November 14, 2016 (9:00 AM) BROOKDALE DROP IN


The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of North Cypress-Langford held on Tuesday, November 14, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. at the Brookdale Drop In Centre with Reeve Bob Adriaansen and Councillors Norm Campbell, Gerond Davidson, Ray Drayson, Don Hockin, Fred Jackson and Harold Tolton and Sandra Jones, CAO, present. Also present: Gloria Mott.

1.  Calling meeting to order

#1 Be It Resolved That the meeting be convened at 9:00 a.m. with Reeve Bob Adriaansen in the Chair.

Moved by: R. Drayson Seconded by: N. Campbell “Carried”

2.  Adoption of Agenda

#2 Be It Resolved That the agenda for the regular meeting of November 14, 2016 be adopted as circulated.

Moved by: D. Hockin Seconded by: G. Davidson “Carried”

3.  Adoption of Minutes

#3 Be It Resolved That the minutes for the regular meeting of October 11th and joint meeting of October 24th be adopted as circulated.

Moved by: N. Campbell Seconded by: H. Tolton “Carried”

4.  Delegations/Planning Matters

#4 Be It Resolved That Council adjourn its regular meeting for the purpose of holding a public hearing regarding applications for conditional use and variance orders.

Moved by: R. Drayson Seconded by: H. Tolton “Carried”

9:10 am Conditional Use application CU09-16 – Brad & Brenda Wells on SE 30-12-14 WPM

9:15 am Variation application V12-16 – Brad & Brenda Wells on SE 30-12-14 WPM

9:20 am Conditional Use application CU10-16 – NetSet Communications, for Bray Farms Ltd, on PT NE 20-14-15

#5 Be It Resolved That the public hearing regarding conditional use and variance orders be adjourned and that the regular meeting of Council resume.

Moved by: D. Hockin Seconded by: R. Drayson “Carried”

9:30 am - Wayne Hildebrand presented to Council some conservation corridor concerns adjacent to his property, specifically in regards to a neighbor’s mowing & disregard of the area. He suggested Council should actively enforce the conservation corridor by-law, a permit system which allows mowing when it is agreed by council. Council, after investigating the matter including interviewing neighbours, do not feel there is a case to be enforced. They will follow up with Mr. Hildebrand regarding their findings.

9:45 am - Staff Sergeant Clint Wikander presented his quarterly crime report to Council’s attention. He brought out that 91 speeding tickets had been issued in two days near the intersection of hwys.1 & 5, where the speed limit changes from 110 to 100 km/hr. There have been 194 more traffic tickets issued this quarter compared to the last quarter. Many areas, such as 911 calls, assaults & thefts have shown a decline. Overall the stats are good. Sergeant Wikander also explained that although the detachment shares information with the Conservation Dept., both organizations have limited resources. He also reported when asked about the availability of drugs in Brandon that there is an abundance, including Fentanyl.

RC09-16 NCL Acadia Road Crossing

#6 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve application 09-16NCL requesting installation of an 8” irrigation water line and associated electrical service line originating in the SW of 22-12-14W (Acadia Holding), crossing Road 69N approx. 100 ft. west of the center quarter section and proceeding to NW 15-12-14W (3944230 MB Ltd.). The pipeline proceeds to SE 15-12-14WPM (3944230 MB Ltd.) and then crosses road 80W about a 1000 ft. south of the center quarter section line and terminates in SW 14-12-14W (Acadia Holding) Installation to be approved subject to conditions being met for the required Easement Agreement between the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and Acadia Holding Co. Ltd. with 3944230 MB Ltd. as a Third Party.

Moved by: F. Jackson Seconded by: R. Drayson “Carried”

RC10-16 NCL Acadia Road Crossing

#7 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve application 10-16NCL requesting installation of an 8” irrigation water line and associated electrical service line originating at NW 22-11-14W (Acadia Holding) and proceeding to NE 22-11-14W (Acadia Holding) where it then crosses Road Allowance 64N approx. 100 ft. east of the center quarter section line and terminates in SE 27-11-14W (Acadia Holding). Installation to be approved subject to conditions being me for the required Easement Agreement between the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and Acadia Holding Co. Ltd.

Moved by: H. Tolton Seconded by: G. Davidson “Carried”

Feldman Re: Road Closures

5.  Reception of Petitions

None noted

6.  Finance and Accounts

#8 Be It Resolved that the Financial Statement for October 2016 be referred to Council.

Moved by: F. Jackson Seconded by: R. Drayson “Carried”

#9 Be It Resolved that the accounts, cheque no. 21703 to cheque no. 21851, totaling $7,217,855.01 and direct deposits be approved for payment.

Moved by: F. Jackson Seconded by: R. Drayson “Carried”

7.  By-laws

None noted

8.  Unfinished Business

a)  Resolutions from joint meeting:

#10 Be It Resolved That Council authorize Keith Loney to attend the MWSA Fall Seminar on Dec.7-9, 2016 in Winnipeg, MB. Costs to include room rate of $119.00/night plus taxes, mileage & meals.

And Further that costs to be shared 50/50 between the Mun. of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry.

Moved by: G. Davidson Seconded by: H. Tolton “Carried”

#11 Be It Resolved That Council authorize Sandra Jones, Grady Stephenson, Lin Mann & Jamie MacGregor to attend the Marquis Event - MMAA Session on Nov. 3 & 4, 2016 in Winnipeg, MB. Costs to include $299.00 - members, $349.00 - non-members, hotel rate, mileage & meals.

And Further that costs to be shared 50/50 between the Mun. of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry.

