2018 Membership Renewal Form

Name / Race Number
(if applicable)
FAI Licence Number (enclosed if not already renewed)
Home Tel
Mobile Tel
e-mail is the preferred method for circulating news and entry information
I, the undersigned, agree and acknowledge that I shall comply with and shall be bound by the rules of the RAeCRRRA.
Signed / Date

General Data Protection Regulation

All information provided is used solely in connection with the activities of the Association and may be shared with the Royal Aero Club and the Federation Aeronautique Internationale for use in licence applications and publicity.

We would like to send you information about our Association and its activities by post, email and telephone. If you agree to being contacted in this way, please tick the relevant boxes.

Post / Email / Phone
Signature / Date

Categories of Membership

No. / Category / Description / Fee Due
1 / New Race Pilot / £175. Includes FAI and annual membership. One weekend (2 races). Subsequent races £255 per weekend capped at £1175.
Includes voting rights / £175
2 / Annual Race Pilot / £1175. Includes entry to all races in year, FAI and annual membership.
Includes voting rights / £1175
3 / Full Member / £75. Any person participating in racing as a navigator, any non-flying committee member or race official.
Includes voting rights / £75
4 / Race Pilot / £255 per race weekend capped at £1175, no limit on number of races + £175 annual membership.
Includes voting rights. / £255
5 / Social Member / £10.Any person wishing to participate in club organised dinners or non-flying events.
Cannot participate in racing or airside duties and cannot be a member of the committee or a race official.
No voting rights / £10
6 / Honorary Member / No charge. Allocation of this category is at the discretion of the Committee.
Includes voting rights / No charge
7 / Voluntary Assistant / £1 per annum. For any person working on behalf of the 3rs, particularly at an air race weekend. / £1

Notes on the Membership Fee and the “Membership Year”

  1. The Membership Year runs from the 1st January to 31st December.
  2. New Race Pilot members pay £175. This payment includes the initial FAI licence issue of £45 and entrance to their first race weekend. Participation in further races requires payment of £255 per weekend, capped at £1175. New race pilots may join as Category 2 Annual Race Pilot Members if they prefer.
  3. Previous Race Pilot members, or current Non-Race Pilot members, who have not raced with the RAeC RRRA for at least three years may join again as Category 1 New Race Pilots.
  4. Existing or lapsed members, who wish to recommence racing but who are not paid up Race Pilot members will be required to pay the Race Pilot membership fee in Category 2.
  5. It is assumed that all members have acquainted themselves with Rule 44 of the current RAeC RRRA Rules. All members MUST sign and date this Membership Renewal form.

Payment Terms

There are two methods of payment as follows:

(1)Online –Royal Aero Club Records Racing & Rally Association Account Number

51183524 – Sort Code 40.41.28. Please quote your name and race number.

Email Joanne Turner () after making payment.

(2)By cheque - Please make cheques payable to Royal Aero Club Records Racing &

Rally Association or Royal Aero Club RRRA.

The following payment arrangements using the Standing Order procedure may be used for members in Category 2 provided the Secretary receives the initial payment and the completed mandate form before 31 March 2018 – cheque for £275.00 and an authorised Standing Order mandate which will pay £150.00 on the 1 April and every month up to and including 1 September 2018 (a total of 6 payments - £900).

(c) Payment by Standing Order will not be acceptable if the initial £275.00 and the completed Standing Order mandate form are not received by the Secretary before 31March2018.

Non-payment of membership dues will render a pilot ineligible for race entry and any allocated race number may be released and re-used. Race pilots who do not intend to race but may wish to retain their race number should contact the Secretary for details of the procedure to be followed.

Please return this form, together with your chequeand Standing Order Mandate form, if applicable, to:

Joanne Turner


Royal Aero Club Records Racing & Rally Association

6 Haldon Way


S81 7RZ




Standing Order Mandate

To: / The Manager
Racers Bank name:
Racers Bank address:
Please pay: / Royal Aero Club RRRA
For the credit of: / Royal Aero Club Records Racing & Rally Association

Account Number

Sort Code




The sum of (in numbers and words): / £150 (One hundred and fifty pounds)
Commencing on the 1st day of April 2018 and thereafter every month up to and including 1st September 2018 debit my account accordingly: -
Account name to be debited:
Account number
Sort code