Whooping and Saying Something

*Celebration Conclusion*

(Recommending Jesus)


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Whooping and Saying Something

(Recommending Jesus)


am nobody special, but would you allow me to recommend to you someone who has come into my life, that I have found you can trust to the uttermost? Some call Him the Son of David, some call Him the son of man, others rejoice in His name Emmanuel, but I just love the name Jesus. This Jesus is able to turn Tragedy into Triumph; He can turn Trash into Treasure, He can turn Terror into Thanksgiving; He can turn Trembling into Trust, and He can turn our Trauma into Thrills.

He is Jesus Christ of Nazareth; Mary’s baby, The Immaculate Lamb of God, God come in human flesh.

He is the omnipresent, All-Present God; He is the Omnipotent, All-Powerful God; He is the Omniscient, All-Knowing God, and He is the Omnific, All-Creating God.

He is so Great that He can travel north, and meet Himself coming up out of the south.

He is so Powerful, that He reduced Power into hand size. For when He arose early on Easter Morning, coming up out of the grave, He declared “ALL POWER,” not some power; all power, not most power; all power, not certain power, but “ALL POWER, is in my Hand.”

He is so Self Assured, that He descended into Hades, disarmed Satan of his power, and Condemned Satan to death; then took the keys of Death, Hell, and the Grave, and said, “I am He that was dead, but now liveth,” no one goes into hell, no one comes out of hell except at my word.

And - “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:14).

If my people in every Home, and every Church; If my people in every village, hamlet and city; If my people in every state, nation and country; If my people in the jungle, if my people on their jobs, or if my people in the joints, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, turn from their wicked ways, I will hear, I will forgive and I will heal.

“What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and grieves to bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”

I recommend to you Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, The Lily of the Valley, The Bright and Morning Star; The Rose of Sheron; mankind’s Redeemer, mankind’s Lord, and mankind’s God.

Do you know Him? Do you know Him? Do you know Him? Amen.