Moved by: D. Hockin Seconded by: N. Campbell “Carried”

#12 Be It Resolved That Council accept the Employee Appreciation proposed guidelines as presented:

5 years of service: $25.00 gift certificate & a polo shirt with Town/Municipality logo (cost approx. $30.00)

10 years of service: $50.00 gift certificate & hooded 3 season jacket with Town/Municipality logo (cost approx. $80/jacket - two colors)

15 years of service: $75.00 gift certificate & tickets to a minor event (ex. Wheat Kings/MB Moose or WMCA event)

20 years of service: Tickets to a major event in Winnipeg (ex. Wpg. Jets)

25 years of service: Watch/jewelry with Town/Municipality logo & 100 Gift Card

30+ years of service: To be decided

And Further that costs be shared 50/50 between the Mun. of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry for joint employees and each Town/Municipal employee specifically.

Moved by: R. Drayson Seconded by: N. Campbell “Carried”

9.  General Business

(a)  Conditional Use and Variance Order Decision

#13 WHEREAS Council has received an application by Brad & Brenda Wells for conditional use on the property legally described as SE 30-12-14 WPM;

Be It Resolved That Council allow a conditional use order for the establishment of a 4.25 acre single family rural non-farm dwelling site “RNFD” located in an agricultural general rural district “AG”.

Moved by: G. Davidson Seconded by: N. Campbell “Carried”

#14 WHEREAS Council has received an application by Brad & Brenda Wells for variance on the property legally described as SE 30-12-14 WPM and located one mile west of Wellwood;

Be It Resolved That Council allow a variance from min. 5 acres to min. 4.25 acres to reduce the minimum site area allowing for creation of a rural non-farm dwelling site “RNFD” in an agricultural (general) district “AG”.

Moved by: R. Drayson Seconded by: D. Hockin “Carried”

#15 WHEREAS Council has received an application by NetSet Communications, for Bray Farms Ltd., for conditional use on the property legally described as PT NE 20-14-15 and located adjacent to southern boundary of the Town of Neepawa;

Be It Resolved That Council allow a conditional use order for the purpose of locating a 250 ft. internet communications tower on a leased parcel in the “AGR-Agriultural -Livestock Restricted Zone” subject to the following conditions:

1. That all required licenses, clearances, and permits be obtained for the erection of the tower and operation of the internet facility.

Moved by: F. Jackson Seconded by: D. Hockin “Carried”

(b)  Crimestoppers Annual request $200.00 (2014/13/12)

#16 Be It Resolved That Council donate $200.00 to Manitoba Crime Stoppers to assist in annual web site and office costs.

Moved by: N. Campbell Seconded by: R. Drayson “Carried”

(c) Annual Western District Bonspiel

(d) RM of Rosedale rural water supply system

(e) Sumner Co-Op Subdivision

#17 WHEREAS the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford previously adopted Resolution No.10 on April 11, 2016, approving the proposal to subdivided PT NW 26-14-15 (Sumner) File No. 4155-16-7643 subject to the following conditions:

1.  That a Conditional Use Order be granted.

2.  That a declaration of Easement be entered into for the use of the shared access.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Resolution No.10 be amended by removing condition no. 2 “That a declaration of Easement be entered into for the use of the shared access”.

Moved by: D. Hockin Seconded by: R. Drayson “Carried”

(f) Manitoba Good Roads Association – Banquet and Awards

#18 Be It Resolved That Council authorize a member of Council and/or Mun. Public Works to attend the Manitoba Good Roads Association Banquet and Awards Presentation in Winnipeg, MB on Tues., April 11, 2017 to accept the award for Most Improved Municipal Roads – Division B.

Moved by: N. Campbell Seconded by: F. Jackson “Carried”

(g) Crosswalk at Brookdale School

(h) Monument Survey and Restoration

(i) Blair & Marla Steen - Letter re. Water Pressure

(j) Regional Recreation – Request for Council Representative

#19 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council appoint as a representative from the Municipality to participate on a Neepawa Town Council Regional Recreation Steering Committee in order to explore possibilities that will enhance and improve recreation and leisure activities throughout the region.

Moved by: G. Davidson Seconded by: F. Jackson “Carried”

10.  Communications

From Subject

Sustainable Development National Disaster Mitigation Program

Veterinary Services Commission Annual Meeting Invitation

Gary Stevenson Signage at Brookdale

AMM Board Removal of Resolution 23/06

Sgt Morehouse RCMP Report

Carberry RCMP RCMP Report

11.  Notice of Motion

Reeve B. Adriaansen provided the notice of motion to be considered at the regular meeting of Council to review and reverse the decision that was made Sept. 13, 2016, to appoint Grady Stephenson as Operations Manager to read; appoint Grady Stephenson Operations Manager of Parks and Recreation and Joint Facilities to more accurately reflect his job description;

#20 WHEREAS the Councils of the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry have discussed and decided upon the appointment of Grady Stephenson at the joint meeting on Oct.24, 2016;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Grady Stephenson’s appointment be identified as Manager of Parks, Facilities & Sanitation.

Moved by: G. Davidson Seconded by: H. Tolton “Carried”

12.  Around the Table

#21 WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford authorize $1000.00 to be paid to the Doctor Recruitment program for the Neepawa Doctor Recruitment Program.

Moved by: D. Hockin Seconded by: G. Davidson “Carried”

#22 WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford hires Chris Winthrop as Equipment Operator commencing Nov. 7, 2016, wages set as per union agreement.

Moved by: R. Drayson Seconded by: N. Campbell “Carried”

13.  Adjournment

#23 Be It Resolved That the regular meeting of Council now adjourns at 11:25 a.m.

Moved by: H. Tolton Seconded by: R. Drayson “Carried”


Robert Adriaansen Sandra Jones

Reeve CAO