK-LISTEN

·  Member must respect the coaches and officials who are giving their time and expertise voluntarily.

·  Members must be on time for sessions so as not to disrupt the smooth running of the club.

·  Swimming is a particularly hazardous activity. No-one is permitted to enter the water or pool area unless instructed to do so by a teacher.

·  Membership fees must be paid when due (i.e. 1st September). Unpaid fees will result in an inability to partake in water activities and cancelled membership.

·  Members will respect and care for all property, equipment and facilities owned by the Club, Down Leisure Centre and any other member, ensuring it does not endanger any other person.

·  No jewellery, unsuitable clothing or footwear must be worn during practical sessions.

·  The use of goggles is discouraged as it is a health risk to the wearer and those they may be rescuing

·  It is essential that all safety rules are adhered to. Members must abide by the Codes of Conduct off the club.

·  The use of alcohol or drugs is completely forbidden. Chewing gum is also forbidden as it may be a choking hazard.


·  Blow nose, use toilet and wash hands before any pool activities.

·  Use the shower and foot bath before and after using the pool.

·  Any foot, skin disease or running sore should be cleared by a doctor before using pool.

·  All accidents (however small) must be reported to lane teacher and designated club first aider. all accidents must be recorded ( forms available from club secretary)


·  Members swim for enjoyment and to improve performance, not just to please their parents or coach.

·  Where rules apply, members must abide by them.

·  All members must accept the decision of teachers’, coaches’ or officials’.

·  Members will control their emotions and ensure self-discipline at all times.

·  Members will be 'Good Sports' congratulating all good, performance, whether it is our club or other.

·  Members will work hard for themselves and other members of their group.

·  Members will treat all other members, as they themselves would like to be treated. They, will not bully, belittle or take unfair advantage of any other member.



·  During training sessions or competitions swimmers should avoid actions which may bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Members have a responsibility to report anyone whose conduct is likely to bring the Club into disrepute.

·  Members should abide by the Club Constitution and rules of the sport, and uphold high standards of fair play and sportsmanship

·  Members should respect the rights and dignity and worth of all, and treat everyone with equality

·  Members should show respect and never overtly criticise officials or helpers.

·  Members should have due regard for their personal appearance, language, and respect equipment and facilities.

·  Members should wear club colours or national costume in competition.


·  Swimmers should always partake in appropriate warm-up and cool-down as advised by a coach of Downpatrick School of Lifesaving in order to prepare the body for exercise and to prevent injury.

·  Members should always ensure safety guidelines issued by Downpatrick School of Lifesaving coaches are upheld when using equipment

·  Members should report any discrepancies in equipment or facilities to a Downpatrick School of Lifesaving coach or helper in order to protect themselves and others e.g. in the event of finding dangerous objects (glass, broken tiles etc.) in swimming or changing area.

Injury or Illness

·  Members should inform an official or coach of any illness before, during or after an activity whether it is to themselves or others. Swimmers should never be afraid to stop an activity if they are feeling unwell or unable to continue.

·  Members should avoid any type of training when injured unless advised otherwise by qualified personnel.

Club Subscriptions

·  Members should not use the pool until he/she has registered & paid the subscription.(This is an insurance requirement)

·  Members who fail to pay are not insured, and therefore cannot participate.

Younger Persons

·  Members should ensure that their parents know where they are at all times and what time training commences/ends.

·  ‘RED SHIRT’ Coaches (Children’s Safety Officers) are responsible for ensuring the safeguarding of members and should be consulted as when necessary.

Guidelines for Parents of Younger Swimmers

·  Parents should always collect younger Members on time or inform the club coaches/officials if they are unable to do so.

·  If a concern is raised about any of the Club activities the Club Officials should be informed as soon as possible.

·  Classes start at 8.30am. Parents should ensure their child arrives punctually for training sessions, and inform a member of the coaching staff if their child is going to miss training.

·  ‘RED SHIRT’ Coaches are Designated Child Protection Officers .

Failure to abide by the membership Rules may result in disciplinary action and expulsion from the Club.